
The skeleton warrior unleashes his skill and disappears out of thin air.

The next moment, a miserable wail sounded.

After only ten seconds, the clown monster was cool to the western sky.

After killing a mob, Lin Ye's face became slightly dignified.

The nightmare-level channel, just the mobs have reached the five-turn lv131 level.

Among them, the elite monsters, old monsters, and even bosses will probably reach the horror level of five turns full level 150.

This is just a nightmare-level channel!

The purgatory passage in the back, the passage of death.


Lin Ye took a deep breath

, could it be that the boss of the death passage will reach seven turns, enough strength for me to go all out?

Squinting his eyes slightly, Lin Ye did not intend to waste time.

Step into the sky, the first shot of the [Purple Thunder Sky Explosion] skill, and then another [Kill, Soul Shock] coverage.

The two shots of skill fell, and Lin Ye almost collapsed.

However, it is not yet to the point of exhaustion.

With a movement of his mind, Lin Ye released all the summoned objects and pushed them towards the deepest part of the copy.

This time, Lin Ye's progress was not fast, standing on the head of the bone dragon, quietly waiting for the recovery of physical and mental strength.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed, and Lin Ye finally came to the deepest part of the copy.

After two hours of recovery, he was also basically at his peak.

Both physical and mental strength are about to recover.

At this time, a low beast roar came from underground.

A hill not far in front of Lin Ye cracked little by little.


roar sounded, and a giant monster wearing golden armor, holding a steel fork and long horns on its head appeared.

The monster is covered in golden hair and is taller than the skeleton warrior.

On its thick nostrils, a golden nose ring is also worn.

Nightmare level channel, boss triggered.

[Golden Bull (BOSS)

] Level: LV150

Power: 108850

Defense: 112110

Agility: 78820

Skill: Ox Empty Step, Golden Bull Top [Bull Empty

Step]: Void Step, can walk in the void.

[Taurus Top]: Collision skill, when the skill is activated, the opponent can be locked for a short time, and within the lock time, the opponent's whole body cannot move, knowing that the impact skill is over.

"Lying groove, can't this skill be dodged?"

"If the defense is not strong, isn't it to see yourself being topped?"

Lin Ye was slightly startled

, "Moo~"

The golden bull looked up at Lin Ye standing on top of the bone dragon in the sky, and let out a low moo.

At the same time, hundreds of smaller golden cattle, holding golden steel forks and wearing armor, walked out through the cracked opening of the mountain.


Good fellow,"

Lin Ye glanced at the attributes of these hundreds of cow cubs, all of which were close to the level of five turns full.

"Niu Niu family, are they all dispatched?"

"Five turns full level, just try my new skills!"

Standing on top of the bone dragon's head, Lin Ye muttered.


The golden bull boss mooed.

Stepping on

, stepping into the air, he ran directly towards Lin Ye.

Stepping on the pedal

, hundreds of cow cubs raised their heads one after another, activated the [Ox Empty Step] skill, and roared madly towards the bone dragon above the air.

"Nima, the cows are all in the sky!"

Looking at the bulls in the sky, Lin Ye directly activated the skill.

"Skill, Spiritual Guidance!"

The hum~

launch method is almost the same as the effect of soul shock, and an invisible wave of qi spreads, instantly covering all cattle.

The boss Golden Bull who rushed to the front froze, and his body stopped in midair.


He threw away the golden steel fork in his hand, didn't know where to take out a rose and bit it in his mouth, twisted his waist, and danced.

Lin Ye didn't know that at this time, in the eyes of the golden bull boss, the heifer in the sky was all curled up in his ass.

The golden cow bit the rose, and a black soul body slowly floated up from its body.

"This is being ... Seduced the soul?

"Groove, what kind of dirty things are in this cow's mind!"

Lin Ye glanced at the armor that was lifted up under the golden bull, and looked strange.

Some of the calves behind the golden cow galloped above the void, like wild horses out of control.

Some strolled with their heads down and chewed from time to time, as if they were nibbling on green grass.

There are also cow cubs that climb on the back of other cows and push wildly.

The picture is not very elegant though.

But all the monsters had a black shadow floating on their bodies.

The black shadow did not last long, and after just a few seconds, it began to dissipate.

The cow cub rolled his eyes and fell from above the void.

Ten seconds later, the dancing golden bull boss black shadow dissipated, and its eyes showed a trace of human madness.

Full of love, full of reluctance, glanced at Lin Ye, and slowly fell.

"Alas, the boss of the ox day treats Lao Tzu as a cow?"

"Good fellow, this skill is really powerful!"

"If the enemy gives me such a shot, with my will, I will definitely not be able to bear it."

"Gee, I don't know if the top powerhouse who has the limit of his profession can resist, find an opportunity to try it for Master."

Lin Ye muttered, and the spiritual power urged the magnet ring to collect the equipment exposed by the entire copy.

The gains are huge.

And a prompt for completing the quest has already appeared on the panel.

Duration: 2 hours, 13 minutes and 58 seconds,

a full six hours have passed since the dungeon was opened.

At the same time, within another parallel copy of the Nightmare Channel.

Two figures, one tall and one short, are quickly shuttling through the quest.

"Skill, gigantic crushing!"


The short man's body suddenly swelled tenfold and smashed heavily on a clown.

"Brother, mend the knife!"

The short man looked at the clown's refined head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


At this time, a cold light flashed, and the clown's head fell.


" "The 27th mob, it is worthy of a nightmare-level passage, even the mob is so strong."

"The skills are still so tricky."

"Little brother, we have to hurry up, we can't be overtaken by the freshman riding a horse."

The two nodded and continued to walk forward with solemn faces.

Behind them, there are many tiny holes in the pants.


Similarly, another parallel copy of the Nightmare-level Channel.

"Skill, the sword starts and flies!"


The two sword boxes on horseback vibrated at the same time, and 14 long swords roared out.

Whoosh, whoop!

A series of 14 mobs were decapitated and their swords were sheathed.

"I never thought that there were such lower-rate skills under the sky."

"After this area, it should be the deepest part of the quest, where the boss is triggered!"

Lu Yong climbed weakly on the back of the horse and gently bit a blood spirit fruit.

If you look closely, there are also two tiny holes in the pants behind him.

The white horse clamped his tail tightly

, "Don't be afraid, if you insist on it, we will go out."

"Even the most shameless skill cannot shake our supreme pursuit of supreme kendo!"

Lu Yong spoke softly, reached out and fed a spirit fruit to the horse, and continued to move forward.

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