Earn some extra money?

Lin Ye hung up the phone with a stunned face.

However, after listening to Master Venerable's words, a slight light appeared in Lin Ye's eyes.

"Next time I do something, let the master divide me."

Nodding silently in his heart, Lin Ye took back all the 9 scrolls that he had 'sent' out before.

Of course, the point card, the space ring, he did not fall either.

After roughly calculating, the points reached a total of 2569 points. Various equipment, worth 300 million star coins.

The harvest is not small.

"Poor is a little poorer, and the number of times will definitely be different."

With a mutter, Lin Ye walked to Liu Ye's body and squatted down, smearing it expressionlessly.

963 points.

There are also two unneeded skill books, a few career transfer scrolls, and some equipment.

Another harvest of 500 million star coins.

"What's special, kill someone and touch the corpse, wait for the Liu family to come over later, see how you end."

"When the Liu family kills you, I will also erase you again,, Laozi finally earned 200 points."

"The equipment I just bought, it didn't work once."

Those trainees who were charged interest by Lin Ye had a vicious look in their eyes, and secretly greeted Lin Ye's ancestors for eighteen generations in their hearts.

They did not dare to speak, and their expressions were well disguised.


Suddenly, the space fluctuated.

"Here, it's the people of the Liu family, wow, did they actually receive the news so quickly?"

"It's the head of the Liu family, I'm dripping obediently, the person who came turned out to be the chief manager of the Liu family, and his strength is infinitely close to the nine-turn boss of the Liu family."

"Hahaha, the thief of [Huahuyuan], let's see how you die this time."

"Butler Liu will definitely make you regret coming to this world."

Seeing that the head of the Liu family came in person, everyone showed an expression of waiting to eat melons.

"Butler, he killed our mentor, you must avenge our mentor!"

Looking at the housekeeper Liu who came out of the space, the fat man hurriedly greeted him and pointed to Lin Ye's vicious opening.


One punch.

Butler Liu slammed a punch on the fat man's body, and the fat man flew out backwards in confusion, his eyes full of incredulity.


everyone looked at Steward Liu in confusion.

Hit the wrong person?

"Chief Liu, it's the one..."

A trainee stood up to correct, and before he finished speaking, he was suddenly blasted out again.


all confused.

Even the mentor Li San was stunned on the spot.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Could it be... Good guy, worthy of the Liu family, really angry.

"The Liu family died alone, and even people with many mouths will suffer, and the Liu family is still as domineering as ever!"

It seemed that he understood General Manager Liu's way of doing things, and Li San sighed silently in his heart.

I don't know if he will be implicated if he does not help.

There was some apprehension in my heart.

Even though [Super Star Academy] is the top academy in the Xia Kingdom, he is only a mentor, and he is completely unqualified to be a demon in front of these forces in the capital.

"[Hua Huyuan] brat, you were finally slapped to death. Provoke the Liu family, the consequences are definitely beyond your imagination.

Li San silently spoke in his heart, standing quietly in place waiting for Lin Ye to be sanctioned.


General Manager Liu walked to Lin Ye and patted the dust on his body.

Bend down and

salute respectfully.

"Hello Lin Shao!"

Hello Lin Shao?

Lying groove,

hello Lin Shao?

What is this situation?


everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

One by one, they all looked at Steward Liu blankly.

The super big guy with a level of nine turns, the second combat power of the Liu family, bent down and saluted in front of this [Hua Hu Yuan] brat in front of him?


the world is crazy!

Those trainees who were waiting to eat melons grew their mouths in surprise.

"This must not be.... Yes! "

Oh my God, could it be that there is someone behind this kid [Huahuyuan]?"

For a time, the melon-eating masses were guessing the forces behind Lin Ye.

Lu Yong glanced up at Lin Ye weakly, "It turns out that he has no fear, but his heart is a little worse, and such a character will definitely cause immeasurable trouble in the future." Secretly

commenting on Lin Ye, Lu Yong continued to climb on horseback, like a dead man.

"Engong Bull P, hahaha, even the pseudo-god of the Green Crown King, Engong has the power of a battle, isn't that a joke in the Liu family?"

"Provoked the Duke of En, the bone dragon has a few skills to destroy the door for you."

Zhao Kai played with the butterfly knife, his eyes were excited.

"Let the Liu family ignore the previous suspicions, I am afraid that the strength of the person behind you is above the nine turns!"

"However, it is always an external force!"

Bai Qi closed his eyes slightly, silently waiting for the copy to open.

"Fake, it's definitely fake!"

"How is it possible, how can the head of the Liu family have this attitude?"

Li San was stunned in place, and his heart was terrified.

He couldn't believe that a trainee of the [Hua Hu Academy] had killed the Liu family, and let the Liu family dare not pursue it?

It's simply... It's incredible!

"Hello Lin Shao!"

Steward Liu bent down respectfully, "The head of the family has important things to do, so he can't get away for the time being, and when you are done, the head of the family will personally come to the door to apologize to you!" Steward

Liu spoke respectfully.


With these words, the audience was in an uproar again.


Will the head of the house personally come to the door to apologize?

I Zinima, the head of the household?

The head of the Liu family?

Personally visit the door to apologize?

Lose your marbles!

Steward Liu's words were like heavenly thunder, smashing heavily on the people present.

The head of the Liu family personally came to the door to apologize, what a lot of energy this must be!

Li San's mouth was dry, his head was buzzing, and the whole person seemed to be drunk by someone.


Lin Ye nodded, tacitly asking the head of the Liu family to apologize.

He was also shocked in his heart, the Liu family actually came to apologize so quickly. It's still quite cool to have a master!

Well, the Liu family must apologize!

Master Venerable is so powerful, he can't lose Master Venerable's face, no.

It is best to bring a heavy apology gift, otherwise Gao Laoxing may not necessarily accept it.

"That... Shall I quit on my own?

Butler Liu raised his head and waited for Lin Ye's reply.

"Prepare to be humble, my master has a high vision, don't let him look down on your Liu family."

Lin Ye said lightly, turned around and walked towards the copy passage that was slowly opening.

He and the Liu family must be undying.

Lin Ye knew that on the surface, the Liu family would definitely be respectful, and secretly they would never let him go.

Since he is already unstoppable, with the energy of the master, he must work more to benefit ah!

However, Lin Ye will not be careless, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

The ordinary passage of the copy was selected, and Lin Ye directly submerged into it.

Looking at Lin Ye who entered the copy, a trace of killing intent flashed in Butler Liu's eyes.

"Boy, you'd better be obedient and don't go anywhere! The last transfer task of the head of the family, it won't take long!

"Gao Tianxiao, I can't keep you!"

"The head is temporarily stored for a few days, waiting for the owner to come and pick it up in person."

"Provoke the Liu family, you are the only one who can see the sun the next day!"

Grabbing Liu Ye's body, Steward Liu tore through the space and left.

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