This loud bang came from deep underground in the cave.

The rocks in the cave shook a little.

Small small stones fell from the top of the heads of the trio.

The black blind man's expression that had been smiling all the time had finally changed.

He raised his two guns and turned his head to look at Ye Ran.

"There's something unusual about the stuff down there.

"There are some evil sects in this forbidden place, and the deeper you go, the more there are many things that I have never seen or heard of. So, let's be fully prepared and don't provoke that thing. The

black blind man said.

That's nature.

They came into the cave to find an authentic passage, not to fight.

In the event that a fight breaks through the tunnel dug under the moat, there is no way for everyone to get through.

Ye Ran stood at the edge of the cave, paused for a moment, and waited until the loud noise in the depths of the cave subsided before making a gesture towards the black blind man and Sister Bao'er.

The three of them slowed down their steps and walked in cautiously.

The cave was wet, sticky, and slippery, and the floor was full of the excrement of the giant bats, and the shoes seemed to be sucked into the excrement as if they were slippery step by step.

There is also a strong smell of dead rats in the cave, and the smell is disgusting.

Ye Ran now regrets that he didn't take two more breaths of fresh air when he was outside the cave just now.

He held his breath as much as he could, picked up a flashlight, and shone it into the depths of the cave.

The cave is really deep.

On the outside, it looks like a gap created by the intersection of two hills, but in fact, when you walk in, you find that there is a hole in the sky.

In the depths of this group of bats, there is an arched hole, and when you hit the innermost part of the cave, you can see that it is gradually facing downward.

And those bats that were in steady flux just now must have flown out of this cave.

I thought that there must be sticky bats flying all over the ground in this hole.

Ye Ran's scalp suddenly went numb.

Please, let's give him another thousand-year-old corpse.

He'd rather fight another thousand-year-old corpse.

Nor do they want to walk the "angelic way" that is full of land.

Ye Ran glanced to the side and found that Sister Bao'er was also frowning and pinching her nose, and the black blind man had returned to that lazy grinning appearance, as if he hadn't smelled the stench in the cave at all.

Since that loud noise, the cave has become very quiet again, and it is extremely quiet.

It doesn't seem to mean to attack.

If it weren't for the fact that all three of them heard it, Ye Ran really doubted if he had just had an auditory hallucination.

"Let's go.

Ye Ran took a deep breath, took the lead in bending down, and walked into this hidden cave.

"This hole in the ground was not built by the owner of the forbidden land. "

The cave was dim, only the light of Ye Ran's strong flashlight.

He noticed the black blind man studying the muddy marks on the stone walls in the cave.

So he whispered:

"Just look at the marks on the wall, it is chiseled with an iron chisel, and it is very messy, there is no discipline, and it looks like it was temporarily dug in a critical state."

"The owner of the forbidden land is at least a few thousand years away from us, and iron tools were very expensive at that time, but not something that could be used by civilians.

"So these workers should be the group that dug the tomb for the owner of the forbidden land at that time, and only this group of people can have so many iron tools. "

You should know that the ancients were very secretive.

"So they knew very well that after the cemetery was completed, they, as craftsmen, would inevitably be buried alive or thrown into the moat as sacrifices.

"So in order to escape in advance, they worked together at different times to secretly dig this tunnel. "

And the signs on this wall are very messy, but there are many repetitions, and you can see that several groups of craftsmen dug them without meeting.

These marks are used to communicate information about the tunnel's engineering.

I don't know how long the tomb of the owner of the forbidden land has been prepared, but this tunnel, which is nearly 100 meters deep into the ground, will definitely not be dug in 10 years with the manpower and technology at that time.

In the end, though, they couldn't get out.

Ye Ran shook his head and looked at the pile of white bones under his feet.

These craftsmen can be said to be in order to survive, and the mechanism is exhausted.

There was only one problem missing.

As the almighty owner of the forbidden land, she calculated everything before she died, so she certainly couldn't miss any of the escaped craftsmen.

During the last month of the tomb's completion, the craftsmen were infused with trace amounts of snake venom in their daily meals.

After a month of snake venom accumulation, Da Luo Immortal couldn't be saved.

Therefore, even if they came to the tunnel that had been carefully prepared for 10 years, it would be impossible for them to escape from this forbidden place.

"These craftsmen have black in their bones.

Ye Ran glanced at the bones on the ground and shook his head:

"It can be seen that the snake venom has penetrated deep into the bone marrow." The owner of the forbidden land allowed them to flee here, but even if they were only one step away from leaving the city, none of them would survive. "

This is the method of the owner of the forbidden land, ruthless, decisive!"

Ye Ran's voice just fell.

In the depths of the cave, there was another

loud noise! This time the loud noise was extremely amazing, as if the entire cave had begun to shake.

The stone above their heads shattered and fell down.


There was a cracking sound from the depths ahead.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of raging water.

Ye Ran's face changed, and he shouted:

"It's not good, the tunnel is cracked." "

Hurry up!" Fortunately

, they walked slowly, and they hadn't reached the depths of the tunnel yet.

What is there in this tunnel?!

Can you blast open this tunnel at once!

Ye Ran turned around and turned around, wanting to urge the black blind man and Sister Bao'er to leave the tunnel quickly.

Otherwise, when the water in the moat is poured up, it will be troublesome.

However, Ye Ran turned around, but found that the black blind man and Sister Bao'er were standing still.

Like two wood carvings.

The two looked ahead in shock, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

With the experience of the black blind man and the city.

What kind of thing could make the black blind man so shocked?

Ye Ran had such a thought in his heart, and turned his head to subconsciously glance in the direction of their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

With a loud roar.

The tunnel dug by craftsmen thousands of years ago was cracked.

But what everyone didn't expect was this.

Just above them, inside the cracked crack, it was actually empty!

A huge cocoon, more than two people in diameter, slowly fell from the gap in the air.

The tunnel is just over a meter high.

The cocoon fell into the tunnel, stuck dead in the entrance of the tunnel in front of them.

In the huge cocoon, there was a loud bang again.

Something struggled violently in it, cut through the cocoon, and slowly stretched out a shiny black mouth and limb more than a meter long.


The author has something to say:

The author Ji mentioned Sister Bao'er's shovel and dug a huge squad reunion pit (no abuse, but it's just a very brain-opening kind of 23333).

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