The black blind man's reaction speed was quicker, faster than Sister Bao'er expected.

He dodged and avoided the hand that Sister Bao'er used to take off her glasses.

Then he took two steps back.

The black blind man was not angry.

His voice was a little helpless, but still with a little smile, and said:

"It's a bad Xi to touch other people's faces.

"If you make any more trouble, I'll let you give me back the chocolate."

"That's in exchange for my points, I don't even want to eat it!" Sister Bao'er

originally wanted to chase after him and lift his sunglasses.

As soon as I mentioned the chocolate, I suddenly stopped with a little weakness.

Sister Bao'er's hand was also taken back.

The black blind man seemed to be relieved when he saw Sister Bao'er stand, and continued:

"Little sister, there is one thing I have to explain to you. "

I wear glasses at night, not to pretend.

"You know, for some people who are destined to go blind, they can see better with glasses than without glasses.

After speaking, the black glasses nodded slightly at the three of them, still smiling.

glanced at Ye Ran meaningfully.

"Okay, it's not too early, you guys rest early, I hope tonight is safe. With

that, the black blind man turned back to his tent.

Ye Ran and the little brother looked at the back of the black glasses and didn't speak.

Sister Bao'er exhaled depressedly and said,

"This black blind man knows how to pretend to be in front of us.

"Do you dare to call me little sister?"

"I'm afraid he can't stand these three words!" "

The more I think about it, the more angry I become." "

Endure ovarian cysts for a while, take a step back and breast hyperplasia.

"I can't bear it! "

The old lady is going to bury him.

Ye Ran burst out laughing.

Who taught Sister Bao'er this?

He shook his head helplessly and said,

"Forget it, Sister Bao'er, you ate a piece of chocolate the size of someone else."

"Just scream, just scream.

"Besides, I don't know what lies ahead tomorrow.

"The black blind man is sure that we will come back to work with him, which means that there must be something strange ahead. "

It's not early.

They also have to rest early.

Ye Ran originally wanted to follow the night duty plan he said at the beginning.

But the little brother silently found some firewood nearby.

Then a bonfire was built in front of the tent.

Carrying a black gold ancient knife on his back, he crossed his long legs and sat motionless next to the campfire.

The light of the bonfire illuminated the cold facial contours of the little brother, and it was actually a little warm.

Although he didn't say a word, the meaning was already clear.

Tonight, he was on duty first.

Seeing this, Ye Ran didn't want to say anything, and after saying good night to Sister Bao'er, they each got into the sleeping bags in the tent.

It was false to say that he was not tired during the day, Ye Ran just got on the sleeping bag, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

"Whoa. Ye

Ran just fell asleep not long ago.

Suddenly, I heard a soft noise outside the tent.

It was like the sound of a string of footsteps passing by.

In an instant, I fell asleep and sat up.

In the forbidden land, candles are rare resources, and they are all extinguished before going to bed.

The tent was black and hollow, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Ye Ran could only vaguely see Sister Bao'er's white sleeping bag bulging, it should be sleeping soundly.

He didn't want to disturb Sister Bao'er sleeping.

So he called tentatively and softly, "Little brother

?" and "Zhang Qilin?"

There was a strong wind blowing outside the tent.

The silence was excessive, and no one responded.

Ye Ran remembered the string of footsteps he heard in his dream just now, and still felt uneasy, so he opened the tent and walked out.

"Strange, what about the little brother?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment.

The outside of the tent was empty, and there was no one.

I don't know when, the blood mist that should have dissipated in the rainforest filled again, and the blood was so thick that it blocked the moon, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

The smell of blood makes people sick to their stomachs.

I don't know when the campfire will go out.

Ye Ran stretched out his hand and touched it, it was still warm and a little hot.

The little brother shouldn't have gone far.

Did you see something

? Could it be that shadow again?

It's the middle of the night, the visibility is low, and it's not safe to move alone.

Even if the little brother is good, he may not be able to ensure safety.

Besides, that shadow is very weird.

Ye Ran had the heart to call Sister Bao'er up, and then he chased after him to take a look.

But this blood mist is thick, I can't see anything clearly, and I don't know which direction the little brother is chasing over.


Ye Ran sighed.

He crouched down and fumbled to relight the fire outside the tent.

At least this way you can see it clearly.

"Whoa, whoa......"

Just when Ye Ran touched the lighter and lit the bonfire again.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the tent behind him.

Immediately after that, Sister Bao'er's voice rang out.

"Ye Wazi

?" "Sister Bao'er, are you awake?"

Ye Ran blew the sparks on the bonfire and said

, "I don't know what the situation is, the blood mist is coming over again."

"The little brother may have been chasing something, and he is gone for a while. "

It's so weird here, we'll have to go find him."

After Ye Ran finished speaking, he waited for Sister Bao'er to respond.

He heard another noise in the tent, and then Sister Bao'er's voice sounded again:

"Ye Wazi?"

The voice ......

There is not the slightest bit of fluctuation.

It was exactly the same as Ye Ran's first voice just now!

It seemed to be broadcast from a tape recorder.

Ye Ran instantly thought of something bad and stood up suddenly.

Walk briskly towards the tent.

There was a soft sound in the tent all the time.

and Sister Bao'er's voice, constantly sounding mechanically:

"Ye Wazi?" "Ye Wazi?"

"...... "

This is definitely not Sister Bao'er!

Fortunately, the bonfire is lit and there is a little light."

Ye Ran fumbled in his backpack to find a strong flashlight and shone it in the direction of Sister Bao'er's sleeping bag.

It doesn't matter.

It turned out that the sound of the tent was coming from Sister Bao'er's sleeping bag.

was illuminated by Ye Ran with a flashlight.

Two small red snakes with the thickness of wrists slowly emerged from the sleeping bag.

Spit out the core in the direction of Ye Ran!


machine umbrella!" Ye Ran took out the thousand machine umbrella with his backhand.

Variant Knight Sword mode.

The little snake was cut in half with a sword,

and it fell to the ground with both ends still beating.

The golden pupils stared at him viciously.

These two snakes were instantly killed by Ye Ran!

The contents of the sleeping bag seemed to be all alarmed.

All of them squirmed at once.

Prop up Sister Bao'er's sleeping bag into various shapes.

"Sister Bao'er!" Ye

Ran took his sword and cut the sleeping bag.

In an instant, a bunch of small red snakes poured out of the sleeping bag

, entangled with each other, writhing wildly.

Sister Bao'er is not in the sleeping bag!

Ye Ran reacted quickly and lifted the knight's sword.

I only heard another Sister Bao'er's voice in the corner, "Ye Wazi?"

he looked back.

A huge pheasant with a neck stands in the corner of the tent.

It was as if a figure was standing there.

He called his name in a low voice.

There was a resentful glow in the vertical pupils.

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