Xie Yuhua frowned

: "Could it be someone from the Nine Gates?" As soon as the words fell, he himself shook his head first:

"No, if it is a person from the Nine Gates

, he should be able to hear the sound when we are in the main hall and know that we are coming." "

I won't wait until now and refuse to show up.

Who could it be?"

The fat man pursed his lips nervously, and while reaching for his pistol, he said

, "Master Ye, why don't you use your paper figure technique to investigate." "

The people in this stone wall are so strange.

"I just saw a miserable white human face in the worm pile, and in the blink of an eye, the face is gone. "

I shined a flashlight on it, and I could vaguely see a vague shadow with its back to us.

"But the shadow ......

" "How to describe it, the head and body seem to be separated, and they are stretched thin and long." "

Meet a big living man in such a dark and barren place.

To be honest, it's scarier than meeting monsters.

The fat man muttered in his heart, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Ye Ran and the little brother:

"Master Ye, what do you say about someone, or monster, who can be safe and sound under the scorching fire of your Vermilion Bird?"

- no.

Ye Ran was very sure that there was no such existence.

The Vermilion Bird Fire was controlled by his mind, and he could freely bypass the people he wanted to bypass, but just inside the stone wall, Ye Ran directly used a range attack.

There is only one possibility, and that

is, "This thing is either dead, or it came after the Suzaku Fire burned it." "

Who can enter the stone wall silently?

From the ground, it is impossible, there must be footsteps.

In other words, either the other party doesn't have long legs, it's really a ghost.

- Or, from the air.

Ye Ran had a rough guess in his heart.

He didn't bother to use the paper figurines anymore, so he walked directly into the stone wall in front of him.

The interior of the stone wall was quiet.

You can even hear the breathing of other people present, as well as the heartbeat of the fat man.

But inside the stone wall, there was no sound of breathing.

Except for Ye Ran, everyone else's faces were a little ugly.

Ye Ran was just about to step into the stone wall.

A figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

The little brother's slender fingers clasped his wrist and dodged in front of him.

Turning around, I quietly glanced at him.

By the way, the little brother indifferently pulled out the ancient knife that had just been inserted into the wall:

"You stand back, I'll come." The

little brother walked in the front, in the direction of the blurred shadow.

The shadow suddenly moved slightly.

The light inside the stone wall was extremely dim, and the strong flashlight in the fat man's hand was basically out of power along the way.

Inside the stone wall, a huge picture slowly poked out.

A bluish and white human face.

The man's face was indescribably strange, as if it was swollen in water.

There is also a strange feeling that the facial features are torn apart and put together together.

The face stared at them expressionlessly.

It is different from ground birth.

The man's face had no whites of his eyes, only a large pupil of a black hole.

The mouth moved slightly, a slit opened, and there was no change in the expression, but a sharp laugh came from the mouth.

The little brother frowned.

The ancient knife flew head-on, and a cold light swept through the air.

The figure shook slightly, and the whole body was cut in two, spurting out a viscous black liquid, and fell heavily to the ground.

Only then did everyone find out.

This "figure" has a slender neck and a huge face.

The upper body looks like a humanized ghost.

The lower half of the body is the body of a bird, and the huge wings are covered with dust.

It looks very strange, like it was grafted.

Ye Ran affirmed the guess in his heart: "Human-faced bird." "

They've seen this thing in the last forbidden place.

However, it is still different from the one in the Kunlun Ice Palace.

According to the knowledge in the previous world that Ye Ran knew.

The Kunlun Ice Palace is the nest of the human-faced bird, and the other forbidden places should have been brought by the Fuxi clan in the first place.

The feng shui of different forbidden lands is different, and there is also alienation.

"Died so easily?" The

fat man rubbed his eyes, and his tone was very surprised:

"I'll rub it, looking at his appearance, how can he be a big villain!"

"Why is it that the author is here, and it will be offline in eight hundred words?"

Ye Ran thought for a while and said

, "If I'm not mistaken, there is still a parasitic thing in this human-faced bird's body." "

It's about a very small monkey.

The human-faced bird was actually a parasite of the monkey.

The monkey will burrow out of the mouth of the human-faced bird in search of food, and the human-faced bird is responsible for protecting the monkey and living on its excrement.

The human-faced bird is here.

What about the monkey?

The little brother stepped forward and lifted the ancient knife and lightly slashed it in the mouth of the human-faced bird.

Then he turned his head and shook his head slightly in the direction of Ye Ran:

"No." Ye

Ran's face changed and he said,

"It's a bit troublesome, let's hurry up and get over here." "

Monkeys and human-faced birds parasitize each other

, and since the human-faced bird is killed and the monkey is not there, there is only one possibility - the monkey that has lived in the mouth of the human-faced bird for thousands of years is nearby.

And it has other intentions!

Ye Ran's voice just fell.

Underground, which was originally quiet, a sharp monkey howl suddenly sounded.

The sound was extremely harsh, and there was too much space underground, and it was all echoes for a while, and it was difficult to tell which direction it sounded from.

With that howl.

There was a murmur of rustling all around.

The murmur sounded far away at first.

The sound is getting louder.

Countless wings flapped together and resounded from all directions.

The sound sounded like a dense swarm of bats flying through the air.

But the human-faced bird was much faster than the bat, and in a blink of an eye it was in front of the group—

"His grandmother's, no wonder the hall looked like a rough house just now." "

I saw the dense and strange-looking human-faced birds in the sky.

The fat man's expression can be said to be indescribable:

"The big hall where we came here just now is full of human-faced birds!"

Accompanied by several people making their own shots.

The human-faced bird closest to their group was constantly knocked to the ground.

The monkeys in the mouths of these faced birds are more agile.

It can be said that it is unexpected.

The fat man "banged" and killed a mouth monkey that almost flew into his face.

The slimy liquid suffocated the fat man's face.

He turned his head and panted and said

, "Master Ye, don't worry, I still have more than two hundred bullets!"

That's not enough!

Ye Ran raised his head and glanced at the steady stream of human-faced birds flying in all directions.

The ground was covered with slimy, stinking dark blood.

The nose was full of that indescribable, strong fishy smell.

"These people are not afraid of death, and they seem to be deliberately trying to hinder us from moving forward.

Xie Yuhua continued to talk and said,

"But these face birds are not our opponents. "

It's only a matter of time before they are killed.

Oh, yes.

It's a matter of time before you kill them all, but ......

What if they don't have time?

Su Chen raised his head and looked ahead.

At the end of the stone wall, there was a moat that was extremely wide and deep.

In this mausoleum, which has been underground for thousands of years, the moat has not dried up, and the dark water is still flowing slowly.

In the depths of the moat.

Ye Ran vaguely saw ......

From the depths of the moat, a fiery red glow eerily emerged.

Immediately after, a huge figure emerged with the sound of water.

"These faced birds are just stalling for time and waiting for it to appear!".

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