Sister Bao'er hasn't finished yet.

Ye Ran saw the fat man's forehead, and a long string of cold sweat flowed down.

Gritted his teeth and cursed, "This damn thing", picked up the gun and aimed in the direction of the worm.

Before the fat man could shoot, the dark glasses blocked his movements first.

"Oh, my sister seems to be off topic.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Bao'er continued the conversation and said,

"Sister can feel that there is a very pure and powerful Qi in their bodies.

"This Qi is in a very subtle state of flow, that is...... They should not be hostile to us and do not want to attack us.

"Or, in some kind of slumber.

At this point, the fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Sister Bao'er also sighed, touched the kitchen knife in her sleeve, and said,

"These two worms are too big."

"The meat should be old, not tasty, not palatable.

"Let's go in." "

Fat man:"......

"Sister Bao'er, what's the matter with your expression full of regret!"

"Then let's hurry into the palace and see if there is anything we can touch back." "

The fat man is still thinking about the artifact in the Kunlun Ice Palace.

can make the remnants of the Wang family come all the way here, and there are two huge worms guarding ......

The things in this are definitely not ordinary, they are very valuable!

" "What about Master Ye?"

As soon as he said this, the fat man turned around and was instantly stunned.

It was dark all around, and only the outlines of two worms could be roughly seen.

I heard the faint echo of the impact of the ice in the distance, and it was supposed that the dead baby and the ground birth were still fighting.

The ice was so strong that it was hard to hear.

The fat man looked at the empty behind, only to feel that cold sweat came down again:

"Ye, what about Ye Xiaoye

?" "And what about the little brother?"

It's gone?"

Xie Yuhua exhaled slowly, and said to the fat man,

"Just when you just listened to the description of the taste of the worm." "

Alright, since these two worms have no intention of attacking us, we should not move them, lest the palace collapse. "

Let's go. "


This palace is a bit strange.

Judging by the echo of their speech, it was extremely huge, and the dome must have been very high.

When you stand in it, you will feel like you are in the middle of nowhere.

But, it's dark.

It's the kind of black that can't be seen with five fingers.

And it seems to swallow up all sight and light.

Even if the fat man turned on the flashlight, he still couldn't see what was in the hall.

"There's a mural here.

Xie Yuhua took a few tentative steps forward, but was blocked by a wall, and couldn't help but stop in surprise:

"What is this painting?"

This mural is so huge, almost as high as the main hall.

From their angle, only the bottom corner can be seen.

The mural is still bright after a thousand years.

In the faint light, everyone scrutinized.

I could vaguely see the huge toes, the auspicious clouds under my feet, and the looming dragon's whiskers—

"Is this

, dragon?" said the fat man, who put his fingers on them and counted them with some uncertainty

, "No, does a dragon have so many feet?" "

Just this little mural they saw, they already saw six or seven feet.

This mural is so big, I'm afraid that a whole wall will be densely packed with no less than hundreds of toes

, right? Ye Ran's eyes moved, and he said, "That's

right, this is not a dragon. "

This mural is the thing I just saw at the entrance of the main hall. The

fat man looked at it carefully for a while, and said

, "Not like it!" "

Of course not, in fact, the mural is not very similar."

Ye Ran looked at it for a moment and said,

"The ancient murals are more about conveying a kind of beautiful vision and imagination of the ancient people for the future.

"So there are a lot of exaggerated and abstract things, such as the worm, in the imagination of the ancients, it became a hundred-legged dragon. As

he spoke, Ye Ran pointed to the dragon toe in the mural:

"That's why the long feet of the worm have become dragon toes, but the number has not been reduced, and ......"

Ye Ran said this, and suddenly paused.

The huge hall became empty in an instant.

Only distant echoes came, coupled with the pale faces of everyone in the dark, inexplicably gloomy.

"Master Ye, keep talking, I love to listen. The

fat man laughed twice, scratched the goosebumps on the back of his hand and said.


Ye Ran ignored him, but squatted down, reached out and touched a corner of the mural, and then raised his head thoughtfully.

"There's a sign here. "

Has anyone been here?!"

Xie Yuhua reacted quickly and immediately said,

"It should be the code left by the people of the Nine Gates."

The black glasses shook his head:

"Master Hua'er, Jiumen doesn't have such a code. "


The shape of this code is extremely simple, like a strange ancient script, and Jiumen has never used such a code.

The code was carved into the wall, and the blade was sharp.

Ye Ran stared at the code for a moment, raised his head, and stretched out his hand in the direction of the little brother:

"Little brother, borrow the ancient knife." The

dark ancient knife was placed in his hand.

Ye Ran pulled out the ancient knife, aimed the blade at the code on the wall, and pressed it slightly-

"The thickness and length of the blade, as well as the knife marks, size and ......"

are all aligned.

"Little brother, have you been here before?"

Ye Ran was a little uncertain, according to the timeline of this world.

Little brother, he should be here for the first time.

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