In this season, it is too easy to avalanche in the snowy mountains.

To prevent avalanches.

Ye Ran and the others spoke in the lowest voice and suppressed their voices.

It's good to be cold and arrogant.

According to the fat man's words, he had no scruples at all, and spit out a bunch of jade veins in his throat.

But Ye Ran guessed that Dugu was not arrogant and unscrupulous.

Most likely, he just doesn't have common sense.

In short, this sound directly attracted an avalanche!

The fat man shouted while holding his head:

"Master Ye go quickly!" The

huge and quiet snow-capped mountain seemed to explode at this moment, and the overwhelming snow mixed with the mountain rocks greeted him like a huge cloud.

This picture looks extremely spectacular, mixed with the cold wind and countless wind and snow, blowing the pain of stabbing in the face -

Ye Ran is very fast, and his first reaction is to grab the hand of the little brother next to him.

But the little brother reacted a little faster than him.

A long figure lunged towards him.

The little brother flicked his slender fingers and threw out a carabiner directly from his sleeve.

The carabiner held firmly on a huge rock in the distance at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

The little brother makes a force with one arm.

In addition, there is not much resistance on the ice and snow.

The little brother's arms were firmly wrapped around his waist.

The carabiner was attached to a steel wire and tightened suddenly.

The two figures flew directly on the ice and snow, and rushed in the direction of the rock!

The mountain wind was cold, and there was a loud noise coming from the depths of the snowy mountain everywhere.

The little brother said something in his ear vaguely.

But Ye Ran couldn't hear it at all.

He only smelled the extremely cold and pleasant smell, mixed with the temperature of ice and snow, and swept through his neck.

In the next second, the two of them were firmly leaning against the huge mountain rock.

"Boom" several consecutive loud sounds.

When Ye Ran turned around, he only saw countless winds and snows forming entities, passing past the two of them at an extremely fast speed.

Like the waves of the ocean.

In the blink of an eye, a thick layer of ice and snow was re-laid on the snowy mountain.

Originally, they could still see some hillsides when they came, but now the slopes were completely covered, or rather filled in.

"Is there anything wrong?" asked

the little brother from behind him, putting his hand on his shoulder, and whispering.

Ye Ran shook his head.

Seeing that the little brother had no scars on his body, he was relieved.


Ye Ran coughed lightly stimulated by the wind and snow fluttering in the air, and stood up to find the fat man of Hua'er.

Sister Bao'er is not very worried, after all, Sister Bao'er is a strong man who can breathe, even if she is buried, it doesn't matter.

With Ye Ran's understanding of Sister Bao'er.

It is likely that after being buried by the wind and snow, she will taste the wind and snow again.

But the fat man is different, if it is really buried, it has to be dug up quickly.


man?" "Lord Hua'er

?" "Black blind man

?" "Guide?"

Ye Ran tried to call twice, but couldn't hear back from them.

There was a vast wind and snow all around, and the visibility was very low, and Ye Ran didn't dare to rashly increase the volume, for fear of causing a second avalanche.

With a "bang", a figure suddenly appeared at the bottom of the wind and snow.

Ye Ran looked at it:

"...... Dugu is cold and arrogant?"

the other party was staring at him angrily with the face of the little brother's five-year-old, and did not speak.

There was also a huge piece of snow and ice overhead, which looked very funny.

After two seconds, the three-thousand-year-old dead baby spoke angrily:

"So, you don't care if I'm dead or alive, do you?"

"......", Ye Ran looked at him strangely and said,

"Do you feel that you are a little hypocritical." "

Isn't the underground his home turf?

As a villain, he really doesn't have the consciousness of a villain.

Without the life of the princess, he also got the princess's illness, and the most outrageous thing is that he is still a man.

"Not to mention that there are some of these things that are gone.

Ye Ran thought for a while and said to him,

"You go and find the fat man Xiaohua and see if they are in danger."

After a pause, he added: "Fat people like to complain, if something happens, don't do it, don't quarrel, so as not to cause a second avalanche." "


Dugu looked cold and arrogant, still not very happy.

But perhaps it was the thought that the avalanche was caused by him.

He didn't say anything, and went back underground with a "bang".


Dugu Leng was arrogant and just left.

Ye Ran heard a faint voice in the distance.

After the system was transformed, his hearing was very sensitive, and he quickly recognized the voice of a fat man.

"This way. He

and the little brother walked forward for a while, and successfully met the fat man.

"Hey Master Ye, you're fine. The

fat man's expression looked quite worried.

When he saw Ye Ran, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"I'm still afraid that you two will be buried."

"When the avalanche came, the guide took us to a ravine on the side of the mountain, which was on its side, just to avoid the blizzard. The

fat man briefly explained what had just happened to the avalanche.

Glancing at Ye Ran's side again, he asked in surprise,

"What about that troublemaker?"

...... You say Dugu is cold and arrogant?"

Ye Ran was stunned, reacted

, and said, "He went underground to look for you, and he just missed it."

"I'm probably still looking for him at this time, let's wait for him here." The

fat man nodded and said, "Okay." A

few people found a place to get together and listen to the guide talk about the map and precautions in the snowy mountains.

The mouth of the guide is about to wear out.

My throat is going to smoke.

I took out a bottle of water and drank it.

I don't see Dugu's cold and arrogant figure yet.

Ye Ran was also surprised:

"Why hasn't he come up yet?"

Ye Ran's voice just fell.

The map that was attached to the snow and ice suddenly moved slightly.

The next second.

There was a "bang" and the ice and snow cracked.

Dugu Lengao came out of his head, covered in ice and snow, with a waterproof map on his head, and the whole person was snorting and panting!

But seeing that Dugu was so tired, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said:

"I'm sorry, buddy, we weren't buried in the snow, it would be too urgent, I forgot to take you with me."

Dugu was quiet for a while, and said angrily and coldly

, "I know you're not underground, I've already gone around in a big circle below." "

Then you didn't come up earlier?"

Ye Ran just wanted to ask.

I saw Dugu coldly and arrogantly "whoosh" and lifted the newspaper covering his head and face.

This scene was so shocking to watch!

The face of the milk whirring was covered with large and small bags and scratches.

The bag was round and red bulging on the head.


fat man was taken aback, and although he knew that he was made of a stone, he would not feel any pain, but he still asked,

"...... Brother, are you fighting underground?"

Dugu said coldly.

After a while, he said,

"No." I was beaten one-sidedly.

Ye Ran: "???

" "Who beat you?" What

else is there in this underground that can beat a dead baby for three thousand years?

Looking at Ye Ran's surprised expression, Dugu Lengao suddenly felt infinitely aggrieved:

"Didn't you say that I should not fight back!" Ye Ran was even more surprised, and said, "Then I didn't say that you should stand there and be beaten!" First

of all, what he said was not to fight with the fat man.

Secondly, according to the combat power of the 3,000-year-old infant and the speed of underground movement, who can catch up!

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