Take one.


Ran was a little blinded.

subconsciously glanced at the little brother.

The little brother's eyes also flashed with a faint stunnedness.

Neither of them had any impression of this English name.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to see you?"

Seeing that the two were silent for a moment and did not speak, the property asked intimately:

"If you don't see it, we will ask the visitor to leave the lounge by himself."

Ye Ran said: "No, my little brother and I will go over now." He

had just thought about it, and had probably guessed who the visitor was.

It was a bit of a surprise that the man would be here at this time.

But he was more surprised.


lounge is in the community, and the property center is a building.

This is one of the most upscale communities in City A, so visitors will be invited to rest in the lounge as long as they can prove their identity or relationship with the host without the permission of the host.

Ye Ran and the little brother came to the lounge.

Separated by a layer of frosted glass.

A slender figure sat in the lounge, with two slender long legs, and his figure was very hot.

There was a small figure swaying around him, looking like a four or five-year-old child.

It's like running around in the lounge.

Very restless.

Ye Ran was even more surprised in his heart.

Could it be said.

She already has

children, not only does she have children, but she also has ......

It's so big?

In the original world, there didn't seem to be this level of progress

, even if he caused the butterfly effect in the West Queen Mother Palace, causing her not to die, there shouldn't be a child of this age.

However, these doubts only flashed in Ye Ran's heart.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him himself.

After Ye Ran thanked the property, he pushed the door and entered.

Seeing that the hot woman turned her head in a tight black dress, he calmly shouted,

"Ah Ning." "

Why are you here?"

Ah Ning put down the cup in her hand and turned her head to look at him with a strange expression, her lips moving, as if she was about to speak.

The kid who had been running around in the lounge stopped first.

"Papa", ran to Ye Ran's side in a few steps, and grabbed his trouser leg.

The child was very fair-skinned, and his milk was whirring.

The facial features have not yet grown, but they are already very good-looking, and the deep outline can be vaguely seen.

handsome, but also a little indescribable familiarity, and a sense of disobedience.

The child stretched out his arms towards Ye Ran.

A handful wrapped their arms around his legs.

The crisp voice shouted

, "Baba!" "

Where have you been?" "Don't you want me

?" "Who is this?"

The child looked in the direction of the little brother with hostility, rolled his eyes, and said,

"Oh. "

Is this the stepdad you found for me?"

"I don't like him." "

Can I do without my stepfather?"

"I just need you a poop, that's enough." Ha


Ye Ran: "???What

the hell is

this kid not Ah Ning's

? When did it become his

? Where did he come

from to be so big and a good child? What is the situation of the stepfather?

Ye Ran was a little blinded, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the little brother, "This ......"

He really doesn't know where this good boy came from!

This is damn.

Jumping into the Yellow River can't be washed away!

He has absolutely no illegitimate children outside.

Ye Ran was one head and two big at this time, he didn't know what the situation was at the moment, how could he explain it to the little brother,

but he was only stunned for a moment.

After seeing the killing intent in the little brother's eyes, he quickly reacted -

what kind of child is this.

It was clearly the 3,000-year-old baby who had turned into a mineral water bottle and was cut into powder and thrown out by

the little brother! Why is this guy

here again?!

This time, he is also dressed as a child!


Ye Ran was directly speechless, and the little brother subconsciously made a gesture of raising his hand.

He should have wanted to get the black gold ancient knife behind him.

However, today for the convenience of obtaining the certificate, and also for the sake of grandeur.

The little brother didn't go out with an ancient knife.

For the first time, he left the ancient knife at home.

The dead baby must have known that.

to dare to be so presumptuous.

The little brother glanced at the "child" coldly.

Pick up the paperweight on the table and smash it at the top of the child's head.

Ah Ning was taken aback.

Standing up, he tried to stop the little brother with a complicated expression, and persuaded him:

"Little brother, don't!" "

Although it is said that Ye Xiaoye has a child behind your back, this matter has been concealed until now, which is indeed wrong." "

Ah Ning is obviously that after spending a whole day with the 3,000-year-old dead baby, she has been brainwashed without knowing the true identity of the other party.

At this time, his expression was also a little tangled:

"But that was five years ago, it's been five years, and Master Ye didn't want to hide it from you."

"Besides, you can't do anything to a child anyway.

"This is Ye Xiaoye's blood and bones...... "

What kind of blood and bones

! What kind of bloody plot is this horse!

Is this 3,000-year-old dead baby poisonous?"

Ye Ran couldn't bear it anymore.

said angrily: "He's a fart!" Ah

Ning was stunned for a moment, obviously stunned by Ye Ran's reaction.

The little brother crossed her, and the paperweight in his hand streaked an inky cold light in the air—


Ye Ran said suddenly.

The little brother's movements paused in the air.

He was obviously still very annoyed, two green tendons were beating on his forehead, his sharp eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he turned his head in silence and looked at Ye Ran.

Ye Ran squatted down.

Stared at the face of the dead baby for a moment.

He laughed.

said, "You're very smart this time." The

dead baby knew that he had been recognized, and there was no need to hide his identity anymore, so he turned back a little smugly and glanced in the direction of the little brother.

Vaguely a bit of a show-off.

The little brother's face darkened.

The Adam's apple rolled twice unwillingly, staring coldly at the dead baby, and the green tendons in his palms bulged.

Then turn your head to look at Ye Ran.

I saw Ye Ran half-squatting to look at the face of the dead baby, and his expression was still a little soft.


The little brother didn't say a word, and pursed his thin lips.

The vinegar in his chest was mixed with blood, and he was crazy and surging.

Ye Ran took out his mobile phone.

In front of the "child" in front of him, he took a few photos of "click" and "click".

Then, he got up satisfied and smiled at the little brother:

"It turns out that you looked like this when you were a child." "


The vinegar surging in the little brother's heart suddenly froze.

He bowed his head.

looked at the mobile phone in Ye Ran's hand.

In the phone is a child with white skin, three-dimensional facial features, long, bright eyes, and hair that is a little messy, but it looks good and scattered in front of the forehead.

It's cute, it's handsome, and it's cool.

There is also a kind of ......

Separated by countless years, a sense of familiar and unfamiliar distance.

He lowered his eyes in silence, looked at the photo on his phone, and did not speak.


time it was Ye Ran's turn to be surprised.

He raised his eyebrows and said

, "Little brother, this guy is transformed into what you looked like when you were a child."

"Don't you see it yourself?".

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