Now it's all right.

Not only did he have a foreign appearance.

It's still the foreign appearance of the two of them!

Ye Ran didn't have time to look at the little brother's expression.

I heard that the other couples present were quiet for a moment.

I guess I was also shocked by this low-level mistake.

Then there was a "boom" and they all laughed.


, this ......" "Is it okay to be filial to the children?"

"The parents are too filial!" "Filial piety to me, hahaha!" "

Don't laugh, is this thing so funny?Isn't it that Ye Xiaoye and the little brother are too nervous?So I told you all to stop laughing, hahahaha, let me laugh myself

!" "......


Laughing fart!

Ye Ran took a deep breath in embarrassment, and became angry, and the redness had spread from his neck to his entire face.

I've lost my adult.

He was silent for a moment, and then he recited with his little brother:

"From now on, whether it is good or bad, rich or poor.

"Whether it's health or disease, whether it's young, whether it's aging.

"We will be in this boat through thick and thin, and we will share weal and pain. "

Share the joys and sorrows together and become a lifelong partner

!" "Bang!"

On the red notebook.

A steel stamp was printed on the photograph of the two.

The staff stood up and applauded, and said with a smile:

"Congratulations on getting married!" "Congratulations

to the newlyweds, happy marriage!"

Ye Ran subconsciously took the red notebook, his heart was beating wildly, but there was an instinctive nervousness and unreality in his heart.

That's ......

This is a husband?

He felt like he was stepping on cotton, and he felt like he was riding through the clouds.

The little brother is estimated to be no better, the two of them held hands, held the red book, and stood like this without saying a word, and there was no expression on their faces - this

scene looked, I didn't know, I thought someone was holding a knife and putting it on their necks to get married.

Ye Ran took the book and reacted for a while.

He looked at the people around him and looked at him and the little brother with a smile, and gently squeezed the little brother's hand.

Ah, that's good.

They were real, married.

Ye Ran was almost subconscious, and his heart, which was originally a little confused, seemed to be opened all of a sudden, and countless sweet honey flowed in.

He smiled uncontrollably and turned his head to look at the little brother.

He saw the calm face of the little brother, the corners of his lips moved slightly, his eyes gradually softened like words, and his voice was hoarse, and the little brother said

, "You are, mine."

Ye Ran laughed and said, "Hmm." "


Not ...... though

"The same goes for you. "

The little brother is also his.

From now on, it always will be.

The little brother's hand holding him suddenly pulled him towards his arms.

The hall was filled with blessed applause.

Cameras of numerous journalists, media outlets, blocked by staff, peeked out the door.

As soon as Ye Ran and the little brother appeared in the hall, someone took a photo and uploaded it to the circle of friends, and it quickly spread, and the nearby reporters and media came like a honeycomb, but they were all blocked outside by the staff.

At this time, there was a commotion in the hall and outside the hall, but Ye Ran didn't pay attention to this at all.

He and the little brother looked at each other deeply at this time.

In the eyes of both of them, there is only each other.

As if there was a magnetic force between the two, they gradually approached.

The newcomers erupted in cheers, and journalists and media scrambled to zoom in and

out of camera – accompanied by the crisp clicks of countless flashlights.

The two kissed each other.

Smelling the cold, familiar, and reassuring smell, the corners of Ye Ran's lips couldn't help but rise.

When he looked up, he met a pair of long, narrow eyes that were deep and soft, unprecedentedly soft.

[That's good.] The

two of them thought, almost in unison.


The scene of the marriage registration of the two was broadcast live from the moment the reporter arrived.

In fact, before the media broadcasts the whole thing –

after the couples post their photos on social media.

It was on the hot search at the fastest speed.

[Ye Zhang CP, happy newlywed

] [My knock CP has come true

] [I can believe in love again]

The three topics soared rapidly, and at the fastest speed, they contracted the top three hot searches.

Comments exceeded one million!

plus the full live broadcast of reporters and media.

It can be said that the heat has been overwhelming, so when the two walked out of the place where the marriage was registered, Ye Ran's mobile phone was about to be blown up!

Most of them were reporters and media who wanted to interview.

Ye Ran directly set up unfamiliar numbers to reject them all.

On this kind of day, he just wants to be by his brother's side and feel this brilliant and strong world together.

It didn't take long.

The fat man called again.

Ye Ran hesitated for a moment and answered the fat man's call.

The fat man seems to be in a very good mood.

How good is your mood?

Ye Ran just answered the phone.

I heard the fat man laughing breathlessly on the other side of the phone.

said: "Master Ye, why don't you reply to my WeChat! I still want to ask the two of you to come out to play."

"By the way, guess what news I just swiped on the Internet

?" Ye Ran remained silent and asked,

"What did you find?"

The fat man giggled again.

While laughing, he said:

"I saw the news that you two went to the marriage registration office to get a marriage certificate!" "Hahahaha, fat man, I said at the time, who made up this fake news?"

"There are still so many people who believe

it!" "I didn't say that you two wouldn't get married, fat man, I just think that even if you want to get a certificate, you will definitely not go secretly!"

I will definitely give us good brothers a call and let us be there to bless us.

"Even if you take 10,000 steps back and don't let us show up, then you will definitely say something, right

?" "Otherwise, wouldn't our brother be in vain?"

"So, I specifically clarified to all journalists and media, saying that this is fake news, and you won't get your certificate so suddenly." "

I also registered a number, and I also clarified it for your husband on social media......

"Guess what?"

"No one believes it! Fat man, I'm about to be sprayed into a sieve on the Internet, unless I am a keyboard warrior pretending, I can't see your husband and wife." The

fat man giggled and laughed on the phone for a long time, then calmed down a little, and said:

"However, this also highlights one thing from the side, that is, the people's voice is strong, and everyone's blessings are sincere."

"I want you two to get married soon, it's already to the point of paranoia!"

"So, when are you two going to get the license?"

Ye Ran: "......"

He coughed lightly and cleared his throat.

Awkwardly lost in thought.

Like, I did forget to tell the fat man about them.

It's over, Barbie Q.

This question.

How do you want him to answer?

The fat man didn't wait for Ye Ran's reply, but on the other side of the phone, his mobile phone rang several times in succession.

The fat man said

, "Hey, wait.

"What's the situation?"

"The reporters and media that I have clarified just now have sent me a live broadcast replay. "

What kind of live broadcast replay is also fake!" "

Fat man, I worked hard to fight fakes...... Hiss, wait. "

The fat man on the other side of the phone should have clicked on the playback.

There was a moment of silence in the whole world.

Three seconds later.

The fat man erupted in disbelief and roared,



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