The Xie family is rich and rich, and the bar is extraordinarily luxurious.

Located in the heart of the city, it covers a huge area.

In the dim light and music, countless figures shook their bodies.

Following the direction of the fat man's finger, Ye Ran turned his head.

I saw a tall figure standing in front of the bartender, two wine glasses dancing flexibly in his hands, and a little blue firelight.

It's a show-off.

The faint blue fire was extremely well controlled by him, with a bit of fancy mystery.

The moment the glass landed on the table, the flames exploded.

A gradient cocktail appeared in everyone's sight.

There were many applause and cheers around him.

Looks like a skilled bartender.

Ye Ran thought.

- But I can't see my face clearly.

Not because he had a bad look in his eyes, or that the bartender was doing something strange on his face.

It's that there are too many girls around him, blocking the view.

Of course, there are also a lot of boys.

Some of the people who ordered the wine were holding their mobile phones and opening the QR code, which seemed to be planning to queue up and add WeChat.


looked at the blurred figure.

The strange feeling in Ye Ran's heart rose again.

This man he was sure he had never seen before, but it gave him a sense of familiarity, even danger.

His instincts have always been infallible.

Ye Ran frowned slightly, staring at that figure very intently, and there were some doubts in his heart.

The fat man asked, "Isn't it pretty?" When I first arrived, I was stunned.

Ye Ran gave a perfunctory "um".

He didn't even see his face, so how did he know if it looked good or not?

It's not good-looking.

What does it have to do with him?

Ye Ran stared at the figure again.

Quietly watched for a while.

I didn't notice anything else weird, but I did feel that something was wrong.

He was about to withdraw his gaze.

At this time, he heard another low voice beside him

, and in his ear, he asked lightly, "Really, it's beautiful?"

What is it?

Ye Ran was thinking about something else.

I thought it was the fat man who didn't hear him, so he asked again.

I thought to myself, why is the fat man so interested in this man?

Caiyun is still sitting next to him.

was a little impatient, and said perfunctorily: "It's not bad, it's good-looking." "


he said.

It just felt like something was wrong.

That voice just now doesn't sound like a fat man.

Ye Ran came back to his senses.

Subconsciously turned his head and glanced in the direction of the little brother next to him.

The little brother sat beside him expressionlessly at this time, with a little indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

The expression is also faint, with lowered eyes, it looks no different from usual.

The little brother didn't seem to notice his gaze.

With his eyes down, he picked up the glass with the cold beer poured on the table and took a sip.

Ye Ran looked at his reaction, not like he was jealous and angry.


there's a song playing in the bar, and it's full of people.

It's already noisy.

Ye Ran was also a little confused for a while about who asked the sentence just now.

The fat man nodded at him and said

, "Yes, I think this kind of bartending is quite interesting, beautiful and funny." "

Sister artifact!"

"If it weren't for the fat man, I would be a rough man, and I would also want to learn." At that time, Xiao Caiyun's eyes must be shining with joy. "

Good fellows.

Ye Ran smiled at him, and said in his heart that he had misunderstood the fat man.

But he couldn't let go of the dangerous feeling in his heart, afraid that the person was coming for the little brother.

After a moment of silence, Ye Ran stood up and asked the fat man, "Go over and have a look?"

The fat man looked at him, as if he was a little surprised. Scratching his head in confusion, he said, "Master Ye, are you also interested in bartending?"

Ye Ran hummed vaguely.

He had little interest in bartending.

Isn't that reassuring?

He doesn't have any enemies in City A.

But the little brother has it.

What if it was someone arranged by the Wang family who came for the little brother?

The fat man shook his head and said with a smile: "Hey, Master Ye, I won't go, Caiyun is still there alone, I'll accompany her, you can go."

Ye Ran said, "Okay."

With that, he got up and walked in the direction of the bartender.


No sooner had he stood up than a crisp, somewhat dull reverberating cracking sound came from behind him.

Ye Ran was taken aback and suddenly turned around.

I saw that the little brother was still holding the glass with cold beer in his hand.

And the sound of shattering he heard came from the cup in the little brother's hand.

The glass shattered into several pieces at this time, and it was falling from the little brother's palm, mixed with beer and ice, and fell on the table.

This cup ......

It was actually in the palm of the little brother's hand, broken!

Ye Ran was taken aback.

grabbed his hand and asked, "Are there any scratches?"

The little brother raised his head and stared at him, lowered his long eyelashes, pursed his thin lips slightly, and still looked deep and cold, and did not speak.

The black blind man heard the sound, walked over, and asked

, "What's the matter?"

Ye Ran told the broken wine glass, and complained:

"How do I feel, there is something wrong with the material of this wine glass."

"My brother's beer hasn't even reached his mouth, and the glass is cracked.

Ye Ran thought for a while and said,

"I'll send a batch of good ones to Hua'er Ye when I go back." Guaranteed not to crack. "

Is it?

The black blind man actually didn't hear the conversation between Ye Ran, the little brother, and the fat man just now.

It was only when I heard the sound of the cup shattering that I turned around.

This person also wore sunglasses at night, and the sunglasses flashed with colorful lights, and he smiled with a surprised expression:

"...... Broken?"

"I asked someone to purchase these wine glasses, specially tempered glass. A few thousand large, bullets may not be able to penetrate it.

Ye Ran said unceremoniously: "Flashy." Black

blind man: "......"

Ye Ran carefully looked at the palm of the little brother's hand.

The palm of the hand has been sharpened with a thin layer of calluses because of the perennial knife, and it has not been scratched.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

I just let go of my little brother's hand.

Ye Ran met the little brother's eyes.

The little brother happened to look up at him at this time.

The narrow eyes were deep, but there was a sense of incomprehension.

Before his hand fell to his side, he was grabbed by the little brother with his backhand and grabbed his hand.

The hand seemed to inadvertently pull him in the direction of the little brother.

Ye Ran was stunned, followed his movements and took two steps forward, leaning down.

He heard the little brother in front of him speak very slowly, and said very calmly,

"...... Sort of, it hurts. "

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