"What?" Sister

Bao'er was stunned for a moment.

She picked up her mobile phone, and in the surprised eyes of Panzi and others, she read the circle of friends she had just posted.

"Sister just heard Hua Erye say......@#¥%............

" "So, oh, Hua Ye came to a conclusion." He said...... The little brother doesn't have anything to be proud of, and the black blind man is more cowhideous. "

Sister wants to ask, what does this mean?" "

Sister can sleep for 128 hours in the longest night, is Sister cowhide?"

Black Blind Man

: "......" Panzi: "......" Mrs. Huo: "......"

The whole crew was silenced by Sister Bao'er.

The black blind man gritted his teeth and said: "-Don't say so much useless, if you don't delete it, immediately the entire Jiumen will know that Lao Tzu actually only has a special amount of time." "

It's not white! Make a price!"

"Oh, oh.

Sister Bao'er looked at him cutely and innocently and nodded.

But in my heart, I thought:

"Little sister all day, little sister."

"Although the old lady can't bury him, she has to slaughter him fiercely."

Sister Bao'er thought for a moment and held out two fingers towards him.

The smile on the black blind man's face disappeared completely, and his voice was distorted: "Two hundred thousand, or two million, okay, you Feng Bao'er, the lion opened his mouth......

" Sister Bao'er said decisively and very sophisticatedly:

"Two hundred yuan!"

The black blind man couldn't hold back at all.

Brush took out two pieces of money from her wallet, patted them in front of Sister Bao'er and said

, "It's about to be deleted!"

"Okay, okay."

Sister Bao'er put the two hundred yuan in her pocket and thought: I

have the money to buy skin care products for Ye Wazi.

So he quickly deleted the circle of friends.

The black blind man's face still didn't look very good, his mobile phone was still ringing "Ding Dong" and "Ding Dong", he turned around very quietly, leaned back on the seat with his forehead propped up, and stopped talking.

It looks a little annoyed.

Sister Bao'er opened Taobao and looked at the prices of skin care products on it.

Suddenly blinked in surprise.

Two hundred is too little.

Fractions are not enough.

If this continues, how can Ye Wazi's body be well raised

? Could it be that my sister is going to the mountains to dig ginseng for Ye Wazi?

Sister Bao'er thought about it, and said that it was wide, but it was wide.

But...... In case of poisoning, what should my sister do?

Forget it, or buy some skin care products.

Sister Bao'er skillfully added some skin care products to the shopping cart and clicked on the settlement price.


Sister Bao'er stared at the black blind man's somewhat decadent-looking back, thought about it, and picked up her phone again.

"Sister, this time, I won't post it on Moments.

After all, she promised to be black and blind and delete the things in the circle of friends.

If you send it again, it's kind of like blackmail, huh...... Blackmail?

Sister must be a good person.

There's no need to blackmail anyone else.

So, Sister Bao'er opened the scarf of her 3 million fans, sent a scarf, and posted the content just now.


Ding Dong", "Ding Dong", "Ding

Dong...... There

are so many messages coming over at this time!

Sister Bao'er's mobile phone crashed after that.

When she restarted her phone and opened the scarf again, she found that in just a few minutes, there were already more than 10,000 comments.


" "Is this the kind I thought?"

"Upstairs, I also want to know, after all, after the jade vein exploded, the live broadcast ball was still affected, and it has been intermittent. "

I finally got rid of those jade vein crumbs, and finally restored the picture, and it was returned to the staff, and I didn't see too much wonderful content. "

What you said is wonderful, is he serious

?" "Is it important if you are serious or not?"


"Really, really??,Are they so top

?""Are Ye Xiaoye okay?

""Battle-damaged version of Ye Xiaoye

?""Sisters!It's on the hot search

!The key words are #On four hours and six hours

##The car wheels are pressing on my face#


and click!"



Bao'er took a look at it curiously, and actually ran to the top ten of the popularity list within a few minutes.

At this rate, in less than ten minutes, absolutely all three topics are in the top three.

Sister Bao'er was shocked.

I thought to myself: this should be another price.

So I added some skincare products to my cart.

Then he raised his hand and patted the black blind man on the shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

the black blind man turned his head with a depressed face, and was confronted by a huge mobile phone screen on his sunglasses, which had just soared to 20,000 in the comment area, and the three topic ...... that had just soared to the top three of the hot search


" The black blind man was silent for two seconds, and said sincerely:

"Sister, you have taken me to the shark." "

The thing he joked with Xiaohua was not only known to the entire Jiumen, but also to the whole world.

The others haven't gotten off the plane yet.

But he was already dead on the spot!,

under the angry gaze of the black blind man.

Sister Bao'er calmly stretched out her hand and said,

"I'm going to make an offer."

"This time my sister wants eighteen thousand and thirty-seven yuan, five cents and six ......

," said the black blind man,

"climb." "

Sister Bao'er failed in blackmail.

So he was annoyed and ashamed, and finally picked up the shovel that was put aside: "Sister really should bury you!"


When Ye Ran sat up to eat.

I heard a thumping sound outside.

The planes are starting to shake a little.

Why is there a fight again?

Ye Ran paused the spoon in his hand, and heard Sister Bao'er say:

"That's my sister's private number, and my sister can send whatever she wants." "


There's nothing wrong with that.

The phone was not turned on, and he didn't know that he was in the top three of the hot search, and Ye Ran, who had all the members of the four-person CP team, nodded approvingly.

Listening to the black blind man's voice, he

was a little embarrassed and said, "Then you have to send something healthy

and positive!" Ye Ran was greatly surprised, and the action of drinking porridge stopped unconsciously, did Sister Bao'er post something unhealthy and not positive?

This is not like a simple Sister Bao'er at all!

Ye Ran was a little curious and wanted to ask what was going on.

I heard Hua Erye's voice sound, and said angrily:

"This private jet is specially customized by my Xie family from the aircraft factory, the only limited edition in the world, and it cost nearly 2 billion!" "

If you knock off a table corner, you have to pay 200,000 yuan! You have knocked down all the lights? Stop it for me!"

"It makes sense!

How can you fight in other people's private belongings?"

Ye Ran agreed more, he wanted to fight out!uh...... It's still in the air, isn't it

? Can't you get off the plane and fight again?

He still wants to know more details.

There was a slight movement in his hand, but the little brother naturally reached out and took his spoon.

His lips moved, and he ate the remaining half spoonful of porridge.

Ye Ran was stunned and said,

"It's a little cold." The

little brother stared at his pale lips stained with water, and his gaze was deep. He spoke in a hoarse voice and said,

"...... Very sweet. "

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