Although I don't know why the little brother agreed to Jude to enter the ancient building.

But this person is not good or evil, and his intentions are unknown.

Ye Ran always had a reserved mentality towards him.

Hearing this, he just hooked his lips and smiled, but did not answer.

Jude didn't care, just watched Ye Ran's eyes become more and more burning, as if he had some kind of expectation, and muttered to himself,

"Great." "


" "Master Ye, you and Zhang Qilin really lived up to my expectations.

"I'll leave my business on you. "

What does this mean?

Could it be that Jude saw him and his little brother before, and said that what he wanted to ask for in the ancient building was left by the ghost baby?

Is it related to the thing left by the ghost baby?

Ye Ran frowned lightly and turned his head to look in the direction of the little brother.

Xiaohua and they also came up, and they were talking to the little brother at this time.

Xie Yuhua carefully took out a tube of injections from the black blind man's backpack and said,

"I asked someone from outside the forbidden land to send it over.

"You take care of it first, and after you leave the ancient building, you will go back to City A, as a partner, I will arrange for the Xie family to help you recuperate."

Without saying a word, the little brother took the injection and pressed it on his arm.

The antidote shot worked.

As soon as the potion flowed into the bloodstream, the thick black-cyan Gu poison on the little brother's arm disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he regained his complexion.

When Ye Ran walked to the little brother's side.

I heard Xie Yuhua sigh, and said helplessly:

"The effect that this antidote injection can play on Gu poison is actually very small.

"You saw that the Gu poison had disappeared, but in fact, this antidote injection contained an ingredient that could make the Gu poison creature dormant, so it was only dormant temporarily.

"Once the dormancy period has passed, the Gu poison will spread again.

"If you really want to be cured, you have to stay in bed for at least half a year for injections.

"It's a little late to fight now. Although I know that you are in a hurry to find Ye Xiaoye, no matter what you say, the act of driving a helicopter into the forbidden land at that time was also a great risk for you......"

Xie Yuhua said this, and Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of Ye Ran coming, and saw the little brother's warning eyes, so he had to cough dryly and said no more.

Ye Ran's heart tightened.

Hearing what Xie Yuhua said, the little brother rashly drove a helicopter into the forbidden land, his heart sank, and he was nervous and angry for no reason.

Although he knew that the little brother came so quickly, he must have used some means, but he was poisoned in his body, and there were jade veins in the forbidden land to interfere with the signal, and he had to drive a helicopter in ......


Ran lowered his eyes and pinched his fingers so that he "clicked".

He took a deep breath, in front of others, not wanting to lose the face of the little brother, so he smiled as much as he could:

"Master Hua'er, I'm sorry for you."

"Out of the forbidden land, please eat. The

black blind man smiled and said, "That's a must." I have to slaughter Ye Xiaoye severely. "

However, what are you going to do next?"

Ye Ran was about to help Mrs. Huo find clues to her daughter.

I only heard the black blind man say again:

"The clues of Mrs. Huo's daughter, Jude Tong has been found, and the bones are all placed outside the ancient building, waiting for Mrs. Huo to do genetic identification in person."

Ye Ran exhaled softly.

Mrs. Huo's eyebrows looked sad and joyless at this time, and she just stood aside on crutches and talked to her subordinates.

It's just that the hand on crutches is trembling slightly.

The atmosphere fell into a quiet silence for a moment.

The little brother raised his eyes and picked up the conversation.

His voice was low, but sure, and he said unquestioningly,

"Let's go to the sixth floor." "

Six floors, the last floor of the ancient building.

Mrs. Huo once said that the thing in the sixth floor was extremely terrifying, and if it was alarmed, there would definitely be a big mess.

To be honest, Ye Ran is also curious about the last layer of this legend, but after all, it is the hometown of the little brother, and it still depends on the wishes of the little brother.

"Fat man, can I go too?" The

fat man was drinking water, and when he heard the little brother say this, he was so excited that a mouthful of water squirted out with a "poof", and asked nervously.

The little brother glanced at him lightly and said,

"No." "

You can't go in.

The fat man's face was scornful, and he laughed a little embarrassed twice, "No, no, forget it."

Seeing this, Xie Yuhua explained:

"The sixth floor of the main building is the last floor, and according to legend, only the Qilin bloodline and those recognized by the Zhang family can enter.

"Once an outsider is detected entering, the entire ancient building will collapse immediately. This

is also the reason why the "funeral" team did not enter the last layer of troubled waters to fish.

Of course, there are also obstacles from the Xie family.

The fat man suddenly realized, scratched his head, and admonished:

"Then we will wait for you downstairs, your husband...... Come back soon. The

little brother was silent, but raised his feet and walked towards the pillar where the unicorn stepped on the fire.

It's just that this pillar is different from the pillars of other floors, and the whole body is made of gloomy wood, which is completely integrated, and there is no trace of any mechanism.

How to get up to this last layer?

Ye Ran was puzzled, so he saw the little brother stretching out his hand towards him and whispering,

"Bell." Ye

Ran was stunned, came back to his senses, and took out the things left by the ghost baby from the system space.

What the ghost baby had left behind was actually a

bronze bell! this bronze bell was different from the ones they had seen in the Nine-Tailed Fox Fantasy Realm before.

The shape is slightly smaller, the workmanship is extremely fine, and there are countless unicorn patterns engraved on it, and the tentacles are cold.


Ran looked at it for a moment, and then handed the thing to the little brother.

The little brother took the bell and struck it nine times in different directions on the pillar of the unicorn stepping fire before stopping.


was accompanied by a dull loud sound.

This legendary Zhang family, the last floor of the legendary ancient building, the mechanism slowly opened.

Unlike the soft ladders that fall from other floors.

After the mechanism was opened, the bronze stairs slowly descended and landed in front of the two of them.

"Let's go. The

little brother took Ye Ran's hand, only said a few words, and stepped up the bronze steps.

"Master Ye.

Panzi said a little uneasily

, "Well, if there is any danger, you should come down quickly."

Ye Ran replied, "Don't worry", and then felt a gloomy darkness shrouded in the overhead, he bent down slightly, and followed the little brother into the sixth floor.

The moment the two stepped into the sixth floor.

The entrance slowly closes, and the bronze staircase retracts into the inner part of the mechanism, nowhere to be seen.

These six layers ......

Huge, yet empty, gives people a feeling of extreme loneliness and emptiness as far as the eye can see.

On the sixth floor of Nuoda, there is only one coffin.

The coffin was enormous, more than four times the size of those coffins on four floors.

I don't know what kind of wood is used, and there is a faint golden light in the black, and there is a feeling of overflowing light in the dark.

This coffin is very large and heavy, and the person buried in it must be an ancestor of the Zhang family.

It should be about the same level as the ancestors of the generation in the palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

Ye Ran watched the little brother walk step by step in the direction of the ancestor's coffin, knelt down on one knee, and nodded slightly.

There is an illusion of a sudden separation.

The first and last generations of the Zhang family were separated by a coffin, facing each other.

- And in between, there are countless time and space of three thousand years.

The little brother simply expressed his respect for meeting the ancestors.

Then, two long fingers put on the front of the coffin, felt a gap, and gently lifted the top layer of wood of the coffin.


The entire ancient building was extremely quiet, and only the sound of breathing and heartbeat could be heard.

Both his and the little brother's heartbeats were a little fast, but at the same time, Ye Ran heard the faint sound of breathing slowly sounding in the coffin......

Ye Ran suddenly raised his head.

Looking towards the coffin of the ancestor of the Zhang family

! This ancestor is still alive after three thousand years!

The little brother glanced back at him, and seemed not surprised by Ye Ran's reaction, but just whispered,


Ye Ran stepped forward.

The coffin was extremely deep, and the face and body of the ancestor were covered by some strange substance, and it was impossible to see it really.

The sound of breathing was faint, but it was real.

It should be borrowed from this substance, this ancestor is very close to the current state of the Queen Mother of the West and others, in a state of slumber.

I don't know when I wake up, maybe this state will last forever.

The little brother had regained his memory, and he didn't seem surprised by this, but reached out and touched the ancestor's body and took out two things.

Three things to be exact.

An ancient knife that is almost identical to the little brother's knife.

There are also two jade rings.

The little brother handed him the two jade rings and said,

"This is Jude's thing." When you leave the ancient building, give it to him. "

The things of the ancestors of the Zhang family.

To Jude that old fellow

, Ye Ran nodded first, and then remembered this stubble consciously.

But the little brother must have his reasons for doing things, Ye Ran did not ask.

The little brother also put the ancient knife behind his back, got up without saying a word, and restored the coffin to its original state.

The sixth layer, is it over?

Ye Ran saw that the little brother had no intention of leaving, and instinctively felt that it would not be so simple.

Sure enough, the little brother turned his head, and in the dark, those narrow eyes were actually a little gentle, and smiling.

The little brother said

, "On the sixth floor, there is another room. Ye

Ran: "

Why didn't he see it?"

Could it be a dark room? But the six-story layout is extremely square. Obviously, it corresponds exactly to the other five floors.,There's no place to make a dark room.。

Ye Ran was still speculating.

I only heard the little brother next to me come over gently, and his tone was low, as if with a little bit of temptation:

"In that room."

"What is put is the Zhang family's countless materials over the years.

"And one, a rare treasure in the world. "

Do you want to...... Take a look?"

Countless materials, and a rare treasure in the world?

Ye Ran nodded instinctively.

Of course, he wouldn't have

the power to collect information, but when it comes to collecting, ......

Ye Ran was a little curious.

can let the little brother describe it in such an exaggerated tone, it must be a very shocking baby.

It's coming.

Of course he wanted to see it.

Ye Ran also wanted to know, where was the room on the sixth floor?

The little brother stared at him quietly for a moment.

The under-eyes glow with a deep glow.

After hearing the affirmative answer, he didn't seem surprised, but he took out the bronze bell again and reached out and pressed it on the coffin in front of the two.

The organ of the room.

It was actually on this coffin, and

the material used in this coffin surpassed all the substances Ye Ran had ever seen.

It was cold and hard to the touch, but when the bronze bell was placed on it, it seemed to be extremely soft.

The top of the coffin is engraved with a strange pattern, which seems to have been left behind after some pattern was disturbed.

The bronze bell sank into the coffin in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the sound of breathing inside the coffin became louder, and there was a slight noise at the bottom of the coffin, and I saw that the ground on the sixth floor suddenly began to sink, which was exactly the same size as the coffin.

The coffin slowly fell into the sunken ground, and the patterns on the coffin also changed, gradually spreading to the ground, and countless patterns slowly extended under the feet of the two of them—

these patterns gradually formed a fixed pattern.

Ye Ran fixed his eyes.

It was actually a astrolabe! The top of the coffin, and the ground, at this time, countless lines spread throughout the huge room, forming a huge

astrolabe! Ye Ran didn't study the astrolabe

too much.

This thing is extremely draining of effort and energy, and contains countless mysteries of the stars, Ye Ran just glanced at it, and he felt dizzy.

It seems that the whole person is going to be sucked into the astrolabe.

After the astrolabe spread to the entire sixth layer, it actually shook violently at this time.

In the blink of an eye, countless star nets and stardust spread out from under their feet, and quicksand spread under their feet.

Complex and swift, a passage glittering with countless stars unfolded beneath their feet.

"This is ............"

Ye Ran watched the passage form intently, and finally knew why he couldn't find where the room that the little brother said.

This room, to be exact, is not on the sixth floor at all.

It is an imaginary space that spreads throughout the ancient building! This imaginary

space is woven by the astrolabe on the ground, although it is not as large as the space in the palace of the Queen Mother of the West, but the degree of meticulousness is beyond all his imagination.

The Zhang family has taken the things left by the Queen Mother of the West to the extreme in this ancient building!

All abnormal feng shui has found an explanation in this astrolabe.

No wonder the ancient building was built in the water of the lake, not buried under the earth.

Because this huge astrolabe will continue to absorb the power of the stars through the reflection of the lake, creating a spectacle-like imaginary space.

It's shocking.

Ye Ran was still in shock.

A slightly cool hand was placed on the top of his head and rubbed it gently.

The little brother whispered in his ear,

"Don't go in." See?"

Ye Ran came back to his senses, glanced at him, and nodded.

The two joined hands and walked into the imaginary space under their feet.

This space is huge.

The dome and beneath the feet are full of stars, giving the impression of floating in space as unreal.

Countless planets around it slowly rotated, some near and some far.

The little brother made a move.

A basketball-sized "planet" floated in, and when it touched that "planet", countless historical materials of the Zhang family poured into consciousness.

Of course, this planet is illusory, and it is likely that the Zhang family astrolabe has created a small world, which is a formation effect.

However, this is also shocking enough.

These planets are called to come, and countless Zhang family histories are pouring into my heart, and if any part of this information is published in the world, it will be enough to subvert the world's cognition.

This is the legacy left by the Zhang family for 3,000 years.

Ye Ran took a deep breath, only to feel that this sea of stars made him dizzy.

The little brother in front of him also gave him a dreamy feeling.

He stretched out his hand, gently touched the little brother's face, and muttered,

"The one you said...... What about the greatest treasure in the world?"

Why didn't he see it? Or was that the treasure this imaginary space?

In all fairness, this space was indeed a treasure.

The corners of the little brother's lips hooked slightly, as if he was smiling.

Grabbing his fingers with his backhand, he pulled him into his arms.

The little brother said

, "You are here, and the treasure in this room is there."

Ye Ran was stunned, reason made him feel that the little brother was tricking him in.

But emotionally, he still ......

It's really a recipe for this.

Ye Ran also laughed, he turned his head sideways, and said in the little brother's ear

, "Okay, then I won't hide it." "

That's right.

"I have a bloodline, and you have a bloodline.

"I'd like to swap with you.

"What do you think......

" Ye Ran's throat rolled a little, and his heart beat suddenly:


After a while, the voice next to him sounded lowly, with a faint smile.

“...... Well. "

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