"Little brother?"

Ye Ran's usual hearing is excellent, but his head is buzzing at this time, and his thoughts are turning even harder, so that he can't hear what the little brother is saying clearly.

He carried the little brother on his back, stood up with the spear in his hand, and was about to walk forward -

there was a "click" sound.

The sound was not slight, it was extremely harsh, and it was continuous.

Countless rocks fell from the top of their heads.

Ye Ran instinctively wanted to protect the little brother, but a slightly cool palm moved faster than him, gently covering the top of his head.

This time he came back to his senses, and finally heard the little brother say something in his ear again, and the little brother said,

"Hold me tight." In

the next second, the jade vein, which was huge and boundless and heavy, constantly flowing and changing with a strange texture, seemed to have suddenly lost all its vitality.

Suddenly it turned gray and greenish.

Immediately afterward, a huge crack made a loud noise from above their heads, and it exploded completely


Countless jade veins shattered in the air and collided again.

Ye Ran only felt that he had received a huge impact from all directions, and countless jade veins and stone fragments hit his face, head, and body, and there were fine blood marks.

The entire boundless jade vein, which had existed underground in the Zhangjia Ancient Building for thousands of years and spread for hundreds or even thousands of miles, exploded in a way that exploded with a self-explosion.

Ye Ran and the little brother were pushed into the air by a huge explosive momentum, falling along with the countless rubbles around them.

The scene looked like an apocalyptic grandeur.

"Little brother......"

Ye Ran didn't have time to care about the pain in his body, and hugged the little brother in front of him tightly.

The two fingers intertwined, and the turquoise wrenches collided with a crisp sound

, falling in the air - the little brother seemed tired, but still his two arms were tightly wrapped around him, protecting him and blocking the sharp rubble in the air.

Xiao opened his narrow eyes, drooped his thick long eyelashes, and stared at him deeply, and the corners of his lips seemed to be lightly hooked.

He lowered his head and took his lips in his mouth.

At the moment of "......!!!",

Ye Ran's brain became blank, and it seemed to explode countless fireworks.

This scene was obviously just a moment.

But it seems like a long, long time.

After a long time, Ye Ran could clearly see that the corners of the little brother's eyes also had a seeming redness.

After a long time, he could clearly taste the cold and soft thin lips of the little brother, and there was a faint cold fragrance between his breaths.

Obviously, the fragrance is very faint and light.

But it made him addicted, the faint cold incense brought him a bone-eroding illusion, lingering around the two of them, Ye Ran's heart beat violently, and he closed his eyes - he

said in his heart:

This fragrance is really damn addictive.

For the rest of their lives, they will live for a long time, even if they can't smell ...... one day

He had to be so crazy that he couldn't take care of himself.

Ye Ran didn't even think how they landed on the ground.

In my impression, he was holding his little brother, and his little brother was also holding him.

Both men tried to divert direction and let themselves fall to the ground first in order to mitigate the damage to the other.

But when he really fell to the ground, Ye Ran didn't feel any pain.

He even had a feeling of extreme unreality.

It was as if my feet were still on cotton, and I didn't have the real feeling of touching the ground.

Is a kiss so magical

? Ye Ran thought in a trance:

What about the little brother

? Is it the same feeling? This kind of fluttering feeling is very ethereal, but it is unusually real.

Ye Ran subconsciously stepped on the ground, and really didn't step on the entity.

No way.

Could it be that they have all been thrown to death?

Is this no longer the ancient building of the Zhangjia family, but a paradise

? Will he fall to his death in one fell swoop

? Could it be that he is too careless? He is also a body that has been strengthened by the system.

But if you fall to your death with your brother, and you still have a soul after death, then this feeling is actually not bad......

The little brother kissed to death.

It's also a ghost to be romantic.

The moment Ye Ran was in a trance, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The next second.

A voice that was not loud, but it sounded like thunder to Ye Ran.

Sister Bao'er's voice was a little puzzled, and she said

, "Ye Wazi, what are you doing

?" "You are stupid?"

Didn't my sister catch you two from the air with a shovel?"

Sister Bao'er's voice became quieter, and she seemed to turn in the direction of the little brother, and said softly, a little confused:

"How do you feel now, are you better?"

Ye Wazi seemed to have been thrown stupidly. Why don't you go and give him artificial respiration to restore the ...... in his brain Well, the oxygen in there?" said

Sister Bao'er cutely,

"just like the pose you did in the air." You can do it for a while, my sister loves to watch it. "

...... Oh grass.

What kind of terrible tiger and wolf words are this!

Ye Ran only felt that his originally chaotic brain seemed to have been struck by thunder, and he suddenly came back to his senses, only to find that the reason why he was suspended in the air and did not feel like falling to the ground was because the

little brother was holding him horizontally.

There was also a shovel with a jet-black sheen on the ground beside the two, which was the one that Sister Bao'er's black-hearted company used 800 million to help her build.

It was this shovel that caught them in the air and took them directly to the ancient building, the place where the fifth floor and the jade vein met.

There were not only Sister Bao'er standing beside her, but also the fat man, Mrs. Huo, and the subordinates brought by Mrs. Huo.

They all stretched their necks and looked at him and the little brother with a shocked, happy, and gossipy look.

Ye Ran: "......

" He returned to the ground from the little brother's arm as quickly as he could, cleared his throat and said,

"No need."

"Ye Wazi, why are you sober up so soon?"

Sister Bao'er was stunned for a moment, judging from her expression, she seemed to be a little regretful.

Ye Ran took a breath, he bet that his current state must be outrageous.

It's not that he has clothes or anything, anyway, the clothes were given to Sister Bao'er at the beginning, and he himself was shirtless.

But ......

His mouth is hot, and if nothing else, it is estimated that it is still glowing with a little red and water, plus the posture he and the little brother just ......

Ye Ran's eyes swept over everyone present a little dangerously.

Except for Sister Bao'er.

The rest is simply buried.

Ye Ran had such a thought in his heart.

He was embarrassed, but compared to this embarrassment, he was more worried about the little brother's injuries and Gu poison, so he turned his head, coughed lightly

, and asked the little brother: "Little brother, ...... you"

The little brother just took the alcohol and bandages sent by the fat man at this time, and shook his head at him.

Probably means he's fine.

The fat man said, "Hi. Master Ye, I know that the two of you have a good relationship, but don't worry too much. The little brother has a lot of wounds, and there is a lot of blood, but in fact, the wounds are relatively small, they are skin injuries scratched by jade vein fragments, and it will be fine if you take care of it for a while. "

That's distressing.

Ye Ran gritted his teeth and thought of another thing.

The Gu poison also has to be solved.

When the little brother was holding him, Ye Ran could feel that the temperature of his body was extremely high, and he must have had a fever.

Looking at the little brother who was exploding and his clothes were torn to pieces.

I thought about that kiss again.

Ye Ran stood in place in a daze, his ears spreading and creeping into a dense redness, and a ridiculous thought came out.

At...... Where is the solution

? Is it ......

? Just, here,

people are too ......

Too, too much, right?

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