This string of Arabic numerals is actually Morse code.

Converted to the format of Morse code, it is actually two sentences.

It was the little brother who was separated by 108,000 miles, on the snow-capped mountains of Siguniang Mountain, and two sentences came for him.

The little brother said,

"I miss it."

"See you in three days. "


Ye Ran crumpled the note, squeezed it in his palm, and laughed silently.

Behind him was the Boundless Jade Vein.

In front of him was the wreckage of Mitoro.

But he didn't feel annoying it at all, because the little brother's home was very close to him.

"Master Ye?" The

guy brought by Mrs. Huo was a little confused, and said

, "This password ......

" "It's okay, I know it in my heart."

Ye Ran came back to his senses, and cherished the note again, folded it gently, put it in his pocket, and said,

"Let's go." Actually

, Ye Ran also knew in his heart that the probability of the little brother arriving within three days was very small.

After all, the third door has not yet been unlocked.

According to the estimation of the time for the little brother to unlock the first and second doors, it will take at least a few more hours.

Moreover, it takes more than a day just to go from Siguniang Mountain to the nearest airport to Banai, and then to Banai.

It will take more than three days to enter the forbidden place and find the Zhangjia Ancient Building here.

That adds up to five days.

Still without any mistakes.

However, it is already good to be able to receive the news from the little brother in a completely closed situation.

Ye Ran said: "Radio the people above."

"Let the people on the other side of Siguniang Mountain be sure to ...... Stay safe. The

guy said, "Okay." "


Strong alkali waterfall though ended.

But there's still a lot of powder floating in the air, and there's no way around it.

Ye Ran opened the golden light spell.

The fat man and the others put on gas masks in advance, put on clothes, hats, and tied their hands and feet tightly, and then walked through the first gate.

But even so, Mrs. Huo accidentally inhaled a small amount of strong alkali powder, and bleeding from her mouth.

After entering the code for the second door, there was no surprise, there was no jade vein here, but there were still a lot of stones, and the light was not good.

A few people rested here for a while, about four or five hours.

Waiting for the third door password of the little brother.

Ye Ran lowered his head, turned the turntable on the bronze door, and entered the password.

The last door was different from the previous two, and the door finally had a pattern, carved with a huge unicorn, which showed a fierce face and was carved to the fullest.

When I got closer, there was a cold smell.


The third door opened with a bang.

In the next second, Mrs. Huo and the others raised their heads in unison and let out an exclamatory sound--

Zhangjia Ancient Building has finally arrived!

This ancient building has a total of six floors, and it is really built underground.

Although it is underground, it does not show any embarrassment, on the contrary, it is extremely tall and majestic, built in the style of the Qing Dynasty, and the whole body presents a rich black.

"Huo!" The

fat man's eyes widened, he couldn't help but touch his chin, and said

, "Master Ye, you have a really good eye, huh?"

"This little brother's family is always rich." "

Don't look at this is a house, except for bricks and tiles, all

the wood used is gloomy wood, and it is more than a thousand years of gloomy wood!" "The thousand-year-old gloomy wood, like carbon black, has different colors, is black and bright when it meets water, and the oiled color is stationed, and the burnt ash is yellow......

" "In the black market, and the auction house, the price has always been based on grams.

"It's a great coffin!"

said the fat man, who immediately covered his mouth, and said,

"Bah, that's not what I meant.

Ye Ran glanced at him, didn't say much, then raised his steps and walked in the direction of the Zhangjia Ancient Building.

Who would have thought that there would be a pool of living water in this extremely deep underground?

This living water is not deep, the water is clear, and there is no living life.

Mrs. Huo's man took a strong flashlight, turned his head and nodded to everyone, signaling that he could pass.

Through the reflection of the flashlight, you can clearly see the reflection of Zhangjia Ancient Building from the water.

It's like this mysterious underground building, built in a mirror.

Ye Ran approached the ancient building and found that there was a dark gold plaque hanging on it, with a few big characters written on it.

"Zhang's main building"

here is the real Zhangjia Ancient Building!

" Fatty, don't touch it.

Ye Ran shook his head at the fat man and said,

"There is a layer of strong alkali powder attached to this ancient building. "

It should be to prevent the possibility of Mitoro breaking in, and also to prevent outsiders from entering by mistake.

"It's weird.

Mrs. Huo was shocked by the scene of Zhangjia Gulou at first, but when she came back to her senses, her expression was a little indescribably strange, she said:

"Why is there no door in this Zhangjia Gulou?"


This Zhangjia ancient building was completely black, and they walked around only to find that there was really no door.

"Isn't it a hell of a thousand years of gloomy wooden building, and there is no door in the whole building?" The

fat man also felt a little infiltrating, but he had always been bold, and he was not taboo about these, and said quickly:

"This looks like a

big coffin!" "Isn't this a big coffin?

The living people have moved to the northeast.

Ye Ran knew it in his heart, but he didn't say much, just said lightly:

"There is no door, and there is no window." "

Let's go in through the window." "

Although it is not good to say that the first time I came to my brother's house, I opened the window, but there is no other way.

The group had no choice but to pry open the window and climb in.

The exterior of this ancient building is made of thousand-year-old gloomy wood, and the interior may be used for fire prevention, and bricks and tiles are still used.

Stepping on the ground and silent, the fat man shone it with a strong flashlight, and immediately took a breath of cold air.

"The first floor of this Zhangjia

Ancient Building is ......" "There is strong alkali powder everywhere!" "

The collapsed shoulder should have been sprayed by strong alkali powder when he entered Zhangjia Ancient Building, and he was seriously injured, so he became the same as before.

Naturally, the others did not dare to underestimate it and wore gas masks and a full set of measures all the time.

The first floor, which is the hall of Zhangjia Ancient Building, is very large, but it is extremely empty and does not put anything.

In the center of the hall, there are four pillars, which are extremely thick and difficult for one person to encircle, and are also made of thousand-year-old gloomy wood, with delicate patterns carved on them.

"The unicorn treads the fire.

Ye Ran ran ran the golden light spell to his fingers and gently stroked the pillar in front of him, this unicorn image is not the same as the tattoo on the little brother's body, it must be the inheritance pattern of the Zhang family.

"Dang" sound.

The fat man, who was looking around the room, seemed to have knocked something down, colliding with the masonry floor with a crisp sound.

"What's this?"

the fat man put on gloves and picked up the thing on the ground that was stained with strong alkali powder and thick dust, and his expression gradually became strange.

He waved his hand at Ye Ran.

The fat man said

, "Master Ye, look at this thing......"

"Have you seen it anywhere?".

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