Therefore, he can do such a small thing as dealing with the wound himself.

Hua Erye has been very mature since he was a child, and he has a lot of means and the city.

But here in the dark glasses.

Hua Erye can still be a willful child.

If you don't want to get blood, you don't have to.

Hear Black Glasses say that.

Xie Yuhua's hand shook slightly.

He took a deep breath, glanced at his dark glasses with a cold face, and didn't speak.

When has this been?

How could the blood of those people be the same as his?

Damn, can you say it sooner if you're uncomfortable?

He also raised his eyebrows, and seemed a little surprised.

So he changed the subject and continued:

"Little friend, why don't you speak.

"Look at your black glasses brother's abs, fascinated?" "Look at

the abs of a fart!

Who is still in that mood now

? It seems that he doesn't have abs himself, and he still needs to see the black blind man?

Xiaohua took a deep breath, couldn't help scolding the black blind man, and just turned to Panzi and said,

"Take a towel out of my bag."

Panzi did so.

Xie Yuhua rolled the towel into a ball with some rough movements, stuffed it into the mouth of the dark glasses, and said,

"Shut up, you." "

Bear with me. "

If it hurts, bite the towel. "

Speaking of the last sentence.

Xie Yuhua's voice was still slightly softer.

At this time, he had to take out the fragment of the belly of the dark glass, which seemed to be alive, and kept rooting in his body, if he touched some major artery in the middle, or the internal organs ......

Xie Yuhua didn't dare to think about it.

He didn't think about it anymore.

Instead, he grabbed the ceramic shard with the knife in his hand, and then gently picked it out from the black blind man's abdomen, along with a little flesh.

The ceramic shards were covered with black hairs.

At this time, Xie Yuhua was picked out entirely, and those "hairs" smelled the breath of unicorn blood left on them by the little brother in the air, and suddenly writhed uneasily, and soon retreated like a tide.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the tightly curled "hairs" taken from the black blind man's abdomen disappeared on the finger-sized ceramic shard.

This hair.

And the ceramic shard was extremely strange, as if it had life, and after entering the black blind man's body, it began to move towards the location of his heart at a very fast speed.

If it weren't for the fact that the black blind man couldn't hold on, Xiaohua noticed his discomfort.

I'm afraid that if it was ten minutes later, the ceramic shard would occupy the heart of the black glasses.

The hairs would grow all over his body along all the veins and bones in his body.

Eventually, it becomes a monster like the corpses in the walls.

The black "hairs" will take root in his bones, growing permeate all parts of his body until they take up the entire body and ...... his skull

Xie Yuhua bandaged the black blind man.

As he spoke, his voice was slightly unsteady and trembling.

But through the dull gas mask, it is not really audible.

Xie Yuhua said:

"So when you just entered the cave, you suddenly walked in front of me......

" "Just to block these things?"

The abdomen of the black glasses has been bandaged with gauze, and he has a lot of blood, plus he is wearing a big black sunglasses, his face looks a lot paler.

The dark glasses leaned against the cave wall, laughed lazily, and said,

"Didn't I just say that?"

"I'm sick when you're dead. "


Xie Yuhua was silent for a while, looking at the gauze bandaged on the black blind man's abdomen and the large pool of blood on the ground, she only felt extremely dazzling.

He was quiet for a moment, and said in a low voice,

"It's better that I'm dead." "

Don't talk nonsense!

Panzi rubbed his hands anxiously on the side, why did the two young masters start to die and live while talking?

These four girls are very evil, don't say anything and it will come true.

That's a flag for yourself!"

I said you.

Panzi tried to find a topic, and said with a smile:

"I won't even compare who dies first." "

This comparison heart is too heavy.

Xie Yuhua and the black blind man looked at him at the same time, and were about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a dull thud at the bottom of the iron plate.

It's like there's some kind of mechanism that has been activated.

"Little brother?" Xie

Yuhua's first reaction was to look at the little brother who had been in front of the iron plate research institute.

The little brother turned his head, there was no other look on his indifferent face, he just shook his head at Xie Yuhua, indicating that it had nothing to do with him.

But after they came in, they didn't ...... to bandage the wounds of the black blind man

I didn't do anything.

Could it be Sister

Bao'er? Sister Bao'er is the main force who has just excavated those walls, but her anti-poison attribute is too high, and she is completely immune to those hairs, and those "hairs" don't seem to have any interest in her, and she is still a little afraid.

In addition, Sister Bao'er has not spoken since she entered this cave, but she just looked at it curiously.

Panzi almost forgot about Sister Bao'er!

"No, it's not me."

Sister Bao'er blinked and shook her head with big gray eyes.

She is actually more worried about Ye Wazi.

So after entering the cave, even if she couldn't understand these mechanisms, she tried to look around the cave twice to see if she could get any clues.

Let's talk about it.

Sister is not like a panzi.

You know that you can stand next to you and eat dog food!


dog food, she only recognizes Ye Wazi and Xiao Ge's brand of dog food.

Sister Bao'er pointed to the black blind man's blood-stained fingers, and then pointed

to the ground, saying, "Just now, sister saw ......" "

The black blind man's blood has flowed to the ground." "

Went underground?"

Sister Bao'er said this.

Panzi and the others immediately noticed that something was wrong.

The black blind man bled a lot, and the bleeding has not completely stopped.

But the blood on the ground ......

But it's gradually decreasing.


little brother stretched out his hand and searched for a moment in the blood stains of the black blind man, and then as if he had touched something, he pressed it down with two fingers.

A dull loud "click......"


Accompanied by the movements of the little brother, the huge iron plate actually slowly rotated under the gaze of several people! Inside

the cave, the seemingly chaotic stones on the wall also began to change, and in just a few minutes, those stones continued to rise and fall, forming three mural-like patterns.

And at the same time.

The huge iron plate mechanism also rotated to a certain angle, and then came to an abrupt end.

When a few people walked to the front of the iron plate, they saw that under the iron plate, there was a deep hole about one meter long, which was illuminated by a strong flashlight, and it was bottomless.

"This should be where all the organs are. Xiaohua

said: "There are three murals on the wall, which should be to turn the iron plate to three angles......

I saw that the little brother didn't say a word, stared indifferently at the abyss under his feet for a moment, moved extremely quickly, and jumped down suddenly.

"Zhang Qilin!!".

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