Panzi stared at the cement block he had dug down.

"Something is wrong. Panzi

said, "How can there be cement in this cave?" "

Even if there is cement, it may have been brought in by Jiumen." But, what the hell is this...... Or military cement. "

Panzi is a man who has been a soldier.

The purpose of this kind of thing is clear.

Military cement is much stronger and more durable, and will never crack the outer layer when you dig it gently.

Unless ......

This military cement is not solid.

There is actually red blood and mud in this cement, could it be that a dead person is buried in it?

Panzi waved his hand at several of the Xie family's men, signaling them to continue digging.

He also raised his shovel and dug hard into the concrete wall in front of him.


outer shell of the cement wall looks hard ......, but it is an extra layer of pouring, which can be opened as soon as it is dug up.

The inside is still military cement, but this cement is a dark red color, with a strong fishy smell.

"This is ......" Xie Yuhua also arrived in the cave at this time, and when she saw the huge blood-red wall in front of her, her face suddenly changed, and she said:

"This is

the smell of human blood!"

This red must not be the color of the cement itself.

There is only one possibility, that is, there is countless flesh and blood sealed in the cement, and the flesh and cement are mixed together to form this wall!!

" "Hiss......

" Panzi's face changed, he gasped, and said,

"How many people died in Jiumen back then?"

Moreover, what the hell happened here.

Only then could the people of the Nine Gates pour cement into the cave with their own hands, casting the flesh and blood of their compatriots into the walls?

How tragic it was back then!

Panzi instantly felt that this cave was full of evil aura, and his hairs stood up.

But after all, he has been traveling from south to north for many years, and he is not so frightened by this wall, but his face is a little ugly, and he said:

"This wall made of flesh and blood seems to be a little wet. Xie

Yuhua and the black glasses glanced at each other, and their brows furrowed tightly.

The largest tomb robbery in the history of the Nine Gates Organization back then has been decades away from now.


little brother didn't say a word, stepped forward with his long legs, and pulled out the black gold ancient knife behind his back.

"Dang" sound.

The black gold ancient knife glowed with a cold light, marking a sharp knife mark on the wall, and the little brother's long fingers used a slight force, and he actually penetrated the ancient knife into the wall.

His wrist rotated slightly.

He pulled out a piece of flesh and blood from the wall.

"Pap, papa

, papa......" With the little brother's movements, the entire cave was extremely quiet, and the next second, there was the sound of water droplets hitting the ground.

But in this cave. Countless

thick and fishy blood slowly poured out from the wall, dripping to the ground in the direction of the little brother's blade.

Decades have passed.

Not only did the blood not dry up.

On the contrary, it was like a blood vessel that had just been broken by the little brother, gushing out in large quantities.

Could it be ......

Xie Yuhua and Panzi glanced at each other at this time, and an extremely incredible thought jumped out of their hearts.

Panzi swallowed hard and said,

"Could it be that the corpse sealed in this cave is not dead yet?"

It's impossible.

First of all, if you are sealed in cement, you don't eat, drink, or even breathe for decades, so why are you still human?


The piece of cement that the little brother cut off was mixed with countless pieces of flesh and blood.

Apparently they are all dead.

Now the question is, where did the blood come from?

Panzi moved his lips, but he didn't speak.

I saw the little brother put his long fingers up, put them on his thin lips, and made a gesture towards him not to speak.

The next second.

"Ahh Gurgle......"

An extremely eerie, slight sound rang out in the deepest part of the cave.

The voice sounded like someone sneering at the back of a cave.

But upon closer listening, the voices crisscrossed and seemed to sound from the countless corners behind the cave, gradually getting closer and closer to ......

"It is.

The smile on the corner of the dark glasses' mouth disappeared slightly, and he pushed the sunglasses on his face, and said,

"This is the sound of something burrowing through the cracks, squeezing the air!"

Those pheasants burrowed their necks in the ground, and they used to make similar sounds.

In other words.

The things in the depths of this cave are definitely not human!"

What should we do next?"

Panzi took a deep breath and turned his head to ask the little brother.

In the past, he asked Ye Xiaoye.

But at this time, he was separated from Ye Xiaoye and the others, so he could only ask the little brother, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the little brother didn't even give him a look.

The thin lips didn't move at all, just made a gesture towards him.

Motioned for him to continue digging.

Dig this wall so they can enter the cave and find the mechanism that opens the Banai Ancient Tower!

This wall of flesh and blood was dug up a gap by the people brought by the Panzi Reconciliation Family.

Pieces of cement, mixed with pieces of flesh, blood, and bones, fell to the ground and scattered.

The thick blood was still pouring out.

The whole cave was filled with a rancid smell.


Xiaohua picked up a piece of cement crumbs on the ground, and her brow furrowed slightly.

He said

, "There is such a long hair in this cement?"

The corpse was sealed in the cement, and it was not strange that there was hair.

It's just that this hair is a little too long.

At least more than one meter long!

The people of Jiumen are in the industry, and they have always been mainly interested in the convenience of travel.

Who would have hair that long?"


dark glasses leaned over and glanced at it.

He shook his head lightly and said,

"It's not hair.

"If you look closely, these things are extremely tough, they don't break in the cement, and they ......"

The dark glasses pointed to the cement in Xiaohua's hand, which had half a skull in it.

Black Glasses uses a knife to empty the blood-colored cement next to the skull.

Then he continued:

"These black silk threads grow out of human bones. These

black threads grew densely from the human bones, gushing out of the hollow eye sockets.

Dark glasses remove the surrounding cement.

Only then did I find that this skull was actually filled with countless black "hairs" that were densely entangled.

This scene looks extremely disgusting.

But the few people present were quite calm.

The "hairs", though eerie, are apparently in a state of death, or dormancy, and do not move at all.

The dark glasses frowned, and threw the skull aside.

A few people continued on their way.

The subordinates of the Xie family, who were walking at the forefront, suddenly stopped.

Then Panzi cried out in a lost voice:

"How can it be...... So much?!".

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