He leaned his shoulders on the altar behind him and stood up.

His face, which had been burned beyond recognition by strong alkali, showed a hideous, mocking smile.

Shoulders slumped and smiled coldly:

"The Zhang family was naturally ecstatic when they got this stone box. The

reason is very simple, because Wang Zanghai also discovered the ultimate, and out of his own selfishness, he wanted to tell the ultimateness to more people.

The Zhang family is for generations, and its mission is to protect the ultimate.

The two create the most fundamental conflict.

Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhang family, under the influence of the Wang family, began to decline.

The people also began to doubt the ultimate faith that their time guarded.

Is there really an ultimate

? Why have they never seen

it? What is the ultimate, and why do they have to protect it from generation to generation because they have to pay so many lives?

The Zhang family has a long lifespan and strong ability.

They could have done more, and they didn't have to be confined to the matter of guarding the ultimate!

There was a split within the Zhang family.

By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the division within the Zhang family was already very serious.

At this time, the high-level officials of the Zhang family urgently needed something to prove that the ultimate they were guarding existed.

And such a thing was quickly sent to them by the emperor.

That is the dragon pattern

stone box!! This stone box contains a baby that can wake up King Zhou Mu.

According to the information obtained by the Zhang family.

After taking the elixir given by the Queen Mother of the West, King Mu of Zhou also gave the baby a copy and made an identical jade figurine in the stone box.

After more than 3,000 years, the dragon pattern stone box turned to the set of I Ching numbers he had set.

The internal mechanism is opened, and the baby is born, and he will naturally be awakened.

It's just that King Zhou Mu didn't expect it.

His jade figurines were occupied by a latecomer, King Lu Yan.

King Lu Yan made a lot of calculations, but he didn't expect to be pitted by his own military advisor.

Iron Mask dragged King Lu Yan out of the jade figurines again, and lay down in it himself.

Therefore, King Mu of Zhou did not succeed in immortality, but turned into a bloody corpse.

The only thing in this world that can prove to the clansmen and the Nine Gates that the ultimate thing guarded by the Zhang family really exists.

That's inside the stone box.

A baby who has survived for 3,000 years!!

", huh?"

listened to the description of the slumped shoulder.

The fat man raised his hand and tugged hard at his short hair, he only felt that his scalp was numb, and he took a deep breath before saying

, "Is this still a baby?"

"This is a timed alarm clock that has lived for 3,000 years

!" "Good guy, can you live so long without eating or drinking? I don't believe the fat man killed!" "

Fat man, I'm hungry for a day or two, and I have to pant when I stand up." "

What can you eat in this

stone box? Won't you starve to death!"

The fat man turned his gaze to the stone box, his eyes suspicious.

Shoulders suddenly burst out laughing.

"So I said it a long time ago. "

The ultimate guarded by the Zhang family. "

It's fake!"

No one can live that long...... Ultimate?haha, the same as the Zhang family.

"It's all a joke!"

"The baby was dead." Maybe King Zhou Mu died when he put it in.

"Maybe he died the moment he was taken out of the box......

"But who cares? There

was a malicious mockery on his face.

He knew that the live broadcast ball behind Ye Ran would record all this truthfully.

It was precisely because of this that he would bring Ye Ran and the others here.

He originally wanted to plot to kill a few people in the forbidden land, but that Zhang Qiling's skills were slightly better than him, plus the woman with the shovel beside him, and this Ye Ran who had the blood of the Vermilion Bird.

It's all too strong.

He really didn't have a chance of winning.

So in the end, he chose to use Caiyun to plot, but he didn't expect Caiyun to choose to betray him.

He had to fight with his back.

Slumped shoulders said coldly,

"The Holy Child is dead. The Zhang family became a joke.

"But how could the Zhang family tolerate such a thing?"

...... So, they found another baby and wanted to hide it.

"This baby, let's be regarded as half of the Zhang family's surname. Although he is not the purest inner surname, at least, he has Qilin blood.

"They passed off this baby as a three-thousand-year-old holy child taken from the dragon pattern stone box, in an attempt to regain the trust of the family. He

slumped his shoulders and said,

"And this person who pretends to be a holy child and enjoys all the honor and worship brought by the Zhang family since he was a child...... It's your teammate, Zhang Qilin.

"Of course, he's a fake after all. Like me, how can a fake become real?"

Therefore, he was quickly ambushed by the Wang family and exposed by the Zhang family's undercover agent.

The trust that Zhang Jiagang had re-established instantly vanished, and he Zhang Qilin ...... It's just a joke. "

He is a fake holy child, he has been deceived since he was a child, and he is the humiliation of the Zhang family.

"What qualifications does a fake Holy Child have to represent the Zhang family?"

The expression on his shoulders became more and more hideous, and he smiled coldly:

"On ability." I received the same education as him, and I also scored a lot of what he Zhang Qilin learned in the Zhang family.

"In terms of contribution, although I am a foreigner, I have not shamed the Zhang family. "

On qualifications. Everyone is fake, and naturally the capable are on top. "


Suddenly the whole person slammed forward, pressing against a stone at the very edge of the altar.

The stone seemed unremarkable.

The collapsed shoulder pressed hard, and it suddenly sank.

Immediately afterward, the ground shook violently again! A

trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his shoulder's mouth, and then his facial features began to slowly ooze blood, as if the mechanism was opened, causing great damage to his body.

Most likely, all the internal organs have been cracked.

He didn't raise his hand to erase it, just looked at Ye Ran's direction, and smiled coldly:

"I've lost too much, and now, there's nothing to lose."

"But Zhang Qilin, he's different.

"He has so much more than I do.

"In that case, let him also taste the loss of something very important. The

words of the slumped shoulders just fell.

The altar he was on beneath him suddenly shattered into two pieces,

revealing a huge meteorite underground.

The cave shook violently and began to sink, but the jade veins gradually rose, as if something was about to break through the earth......

earth"Damn!" the

fat man shouted and said, "Mrs. Huo, I blame you so much." "

Fat man, I said it all, won't it be over if this guy dies suddenly?"

"He obviously can't live by himself, so he will be buried with us!" "

Damn, the mouth of the cave has collapsed."

"We can't get out! shouldn't we be crushed to death by this

jade vein?" The fat man's eyes widened as he watched the jade vein slowly rise from the ground.

It's ......

Crush it to death.

This jade vein is very evil, don't they become any monster in it, right?

The fat man's whole person is not good!!Ye

Ran watched the action of opening the mechanism with his shoulders slumped, but he was very calm.

He said,

"Fatty. What are you afraid of?"

"What the Zhang family said back then may indeed be false.

"But the shoulders are slumped, is it true that he is doing this?"

"Since you doubt the meaning of the Zhang family's existence, deny the ultimate guardianship of the Zhang family."

Ye Ran picked up the box in his hand.

A faint flame burned in his fingers, and he quickly flicked the dragon pattern on it, flicking it to a number he had calculated.


This is an arrangement he calculated according to the eight trigrams of the I Ching.

It is also the final answer to open this stone box.

In the horrified sight of the slumped shoulders.

The heavy dragon pattern stone box in Ye Ran's hand made a sound of a precision mechanism turning.

The second before the stone box opens.

Suddenly there was a strong wind in the cave.

Ye Ran raised his head, looked in the direction of his shoulders, slowly hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled.

Ye Ran said:

"You can hate the Zhang family and blame fate, it has nothing to do with me."

"On the contrary, after seeing your tattoo, my little brother asked me to release you once, and I did it.

"But I don't allow anyone to destroy what my brother cares about, what he guards.

"That's his bottom line, and it's my bottom line.

"Okay. "

Since you want to, then I'll let you ......

" "See the truth with your own eyes." "

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