"Master Ye. What is the situation?" the

fat man asked in a low voice when he saw this, goosebumps on his arms, and he gasped.

Underneath and around this altar, there are extremely profound and strange patterns carved into them.

And these patterns are almost filled with blood.

The slumped shoulders they were looking for sat under the altar, leaning against the whole altar behind them, their heads bowed, covered in blood.

I don't know if I'm alive or dead.

As for the "colorful cloud" that Ye Ran created with the paper figure technique, it was thrown aside like a rag doll.

The shoulders have a Qi Qi tattoo, and their skills are extremely similar to the little brother, and they have an extremely deep relationship with the Zhang family.

He should have entered the Niutougou and found that this colorful cloud was wrong, but he opened the bow and did not turn back.

He had already guessed that Ye Ran had replaced the real Caiyun, but it was obvious that Caiyun was not the last hole card of the collapsed shoulder.

Will be counted.

The slumped shoulders led them here.

What kind of place is this?

In Ye Ran's memory, he didn't remember that there was such a paragraph in the plot.

It should be that after he replaced Caiyun, who was supposed to die here, he forced out the hole cards that he didn't have time to use in the first place.

Is it a hidden plot?

Ye Ran's eyes swept over the collapsed shoulder, and saw that he was just sitting motionless, which showed that if he wanted to urge this altar, he must have paid an extremely tragic price for the collapsed shoulder.

The height of the altar almost held up the entire cave.

The shape is extremely bizarre, as if it were a huge disc with a rectangle held up, and countless ancient words were engraved on it.

The fat man looked at Ye Ran and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask what words were engraved on it.

Ye Ran shook his head at him and said, "I don't know."

Mrs. Huo also shook her head, her expression extremely solemn.

She said

, "Although my old woman has learned a little wasted over the years, I am afraid that I have been exposed to ancient characters more than you have eaten rice. "

It's not that Ye Xiaoye doesn't recognize this text, but that he can't read it. "

Master Ye, am I right?" Ye

Ran nodded lightly.

Mrs. Huo continued to say to the fat man:

"After these words are engraved, they don't seem to want to be recognized, and they are covered up and altered in some way, these are all altered words.

In other words, the people who built the altar did not intend for the later generations to understand the words.

So why build an altar here?

Altar. Naturally, it is for human sacrifice.

But the intention of the builders is clearly not to allow anyone who comes after them to sacrifice them.

Then why do you need to build an altar?

Ye Ran looked around, and only felt that this place, like the Zhangjia Ancient Building, exuded an extremely unreasonable meaning everywhere.

——The coffin used in the Thousand Coffins Array is very old.

At least hundreds of years ago.

But the altar, and the words on it, seem to have been carved in modern times, and they have been deliberately altered.

That is, the age of the coffin is in the front, and the age of the altar is in the back.

How can there be such a contradiction?

Unless ......

A guess suddenly appeared in Ye Ran's mind.

This thousand coffins.

It was deliberately brought here from elsewhere by the man who made the altar.

The reason is also very simple.

It's not to confuse latecomers and make something like a ghost hitting the wall.

It's to suppress it!

All around this cave are plank roads, and all the coffins are densely packed, thousands of them.

And these coffins are placed here for only one reason.

That is to suppress this altar.

Suppress the contents of this altar!!If

that's the case......

So what is it about this altar that makes the people who built the altar feel like they are facing a great enemy, and even thousands of corpses need to be suppressed?"


fat man picked up his gun, pointed in the direction of the collapsed shoulder, and said,

"Let's kill him suddenly."

"Isn't it over?"

"Master Ye, you can't be soft-hearted at this time! This guy didn't have a good heart all the way, robbed the little brother's things, burned the little brother's boudoir, and wanted to take Caiyun as a hostage, and now he has led us to this evil place." "

He's just looking for death!"

the fat man said, aiming at the position where the collapsed shoulder was, and loaded the gun with a "click".

Mrs. Huo remained silent, just waved her hand behind her.

A few of the people she had brought with her stepped forward and held down the fat man's arm.

"Damn, what are you doing?" the

fat man was shocked, "Mrs. Huo, we are a cooperative relationship." If you don't agree with this, you will unload my weapon?"

"You can't fight here!" "Fat man, I'm afraid of you?"

"Okay, you old woman."

", you!" Mrs

. Huo didn't bother to argue with the fat man, she just lifted her eyelids and coldly spit out a few words.

"The altar is not yet fully opened. "

The slumped shoulders were obviously going to wait for them to come.

It's just that the difficulty of opening this altar is obviously beyond the prediction of the collapsed shoulder, and some unknown change has occurred.

Perhaps the slumped shoulder was originally intended to be added to his own with Caiyun's blood, but Caiyun could only use his own since Caiyun did not bleed.

Therefore, the reason why the shoulders are sitting here is probably to attract them and wait for them to do it.

At this time, it is like the intention of slumping shoulders.

"Okay. The

fat man's eyes rolled, and he understood what was going on, so he said

, "Can't you say something well

?" "Let go of the fat man first, it's a big deal to give you the pistol, can't you?"

Ye Ran made a gesture towards Mrs. Huo, signaling her not to mess with the fat man.

Mrs. Huo also felt slightly sorry, but in that situation just now, in order to prevent the fat man from shooting, it was the safest way.

As soon as she waved her hand, the people under her hands automatically let go of the fat man and stood to the side with their heads bowed.

"Master Ye, what are you looking at?"

saw that Ye Ran just stood still.

The fat man took two steps forward curiously and followed Ye Ran's line of sight.

In an instant, he gasped.

"Fuck ......

" "I finally know what's strange about the pattern on this altar."

"This altar is so fucking big. "

And you can't see the whole picture.

At this time, he followed Ye Ran's footsteps and took two steps, but the fat man understood it.

The pattern on the ground.

It's actually a painting!!It's

just that this painting is like an engraved seal, it's reversed, the convex place is concave, the concave place is convex, and the lines look extremely messy.

It was like a scattered altar pattern, revealing a cold weirdness, but nothing could be seen.

At this point, the blood from the collapsed shoulder is flowing almost all the grooves.

The altar is just now visible.

The altar is surrounded by dragon patterns, and the picture is extremely delicate and intricate, and the clues can be faintly seen when it is filled with blood.

The pattern on the ground is carved into a scene.

A man sits high on a chair carved with a dragon pattern.

Others are on their knees.

They are very close.

It seems that something is being discussed fiercely.

This scene ......

It's in the palace!!

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