looked at the little brother's eyes deep.

looked at himself fixedly, silent.

Ye Ran's embarrassed toes clasped the ground, almost pulling out of a West Queen Mother Palace.

He's drunk and messy, and he doesn't know what he's doing with his brother, but it's definitely something that isn't very serious.

Well, first of all, the next day he changed his clothes.

Secondly, he was not in pain.

Who is it that hurts

? And there will be no one else, in this way, it is very likely that it will be the

little brother? Ye Ran thought of this, and suddenly felt a deeper layer of guilt for the little brother.

He's not a thing.

Although I don't know if his drunken mess X succeeded.

There is a high probability that it will not be successful.

After all, strictly speaking, after drinking, it is likely that there is no such function.

But to say that it is not good is to try.

It must have caused quite serious psychological damage

to the little brother! Looking at the indifferent face of the little brother, Ye Ran felt more and more like an old pervert, so he cleared his throat in embarrassment, and continued to explain:

"What's inside, in fact, I ...... I hadn't experienced this before, so I wasn't very skilled.

"I don't know what you think, but ...... anyway

" "I do mean it out of my heart.

"I'm going to be responsible for you to the end. "

You. If you don't dislike it, then

I'll ......" Ye Ran said, "I'll ...... In the following time, I studied hard and honed my skills.

"Guaranteed to succeed next time.

"And, it won't hurt you, I promise it won't hurt you at all. The

little brother was silent for a long time.

The atmosphere of "......"

suddenly became solemn.

There's also a hint of weirdness.

Ye Ran was stunned again.

He frowned slightly, trying to remember what happened after he got drunk that night, could it be that nothing happened to them?

"Little brother?"

Seeing that the little brother had not spoken.

Ye Ran subconsciously called him.

"Hmm. The

little brother's long eyelashes moved slightly, as if he had just come back to his senses, and glanced in his direction again, his expression looking strange.

The little brother's expression now.

Ye Ran could even bet that it was much stranger than seeing a KFC in business in the Zhangjia Ancient Building.

Is what he just said so strange?

Probably not.

Ye Ran recalled it carefully, the embarrassment was a little embarrassing, but he was indeed sincere.

The little brother was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

He said,

"You want to." "

What kind of tiger and wolf words are these?"

Ye Ran was completely stunned

, he thought, he didn't want to, did he want to?

Now it's

not a question of whether he wants to or not, hasn't it already happened?

The amount of information in this sentence is too great.

Ye Ran was still digesting this sentence repeatedly in his heart, and then he heard the little brother pause for a moment, and then continued:

"This matter. Let's talk about it later. "

Yes, yes.

He also feels that he can't speak clearly through the screen now.

Looking at the little brother's expression, maybe nothing happened to them in the courtyard, it is likely that he understood it in advance.

Ye Ran embarrassedly pushed the two tiger teeth with the tip of his tongue.

Just watched the little brother move his thin lips lightly on the side of the phone, his beautiful eyebrows were twisted together, and he seemed to be very puzzled by the whole thing Ye Ran said, and after a while, he asked,

"There is one more thing."

"You're going to do it. How can you study hard and practice hard?"

What kind of hard work?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, is it that he just promised the little brother!

Good question.

He didn't think about it either.

But this is all modern society, and it will definitely not be helpless, there will definitely be a way.

Ye Ran was embarrassed, and looked at the little brother very inquiringly, so he had to say:

"Cough, let's use it for the time being, right hand." "


The little brother fell into honey silence again.

Looking at his eyes, there seemed to be a bit of accusation.

Ye Ran also felt that there was no way to continue this topic.

At this moment, the conversation between the fat man and Caiyun gradually approached, and it seemed that the problem between the two had been dealt with.

Ye Ran said to the little brother:

"Let's not talk about it yet.

"If you can't wait for us, you won't necessarily do anything. He had to be dealt with today. The

little brother snorted.

I was about to hang up.

Ye Ran heard the little brother say again:

"No, practice." Ye

Ran was stunned.

Such. Isn't it going to be good?


little brother has already entered Siguniang Mountain, and the signal is not very good, intermittently.

He seemed to have said another word, but Ye Ran couldn't hear it clearly, and the mobile phone screen had become a mosaic quality.

So I said to him and hung up the video.

The fat man here doesn't know what to say to Caiyun, and the two of them are already yours and me.

Although Caiyun still had tears on his face, his cheeks were already red, and his eyes were crooked with a smile.

I have to say.

The fat man does have a hand in making girls happy.

"Caiyun, don't worry, that guy with a slumped shoulder dares to bully you, I must take my little brother with me...... Ah no, my good partner, Master Ye, beat your shoulders so that your parents don't recognize them!"

Caiyun's thin brows furrowed.

She said with a worried face: "You must be careful! Zhang Qiling, his skills are really good."

"Nonsense, of course I know that Zhang Qiling is very skilled...... Wait

, Zhang Qiling?" the fat man didn't think about it, and then realized that something was wrong, and suddenly turned around and looked at Caiyun behind him:

"What does it have to do with Zhang Qiling when we enter the forbidden land?" "Isn't he in Siguniang Mountain?" "Siguniang


Caiyun was also a little puzzled, she shook her head, and said,

"I haven't heard of that place." Isn't Zhang Qiling waiting for you in Niutougou?"

"He just collapsed his shoulders."

Caiyun's voice just fell.

The fat man's expression was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Is there actually two

Zhang Qiling in this world? Moreover, that Zhang Qiling in Niutougou still came to rob the little brother's things?

Ye Ran had expected this, but he didn't show any surprise, but just told Caiyun not to leave the hospital too early, and after they dealt with the collapsed shoulder, Bingbing would come and pick her up.

then pinched a paper figure that looked exactly like one of the members of the program team.

Wait until the paper figure leaves.

Ye Ran walked out of the hospital with a sluggish fat face.

"Zhang Qiling, Zhang Qiling, Zhang Qiling?!......"

The fat man read these three words with a confused face.

Seeing this, Ye Ran said helplessly:


"Let me tell you, the little brother is indeed Zhang Qiling, the ...... in Niutougou

" "It can be said that it is not. But he wasn't lying. "

What does that mean?

The fat man's head is big.

At this time, Mrs. Huo had already caught up, and she was accompanied by many villagers, who were all older in the village and had more right to speak.

This gathering here is also for Caiyun to be arrested.

Ye Ran remained silent and sniffed slightly.

I had not had large-scale, close-up contact with these villagers before.

Dozens of villagers came this time, and Ye Ran's sense of smell, which had been transformed by the system, suddenly smelled a very faint, but extremely familiar smell.

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