The fat man raised his hand and slowly wiped his face.

It was rare that he didn't speak, but anyone could see that he was in a very wrong mood at this time.

The forehead was bruised, and the blood vessels in the neck were bursting out.

When the hand was taken off his face, he clenched into a fist.

Mrs. Huo also saw that he was not in the right state at this time.

He didn't care about what the fat man just said, but got up from his wheelchair.

The person next to her handed her a dragon head cane.

Mrs. Huo was on crutches, but her tone was majestic and unquestionable. She said:

"This man in black, if I'm not mistaken, is the one who tried to steal my brother's suitcase during the live broadcast."

"Since we will all encounter it sooner or later in the forbidden land, it is better to solve it sooner.

Mrs. Huo said, turning her head to look at Ye Ran: "Master Ye, what do you think?"

Ye Ran heard this, his expression was very calm.

He crouched down and rubbed the top of the child's head, and asked softly,

"Little brother."

"Aside from Caiyun being taken away and your father being injured by wolves, is there anyone else in your family who was injured or taken away?"

the child shook his head with tears on his face.

Apparently frightened.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely bring your sister out safely.

Ye Ran comforted him, turned around and handed it to the staff, and motioned for them to comfort the child.

"Master Ye. The

fat man's eyes were red at this time, he held the ancient knife sent by Yuhua, and said hatefully:

"How about it, do a big job?"

Ye Ran said, "Okay." But are your wounds healed? Do you want to go to the hospital again to bandage them?"

"When is this happening?"

The fat man was so anxious to die at this moment, where was he in the mood to joke, and said in a loud voice

: "Master Ye, this is only the last day!"

He said that he had to rescue Caiyun when he said anything!

Ye Ran said: "I know.

After saying that, he couldn't help but pick up the fat man.

"Whether you bandage it or not, I still have a few pieces of luggage, all in the hospital. It's not too late to go back and get it first, and then go to find the collapsed shoulder.

Ye Ran's tone was unhurried, but very determined.

"Master Ye, are you ...... I don't take you like this. "

The fat man is really angry.

He pushed Ye Ran away, gritted his teeth and said,

"Master Ye." I know that in the forbidden land, it is you and my little brother who take care of the fat man and me more, although we are not on the same team, but with your kindness, I have always kept the fat man in my heart.

"Fat man, I swore in my heart! In case something happens to you or my little brother, I won't say a word, and I'll save you with my life."

"But it's not like you're unaware of my feelings for Caiyun. At this time, if you are not in a hurry to save her, what are you going to the hospital for?"

"Let's just drive to Niutougou, it will take half a day!" "

Master Ye, if you don't want to go, then you can not go, but Fat Master, even if I am alone, I will go." "

I treat you as a brother, but you want to treat me as a brother...... "

Then we are brothers, don't be right."

"My fat man is self-cooked, and he is a social. "

But I'm not licking a dog!" said

the fat man, turning and walking in the direction of the forbidden land.

"This matter is really not urgent.

Ye Ran couldn't say anything, raised his hand and pressed his shoulder.

The strength seemed to be neither big nor small, the fat man struggled hard, but he couldn't help but widen his eyes, he had already used all his strength, and he couldn't break free of Ye Ran's hand!

This guy, what did he eat to grow up, so strong!"

"Sorry, let's go get something, I'll be here soon."

At this time, there was no room for the fat man to choose, Ye Ran turned his head and nodded apologetically to the few staff members present, and walked towards the hospital with the fat man.

The fat man was quite anxious, and muttered a few more words.

It's nothing more than saying that Ye Ran's matter didn't happen to him, so he is not in a hurry.

It wasn't the little brother who was kidnapped, so he didn't care!

In fact, I didn't treat him as a brother at all!

The fat man is a broken mouth and babbling.

Ye Ran didn't pay attention to it, but after taking him to the first floor of the hospital, he made another call.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhang. Soon

, the two host representatives of the program team who were responsible for docking with the contestants, Bingbing and Tuan Tuan, arrived.

Ye Ran glanced at the levitating ball behind him that had not yet been opened

, and said calmly, "How are the people arranged?"

Bingbing bowed slightly to the two of them and said

, "In the hospital that day, after I received Mr. Ye's news, I had already arranged Miss Caiyun properly.

"The two of you can rest assured that all the people in this hospital are very reliable and trustworthy people in the program team.

"After we completed the renovation of the storage room on the first floor of the hospital, we have been taking good care of Miss Choi Wan as a guest gift, and she is currently in a stable mood. "

May I ask the two gentlemen, do you want to see her?"

Bingbing said in one breath.

The fat man was completely stupid.


The fat man was silent for ten minutes.

Only then did he swallow his saliva with difficulty and turned his head to look at Ye Ran.

"Master Ye, this ......

" "You, you have already prepared?"

Ye Ran let out a "hmm" and said, "Didn't you notice that when Caiyun came to you for the last time, his expression was a little wrong."

"We leave Banai, after all, it will be a few days before we return. Just in case, I simply asked the program team to leave her in the hospital.

"However, I don't trust the people in the village very much, and I don't trust everyone in the program team, so this matter is done in secret. The

fat man let out a sluggish "oh".

His eyes were straight, and he didn't seem to have recovered from the shock he had just had.

He also thought Caiyun had been captured.

As a result, Ye Xiaoye didn't seem to care at all, and he had to take him to the hospital, where was the time?

In his excitement, the fat man even said some unpleasant things.

The results are now ......

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted to an extremely important question.

"That's not right, Master Ye.

"You can't lie to me because you're afraid I'll get emotional and do something irrational!" I

watched Caiyun walk out of the hospital. You didn't pay attention, but I was leaning on the window and watching!"


fat man took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at Ye Ran tightly, and asked,

"If the real Caiyun is in the hospital." "

After returning from the hospital, who is the Caiyun who gets along with her parents, and younger siblings day and night?" "Who is the Caiyun who was caught by the collapsed

shoulder?" "There must be a Caiyun in this that is fake, right? Find a woman temporarily, whether she can hide the matter of the collapsed shoulder, it's hard to say, but can she hide it from her parents and younger siblings?"

It's not that he doesn't believe Ye Xiaoye, but if you think about it carefully, it's too mysterious!

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