
does this mean?

The fat man was a little confused, he stepped forward in three steps and two steps, picked it up and looked at it for a while, and then suddenly realized and nodded.

He placed his finger on the location of Banai on the map and nodded.

put it in another marked position, far away from Banai, nodded again, and said,

"Master Ye, I understand what you mean." "

That is to say, the lock of Zhangjia Gulou is here, but the key was thrown there

?" "If you want to enter this lock, you have to go there to get the key?"

"This is not deliberately embarrassing people!"

can also be understood in this way.

Ye Ran nodded and said, "Another place marked on the map, I remember it is called Siguniang Mountain.

"It should also be another former site of the Zhang family.

"After opening the mechanism of Siguniang Mountain, you can know how to open the mechanism on the side of Zhangjia Ancient Building.

"The Zhang family's tricks must not be underestimated.

"Even the slightest mistake can have serious consequences.

"So we had to divide our troops into two routes, some of them continued to go to Banai Ancient Building, and the other part of them went to Siguniang Mountain to unlock the code first. "

Split up?"

everyone looked at each other.

Mrs. Huo immediately made a decision and said

, "Master Ye, you and Mr. Zhang, Miss Feng, and Fat Wang...... Prepare. "

Let's go to Zhangjia Ancient Building together. "

Black Glasses and Xiaohua went to Siguniang Mountain and passed the code to us.

When Mrs. Huo said this, she was suddenly stunned.

She frowned and said, "The old site of the Zhang family ......" the old site

of the Zhang family.

Only the Zhang family, who has a bloodline, can enter!

I think back then, the people of Jiumen also went to the side of Siguniang Mountain, and they also brought a large number of explosives.

I want to forcibly blow up the mechanism of Siguniang Mountain.

But the result was obviously tragic, and all those who went to bomb the mountain were wiped out, and none of them came out alive.

Could it be said.

If you want the little brother with the Qilin blood to go to Siguniang Mountain? Siguniang Mountain

can be entered.

But what about the Zhangjia Ancient Building?

Mrs. Huo's voice suddenly fell silent, obviously weighing in her heart.

Ye Ran already had a plan in his heart.

He thought for a moment and said,

"That's it. "

I've already thought about it, let the little brother, Sister Bao'er. Black glasses, and the four of them went to Siguniang Mountain to unlock the mechanism.

"As for the Zhangjia Ancient Building in Banai, my bloodline has also been recognized by the Zhang family, although I don't know what the principle is, but I can indeed enter it safely. "

I'll go back to Banai with Mrs. Huo and the fat man."

"After the little brother unlocks the mechanism, pass the message to us. We opened the Zhangjia Ancient Building, ruled out the danger inside, and waited for the little brother by the way.

"When the time comes, your people will take the little brother and them around the forbidden place by helicopter, and we will meet again in the ancient building." "

It's to be separated.

But it won't be long.

When Ye Ran said this, he noticed that the expressions of the people around him were a little disagreeable.

He chuckled softly.

Yes, Zhangjia Ancient Building, after all, is the home of the little brother.

The little brother went back to look for memories and things left by his ancestors.

It's okay for him to let the little brother go to Siguniang Mountain directly.

This arrangement is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

even seemed a little selfish, delaying the little brother's footsteps.

But, he thought about it.

Among the people present, he was the only one who knew the plot of the past.

At that time, because of a small mistake, the password was entered incorrectly.

Little brother, Mrs. Huo and others encountered an unprecedented crisis in the ancient building.

The little brother and others were seriously injured, and Mrs. Huo died.

In the end, I could only carry the little brother and others, and cut off Mrs. Huo's head and take it away.

He's going to change that.

If he goes to Siguniang Mountain in person, of course, he can guarantee that the password transmitted to the little brother is correct.

However, what happened after the little brother and the others entered the Zhangjia Ancient Building

? The ancient building was strange and unpredictable, how did the collapsed shoulders become what they are now?

After that, it has been several decades of changes.

Will there be an unknown crisis in the ancient building

? The little brother does not remember what happened in the past, if he is stimulated by the unknown and his emotions are violently affected, what will he do if something happens

? Will he make trouble from the ambush with his shoulders and "it"?

But, he didn't want to gamble.

He couldn't afford to gamble either.

Compared with the unknown ancient buildings, Siguniang Mountain is much safer.

Monsters are there, but they ...... with the skills of the little brother

Enough to deal with.

What's more, he left Sister Bao'er, who had the highest force value in the team, to the little brother.

Make sure Siguniang Mountain is safe and sound.

The unknown crisis of the Zhangjia Ancient Building, as well as this bit of selfish ......

Let him bear it.

"It's not impossible?" The

fat man hesitated, although he always felt that something was wrong, but this arrangement was indeed quite reasonable.

Two with blood, with two teams.

Can't fault it.

So he was the first to raise his hand and say something.

Sister Bao'er seemed to be a little reluctant, she was more worried about Ye Ran's safety, but according to what Ye Ran said, there was indeed not much that could be done on the side of Zhangjia Gulou, most of the time was waiting, and there were all the maps.

So she hesitated for a moment, but also raised her hand in agreement.

Xiaohua and Black Glasses are going to go to Siguniang Mountain anyway, and they have nothing to say at this time.

Ye Ran looked at the people who raised their hands one after another to express their attitudes, and laughed:

"Then it's decided."

"Little brother, what do you think?" He

turned his head to look at the little brother, only to find that the little brother had been silently watching him for some time, and the lantern light was dancing in his long and narrow eyes, and it was difficult to see what the little brother was thinking at this time.

Ye Ran chuckled in his heart.

Does the little brother know what he is thinking?

--that's impossible, and the little brother didn't come back in time.

He won't know what will happen next.

At present, it seems that a large number of people from the Nine Gates have died on the side of Siguniang Mountain.

And Zhangjia Gulou only needs to wait for the password, even if you enter, there is also a style thunder as a reference.

In such a comparison, for people who don't know the follow-up development, the risk of Siguniang Mountain is indeed greater.

A few thoughts flashed in Ye Ran's heart.

After seeing the little brother staring at him silently for a moment, he nodded slowly.

The pale thin lips moved slightly, and they collided up and down.

He said, "Okay." "

Then it's decided.

Ye Ran looked at him and laughed.

He was selfish for once.

The little brother is really indulgent to him.

So he said half-jokingly:

"Little brother, my net worth and life are entrusted to you." The

little brother said "um", and his expression was unknown.

Just bowed slightly towards him, as if to reassure him.

"I took it. Let's leave in three days.

Ye Ran said: "There are still three days to go, let's carefully study the style of thunder, make all preparations, and prepare some materials by the way." The

fat man said, "Master Ye, you are wrong. We have one of the most important preparations now, that is, to eat a delicious meal and save more fat!

" "When we get to the forbidden land, the skin is rough and the meat is thick, and it is easy to be beaten!"

It makes sense.

Ye Ran said decisively: "Then let's eat hot pot tonight, get a mutton pot, and then make some wine ......

" "Little brother, can you drink?".

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