Bidding has already begun on other boxes.

Ye Ran's box was hung with sky lanterns. He doesn't have to bid manually.

It's just that after staring at the ghost seal with fanatical eyes for a while, her face became greener and greener when she heard the offers of other boxes.

"Box No. 5 offer: 300 million!" "Box No. 7 offer: 350 million!"

"The price is getting more

and more outrageous.

In the blink of an eye, it has reached 800 million!

These people obviously also have thoughts about the ghost seal, but this is secondary, the most important thing is that someone lit the sky lantern, this round, is to make him bankrupt!"

"Go knock on the door of those boxes, and take my Liulisun's business card."

Liulisun gritted her teeth, beckoned to her younger brother in the box, motioned for him to come over, and stuffed a thick stack of business cards into her hand.

The subordinate was soon gone.

After a few moments, the boxes that had been bidding one after another fell silent.

Although Liulisun is not a very famous person, he has a lot of financial resources, and he can run rampant in City A for so many years, there must be someone behind him.

In the end, the Arowana Ghost Seal was priced at 950 million.


old man wearing white gloves stepped forward, steadily picked up the ghost seal in the box, and first bowed deeply in the direction of the box where Ye Ran was.

Then he turned around and walked around the boxes.

Only then did he personally deliver it to Ye Ran.

"Oh my God. The

fat man picked up the box, only to find that the box was so heavy that he almost let go of his hand and fell to the ground.

That old man must be a practitioner, and he can take it easily.

He thought it was very light!!

" Huo, the carving of this ghost seal is really amazing. The

fat man took a look at it, and he was also surprised:

"Fat man, I grew up in the antique city since I was a child, and I know when I touch the real and fake, this thing can be said to be a ghostly workman!"

This carving, as if countless evil ghosts and arowanas are soaring dark green clouds, rushing towards a wave of evil breath!

I can see that it is definitely from the tomb.

But they don't know how many people have fallen in and out of the forbidden land, and where is this taboo.

Ye Ran also picked it up and looked at it for a while, only to feel that the workmanship of this ghost seal was extremely ingenious, and from different angles, the shape of the carving was different.

The little brother just glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and stood quietly behind Ye Ran.

He didn't seem to have much interest in this ghost seal.

But Ye Ran knew very well in his heart that it was because the little brother was very familiar with the ghost seal.

There is an identical, identical ghost seal in the little brother's package.

It should be something he brought out from Zhang's house.

In the blink of an eye, the audience began to auction other things.

Ye Ran looked at the ghost seal for a moment, and suddenly felt that something was abnormal.

The texture of this ghost seal is excellent, the water head is very moist, and the carving is even more lifelike.

It's just ......

After Ye Ran opened the box, he put the Arowana Ghost Seal in his hand and weighed it for a moment.

He finally sensed something was wrong.

This ghost seal seems to be extraordinarily heavy.

Compared with ordinary jade, it sinks nearly double.

It's more like ......

The meteorite in the palace of the Queen Mother of the West!

However, it is obviously different.

The meteorite had an extremely bad effect on the people who had the bloodline, but he was holding the ghost seal at the moment, and he didn't feel that kind of effect.

In addition, the jade quality used in this ghost seal is obviously a grade higher than that of meteorite jade.

Could it be ......

Somewhere, there is also a species that bears a striking resemblance to meteorite.

But something that is more refined and does not contain more impurities?

These thoughts just flashed in Ye Ran's heart.

He stared at the ghost seal for a moment, then put it back in the box and placed it beside him.

"What is this?"

Sister Bao'er also walked over curiously and looked at it for a while.

She doesn't have much social experience, and she has very little contact with this kind of thing, so she can't see how ingenious the carving is, and she just cares about eating melon seeds.

At this time, he suddenly realized and said

: "This shot is good!" "

Turn around, can my sister use it to smash pecans?"

Ye Ran: Fat


: Liulisun: No, are you polite? This is what I photographed for 950 million to your family Ye Xiaoye!

But he thought that Sister Bao'er could easily smash the sports car with a kitchen knife, and that posture was not much more difficult than splitting radish, so he immediately swallowed back the words he complained.

The next auction item is a vase from the Ming Dynasty, which is worth a lot of money.

Next is a masterpiece of calligraphy.

One shot 80 million.

One shot 120 million.

Ye Ran was not interested in this, so he skimmed by.

When it comes to the auction style thunder.

Only then did people light the second sky lantern.

Although this type of thunder came from the hands of famous masters in the Qing Dynasty, there is only one map after all, which is an incomplete map.

The others didn't have the other styles in the hands of the old lady of the Huo family, and they didn't want to understand it.

In the end, the auction price was 50 million.

This is a billion out!!

Liulisun's legs were weak, and she looked at Ye Ran and let people light the third sky lantern, and she wanted to cry without tears.

He is rich and rich.

But I can't help but burn it like this!

Ye Ran didn't pay attention to Liulisun's expression.

In fact, there is no need for him to light this third sky lantern at all, because the Arowana Ghost Seal has already been obtained, and the style thunder has also been handed over to the old lady of the Huo family, and she will splice the map.

Now what they have to do is to ensure that they leave Xinyue Hotel safely with their things.

When the map is pieced together, they can go back to Banai, and that's it.

However, Ye Ran casually flipped through the auction list and actually saw something that made him feel very excited.

It's not an antique.

It is the work of a deceased master in modern times.

Imperial green emerald wrench.

A pair

of Qilin and auspicious clouds are engraved on them.

It is also an auspicious implication of eliminating all difficulties.

Ye Ran liked it at a glance.

He always wanted to give his little brother something close to him, but he never found a suitable one.

Think of a guy wearing a mechanical watch on his wrist, or a diamond ring.

That's too much in line with the temperament of the little brother.

But this is a different story.

The meaning is good, wear it with you, it will not affect the action of the little brother, and it can also prevent disasters at critical moments.

Ye Ran clicked on the pair of jade wrenches on the auction list.

He said, "Just light the lamp for this round." "

Good fellows.

Imperial green! It's still a masterpiece.

The muscles on Liulisun's face trembled, he seemed to be a little hesitant, and after a long period of psychological construction, he tried to squeeze out a smile and said to Ye Ran:

"What's inside, Master Ye." "

It's ...... Is this a couple ring?"

"Yes, of course, no problem.

"That's it...... Is the cost of a couple's ring a little too high!"

What's more.

You show affection.

Let Lao Tzu buy you two couple rings?

What a wronged head

! Liulisun scolded angrily in her heart!!

Ye Ran glanced at him, didn't speak, just threw a black card at the waiter next to him.

Liulisun was stunned for a moment, reacted, and quickly rubbed her cheeks, a little embarrassed.

This will be the end of the offer.

The imperial green jade wrench was finally auctioned for 130 million.

There is no way, if you light the sky lantern, others will bid desperately, and the price will naturally be inflated.

But Ye Ran didn't mind that.

He took a pair of small boxes from the old man and opened them.

took out the dark green jade wrench engraved with auspicious clouds, bent down on one knee, and gently squatted in front of the little brother in the suit.

Ye Ran raised the wrench in his hand and whispered

, "Little brother, give it to me." The

little brother gave him a bouquet of flowers.

This is his return gift.

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