Ye Ran:

It's all messy.

What did Xu Xi teach

Sister Bao'er again? I always felt that Sister Bao'er's brain circuit seemed to be developing in a strange place.

He held his forehead, a little weak to complain.

looked at Sister Bao'er's simple and inquisitive eyes.

Ye Ran didn't want to explain anything, so he waved his hand at her and said,

"...... Then you can go out too, bring snacks with you, and come back later. "


Sister Bao'er winked her big gray eyes cutely and made an "OK" gesture.

Quickly left the ward.

I also closed the door to the ward.

Xu Shi.

Did you see it?

Sister has a certain amount of social experience.

Now it's very eye-catching.

Sister Bao'er took out her mobile phone, and after leaving the forbidden place at this time, she finally had a signal, although the network speed was very slow, but it could still be used.

She was relieved to send a message to Xu Xi to tell him the good news.

And then.

He quietly put his ear to the door of the ward.

Let my sister listen.

What good things are my sister's slaves doing?

This time, my sister is not under the bed.

I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Perfectly avoided the two major protests raised by Xu Shi.

So, there should be no problem?



looked at the little brother who was lying quietly on the white hospital bed, with his eyes closed and his long eyelashes falling on his eyelids.

Ye Ran tried his best to put his movements very lightly.

After opening the medical box and completing the supplies, the little brother wrapped it around his chest, as well as his back, and gently untied the gauze and bandages on his arms.

The bandage was covered with oozing blood, wrapped around the little brother's sturdy body, and it looked a little amazing.

It was raining in Banai.

He gave the little brother a thousand umbrellas all the way, but the wound inevitably entered the water, and it became inflamed and swollen.

"Little brother.

Ye Ran's Adam's apple moved slightly.

Looking at the scars on the little brother's back and the unicorn tattoo, my heart was indescribably sour.

He was fending off the Mitoro, and his attention was on the attacking Mitoro behind the fat man, and he really didn't notice the granite block above his head.

The little brother could have avoided it.

But ......

For his safety, the little brother still stood in the way.

What if the granite block was bigger?

He was pressed against the wall by the little brother, and it was fine, but the little brother was not easy to say.

"Little brother, you have to remember one thing.

Ye Ran took a deep breath, only to feel that this wound was much more painful on the little brother's body than on himself.

While taking the medicine, he said softly:

"The next time you encounter such a danger, you must ...... Keep yourself safe first. The

little brother was silent for a moment.

He didn't answer his words, and his narrow eyes never opened, but his pale thin lips moved and he spat out a few words briefly.

"Hmm. It doesn't hurt. "

It doesn't hurt?

The wound is inflamed and cracked.

How could it not hurt?

Ye Ran was about to refute him, when he heard the little brother say again:

"It's just, it's a slight injury." "


The little brother must have experienced many situations that were a hundred times more dangerous than this before.

But that's not the same.

When the little brother said these words, he was comforting him.

Ye Ran made up his mind and said

, "Little brother, in the future, when we explore together, I will definitely not let you experience the same danger as before." "

Although the little brother doesn't remember anything from the past.

But, this is his promise to his little brother.

In the jade vein, the little brother protects him.

In the future, when he encounters danger, he will definitely protect his little brother.

"The paint on the back is done.

Ye Ran gently removed the cotton swab that had been coated with the potion.

He took a new piece of gauze from the medical kit, covered it over the little brother's wound, and gently wound it.

"Little brother, arm.

As soon as Ye Ran's words fell, the little brother obediently raised his arm slightly to facilitate his medicine.

The wound on his arm was not long, but it was very deep, and there were still a few pieces of gravel in the wound, which were carefully cleaned out by Ye Ran with tweezers.

Rubble from the flesh must be extremely painful.

However, the little brother never said a word, and even his muscles did not have a trace of tension, and he lay quietly on the hospital bed.

"Little brother, that ......"

finished disposing of the arm.

Ye Ran also felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said,

"You turn over." "

I'll have to help you with the ...... on your leg Uh, wounds. "

The wound on my brother's leg was cut by a splash of rubble, which is not serious, but the wound is inflamed and needs to be treated.

This is the location.

It seems a bit ......

Ye Ran was silent for two seconds, his fingers holding the cotton swab trembled slightly, and said

, "What's inside, little brother, or you...... Take care of the leg yourself. After

all, he just asked the little brother to take off his clothes.

The little brother was very obedient and threw it all aside, and at this time he was only wearing a new fat time of Sheriff Black Meow.

- Of course, Ye Ran also bought it.

The little brother was silent for a while.

Gently moved his arm.

Ye Ran instinctively thought that the little brother was going to sit up on the hospital bed.

Hurriedly got up to get out of the way, and handed over the cotton swab with the potion in his hand.

What he didn't expect, however, was.

The little brother propped his arm on the hospital bed, and did not stand up, but ......

Rolled over.

Lying flat on the hospital bed.

The little brother closed his eyes quietly, as if he hadn't heard what he had just said.

It's ......

The little brother seems to enjoy his help with the medicine!

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

He sat down again, leaned down quietly, and helped the little brother with the medicine.

It's this location.,It's really a little.。。


Ye Ran took the cotton swab and gently swept it on the wound.

The little brother's sturdy body suddenly tensed.

The lumpy muscles are slightly raised.

Seeing this, Ye Ran was taken aback, and hurriedly put down the cotton swab in his hand and asked,

"Little brother, I just moved heavily?"

And to be honest, this wound is really a bit small compared to the wounds on the back and above the arms of the little brother.

Maybe it's because the skin on the legs will be more tender.

He took a deep breath and felt that it was better to make a quick decision.

So he quickly applied the potion.

A cotton swab is gently swept over the wound.

The little brother's voice was very soft, but he let out a dull "um".

Is it heavy again?

Ye Ran bandaged the gauze and raised his head.

Only then did I unexpectedly find that the little brother opened his eyes at some point.

The narrow eyes were slightly downward, and the long eyelashes fell a heavy shadow on the eyelids, and he was looking at him quietly at this time, with a hint of indescribable expression.

Obviously, the little brother's face is still indifferent, and there is no expression.

Ye Ran inexplicably felt that his gaze was very focused.

It's also ......


Ye Ran's gaze gradually moved to the position of the little brother's chest wrapped in gauze.

He originally wanted to see if the gauze was wound well.

But his eyes paused slightly.

One thing was noticed.

The tattoo of the little brother ......

Originally, the color was a little light.

At this time, it became like a living ink, and the black unicorn wound from his waist from his back, to his chest, and all the way to his collarbone.

The rich ink color seems to drip water.

This is a unique tattoo change after the little brother's body temperature rises.

Little brother, he...

It's hot, isn't it?

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