The two were about the same height, and the sweaty forehead of the little brother was close to him, and he could even feel the little brother's long eyelashes flutter on his face.

At this time, the two bodies were completely close to each other, and there were constant loud noises behind them and overhead, and the entire underground passage was violently shaking.

However, the arms supported by the little brother on either side of his body were extremely calm, so calm that it seemed that the loud noises and vibrations behind him were hallucinations.

Shattered rocks, jade, and countless amounts of dust fell on top of and on the heads and bodies of the two.

Ye Ran could barely breathe, and vaguely smelled a faint cold fragrance coming from the little brother, which was like the first snow of pine leaves in the mountains, cold and clear.

But it's reassuring.

Sensing the actions of the two at this time, Ye Ran's heart was shocked, and a strange feeling slowly rose in his chest -

at the moment of life and death, the little brother chose to protect him at the first time.

At this time, his vision was completely obscured by the little brother's broken hair and eyelashes, and he could only feel that the little brother's slightly cold face was clinging to his face, and something slightly cool was attached to his lips.

Sweat soaked the two of them's broken hair, and their breath was entangled.

It doesn't matter if you or I don't.


Behind the little brother, a deafening loud bang sounded.

The piece of granite above their heads had fallen to the ground at this time, extremely heavy, and the impact was naturally extremely strong, smashing a huge pit into the ground.

Fortunately, the two of them were just close to the wall.

The granite fell on the little brother's back, and his clothes had already been torn.

There were a lot of blood marks on his back and arms.

The red blood marks were stacked on the black unicorn tattoo, and there was an indescribable feeling.

The group of dark figures that fell from above their heads could not escape the large granite and were smashed directly into the ground, black blood slowly flowing out along the edge of the rock.

It helped them solve most of their troubles in an instant.

"Ye Xiaoye, little brother, you two didn't ......"

The fat man was disgraced and hurriedly ran out of the entrance of the passage, his face was also colorful, and his arm was bleeding.

It's just some skin trauma.

He was so close to the entrance of the passage that he dodged into the entrance of the passage just as the rock was about to fall.

In addition, Ye Xiaoye had already helped him find the weaknesses of these monsters.

The fat man picked up his gun, and disposed of the dark figures at the entrance, and then hurried back to find them.

"Shhhh The

fat man's words were not finished.

I heard Sister Bao'er "shhh" in his direction.

Sister Bao'er said:

"Fat man, why can't my sister look at you when I find you?"

"Sister used to be as young as you. "

But since that night, I have seen Xu Xi bullying his wife and crying. "

Sister is so angry!, why is Xu Shi so immoral?"

So my sister couldn't bear it anymore. "

Immediately got out from under their bed!" "

Sister asked Xu Shi why he did this?" "Seeing Xu Shi's

wonderful face as if he was about to vomit blood, and his wife's screams, although my sister didn't know why...... But my sister must have done something wrong.

"The situation between you and your sister is very similar to that of your sister at that time.

Sister Bao'er carried a shovel stained with a lot of jet-black blood in one hand.

One hand covered the fat man's mouth, and said in an old-fashioned manner:

"Alas. Young man, you're still too innocent. You can't get mixed up in society like this. "

Fat man: ???No

, isn't it time to educate him

? Also, Sister Bao'er is very open in society?

Not a courier temporary worker

! Now the situation is obviously very critical, okay!

Although these ghosts were temporarily stoned to death by granite.


don't know how deep or high this passage is, and there is still a steady stream of dark figures.

If it goes on like this, it will be for them to die in this passage!"

"Don't worry, with my sister here, nothing will happen." "

Sister will never allow anyone to disturb my sister's slave date!" Sister Bao'er

dropped a sentence domineeringly.

Immediately after that, the wrist turned, condensing a dazzling and powerful Qi mass.

The big gray eyes blinked, Sister Bao'er's slender legs stepped on the wall, and jumped directly towards those dark figures, and shouted

in a crisp voice: "Extreme

" "One shot into the soul

!!" Fat man: ???

What a terrible line this is, it

!!, but Sister Bao'er's voice sounded very serious!

The Qi group with great power rushed towards those dark shadows.

In the blink of an eye, the shadows slapped at the granite, and black blood slowly flowed from his chest.


fat man looked at the scene in front of him, he was already shocked and a little dazed, so he said:

"What, Sister Bao'er, you...... Do you still lack slaves?"

he suddenly thought.

In fact, being a slave is sometimes quite good!

Sister Bao'er's long hair fluttered, her big gray eyes blinked, she looked back at him very calmly, and said,

"One is enough."

"And...... Actually, sister, it's very aesthetic. "

I can see it!!

, for example, Ye Xiaoye is very good-looking.

The fat man stepped forward to mend the knife, and solved the two dark figures that were not yet dead, and muttered in a low voice:

"Fat man, I'm not ugly, right?" "

Moreover, fat man, I have inner beauty."

"Superficial! "

It's okay, Xiao Caiyun can appreciate the fat man, I don't care about the other fat masters?"

thought of Caiyun waiting for him on the shore.

The fat man clenched the weapon in his hand, and the strength in his body seemed to be back


! There was no further vibration in the underpass.

The little brother exhaled slowly.

Some warm breath hit his face, and then the little brother let go of his arm and stood up straight.

"Little brother?"

Ye Ran looked at the little brother in front of him.

But the little brother didn't look at him silently as before.

Instead, he quietly turned his gaze away and looked away.

Ye Ran: "......"

The little brother's face seems to be a little red.

And lips too.

He subconsciously touched his lips.

Then he raised his hand and wiped the little brother's face.

"You have a lot of sand and gravel chips on your face.

Ye Ran pulled him to check for a moment and said, "Arms, back, calves...... All have varying degrees of abrasion. "

And there was a deep cut on the arm, and it was bleeding constantly.

Ye Ran felt a little sour in his heart, forcibly pushed the little brother aside to rest, and said,

"Little brother, you take a rest first, and the rest of the figures will be handed over to me, and they will be dealt with quickly."

Ye Ran took out the Qianji umbrella on the rock, took off his clothes, cut them into several pieces, and handed them to the little brother:

"Let's go to the lake without medicine, you first bandage your clothes to stop the bleeding, and I'll help you bandage it as soon as you get to the shore." The

little brother was silent, and he didn't look at the strip of cloth in Ye Ran's hand, but stared at him for a while.

Ye Ran lowered his head.

Only then did I find that the Vermilion Bird tattoo on his body was bright red, not the usual dark red, but like flowing cinnabar, reflecting his collarbone and face, there was an indescribable strangeness.

The little brother was silent for a moment and said,

"...... Very, good-looking. "

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