These chaotic thoughts flashed in Ye Ran's heart.

He glanced at the layer of iron wrapped around the corpse, and confirmed that it belonged to the same thing as the one in the little brother's iron box.

Although he didn't breathe like Sister Bao'er's body, he couldn't smell the smell of the iron, but it looked the same.

It seems that this piece of iron is not a valuable treasure in Panma's mouth.

Rather, it was used to seal the corpse.

It's just that what kind of corpse needs to be sealed with this strange piece of iron?

If it is an ordinary way to prevent the corpse from being fraudulent, the Zhang family should have a way.

And looking at the appearance of the human body under the iron block before his death, it is clear that he was poured by the iron block when he was alive and sealed inside.

And ......

Ye Ran's eyes stayed in the right hand direction of this corpse.

This corpse was different from the one he found at the bottom of the lake, which had lost two fingers, and the corpse, which had been poured with iron, had no right hand.

The whole right arm goes down, and the part that goes to the right hand is empty.

It looks like it was cut off by some sharp knife.

The fat man also noticed this, exaggerated "Huo", and said:

"This person who is watching the gate is still a disabled person!" "

Little brother, I said that your Zhang family is really a bit exploitative." How can you find a disabled person to watch the door?"

"You can't pay thousands of dollars to people


!" Not only did he not pay his salary, but he also watered it with iron, exploiting it!! The

little brother had no expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard the fat man's words, and a pair of deep eyes stayed fixed on this corpse, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Ran gestured slightly in the direction of the depths of the lobby and said,

"The oxygen in our oxygen cylinder is not a lot. "

There's something weird in that door, but I'm going to have to go in and have a look."

As he spoke, he glanced back at the slowly floating live streaming equipment behind him.

This live broadcast equipment, when they stepped into the ancient building, I don't know if it was interfered by some signals or magnetic places, it actually failed completely and fell directly to the ground.

Until the illusion broke, the live ball did not rise again.

Ye Ran had a whim, and when he left the black wooden coffin, he put the blue-eyed fox mask into the system space.

At the moment of the income space, the live ball floated again and restarted the live broadcast.

Could it be that this blue-eyed fox mask has a function similar to that of meteorite jamming signals?

Ye Ran felt strange in his heart, and while walking towards the lobby with the fat man and the others, he entered the system and took a look.

The blue-eyed fox mask sat quietly in the system space, and it looked no different from a normal mask.

With the resurgence of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The system also began to calculate the sentiment value constantly.

"Master Ye, you said that this Zhang family building is too strange. The

fat man took out a flashlight that discharged water, and as he walked forward, he said,

"How can anyone build an underground passage in the lobby? This doesn't make sense at all in feng shui." "

This one does.

It stands to reason.

In the lobby of a Han style building that emphasizes feng shui, there should only be an upward staircase.

It is taken from the meaning of "step by step".

Even if there is a door in the innermost part of the lobby, it should also lead to the backyard, and the underground passage is generally not directly opposite the gate, which is called evil in feng shui.

But inside this ancient building, how can there be anything that conforms to common sense?

Normal people would not build an ancient building without windows!

Ye Ran was noncommittal, but just said:

"Let's go over and have a look first." "

The moment you step into the passage.

All four were stunned.

Especially Sister Bao'er and the fat man were stunned, and their mouths opened wide in shock.

In this underground passage, there are countless densely packed "people".

To be precise, it's a sculpture that looks exactly like the iron figurines behind the screen.

But the sculptures look more realistic, without wax or white scale, and look like a human being in iron armor.

This underground passage is deeper and bigger than what you can see in the lobby.

As soon as you step in, the passage is densely packed with thousands of figures!

arranged in an extremely dense and neat order.

This scene looks extremely terrifying, coupled with the extremely dim underground passage, there is basically no light, only relying on the fat man's flashlight to illuminate, at a glance it is extremely gloomy.

The audience in the live broadcast room who happily poured in, looking at the live broadcast screen at this moment, the happy smile on their faces disappeared.

I'm already shivering.

"Sleep...... , brothers and sisters, I can't hold it anymore, so I'll avoid it for the time being.

"Upstairs, upstairs, you're too wifey! No, no, no, it's not like me, I can hold on for a second longer...... Gone brothers.

"Abaaba, I was terrified...... Fortunately, I opened "Teletubbies" in time to save my dog's life. The

audience in the live broadcast room felt chills in their backs.

Coincidentally, I switched out and opened some warm and healing cartoons.


That's what macho men should be looking

at!!And at the same time.

The system also silently collected a large number of emotional values.


The mechanical voice of the system sounded in Ye Ran's mind.

[The system has collected 400,000 emotion points for the host during this time.] [

Congratulations to the host!The system has reached the upgradeable stage, do you spend 300,000 emotion points to upgrade immediately?]

[After the system is upgraded, the number of upgradeable bloodline layers will increase. 【

Upgradeable skill number increases.】 【

Will greatly increase the probability of lottery skills.】 [

And greatly improve the quality of lottery skills, and increase the upper limit of quality!]

(Note: The lottery costs emotional points to rise to 50,000 points each time.)

From 10,000 at a time to 50,000 at a time,

Ye Ran pondered in his heart, only felt that his flesh hurt, but he had to upgrade.

Otherwise, there would be no way to improve his bloodline level and skills.

So he gritted his teeth, nodded, and said,

"Okay, upgrade."

"By the way, give me the remaining 100,000 emotional points to use in the lottery." "

He's looking forward to it.

After the system is upgraded, what kind of level can the skills drawn out of the lottery reach?

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