"My gold and silver treasures, my priceless jade pendants, my bride price......"

The fat man cried dryly twice, and turned his head pretendically, only to see Ye Ran and the little brother turning their heads at the same time, and the two of them stared at him with strange expressions.

Fatty: "


was looked at like this by Ye Xiaoye and Xiao Ge.

His hairs stood on end.

Come to think of it, he didn't do anything...... Isn't

it? Isn't it, ahem, in a dream, I pried the ancestral grave of my little brother and caught out a bunch of gold and silver treasures? What's

the big deal?


it more reliable and cordial to the fights of the brothers themselves than to the fights of strangers?

In case the owner of the tomb cheats the corpse, this ......

Can't you still climb the relationship?

Of course, the fat man only thinks about these words.


the strange eyes of Ye Ran and the little brother, the fat man only felt uncomfortable doing anything, grabbed the back of his hand in embarrassment, and stammered:

"Ye, Ye Xiaoye, are you okay? Why do you look at me with such eyes?"


don't know what's wrong with the fat man, maybe I'm too tired from diving, I actually fell asleep, and I had a dream." I...... I don't know what I'm doing anymore. "

I really didn't mean to, this coffin was indeed opened when I was sleepwalking, but I didn't take anything!" "I didn't take anything

! Besides, this mask doesn't look very valuable, it's definitely not in my search, don't be angry, little brother."

"Wait. "

Why don't you two just look at me and say nothing?"

said the fat man, and suddenly stopped.

He looked at Ye Ran and the little brother with a strange expression for two seconds, twitched the corners of his mouth, seemed to be holding back a smile, and said

, ", buddy, I know what's going on."

"You two shouldn't have used this kind of diving suit, have you?"

"This kind of diving suit can also talk underwater!"

After speaking, the fat man walked towards him, and gently pressed it on Ye Ran and the little brother's diving mask, and sure enough, the diving suit lit up with a red dot like a signal light, and he could speak.

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, stared at the place where Ye Ran's palm was broken, and said

, "Jude Tong, this old immortal thing, the thief is rich.

"The wetsuits we're wearing now are state-of-the-art. The head breathing and wetsuit are completely separated, and the wetsuit will not affect breathing if it is broken.

"Of course, there will be some problems with keeping warm, and the underwater pressure will increase, so you two should pay attention."

"After turning on the walkie-talkie, we can talk within two hundred meters.

"This old immortal, when he was young, he didn't do any dirty things. "

Isn't it all our Kyushu money?, what are you dragging, I want to punch him when I see

his fat man......" Ye Ran looked at the fat man who was running the train with his mouth full of and confirmed one thing.

They are indeed not hallucinating now.

So he said helplessly:

"You're not dreaming. We've just been in the illusion, did we see the bronze bell?

"But I really didn't expect there to be a second illusion. "

By the way, why didn't I see you in the first vision, where are you?"

and Sister Bao'er,

why haven't I seen her until now?

...... What was the first vision?" the

fat man was also a little confused, and he said,

"I just had a dream...... "

By the way, Sister Bao'er and I didn't enter through the main entrance, but we saw something on the side door, so we split the side door and entered through the side door. The

fat man raised his hand, and he tried to scratch his hair, but he could only scratch a round breathing shell, so he could only continue:

"There is a screen in the side door, and there is a figure behind the screen...... We thought it was someone under the lake, and when we went in, it was a sculpture, hey.

"Sister Bao'er is still picking at the sculpture over there. I thought why I didn't have to tell you two first? I came over first, and I didn't think about coming over and saw a coffin of treasures, fat man, I couldn't help it. "

But then, you have encountered two illusions, and I have seen the second one, but what have you encountered in the first one?"

the fat man asked with a curious expression.

It's ......

Ye Ran remembered the first illusion, and his expression suddenly became a little complicated.

He subconsciously rubbed the blood of the two people who were sticky in his palms and were almost washed away by the lake, coughed dryly, and said,

"What's inside, let the little brother tell you." The

fat man immediately showed an expression of "What are you kidding, will the little brother tell me, unless the planet explodes tonight".

Sure enough, the little brother was silent.

The fat man looked at Ye Ran, who was embarrassed, and after thinking for two seconds, a honeyed smile appeared on his face.

"No, Master Ye, little brother.

"You two are in the first illusion, it shouldn't be that......

"What kind of mess is this

?" Ye Ran immediately glared at him and said,

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Nothing happened. "

“...... Huh?"

the fat man is stupid again.

He was silent for two seconds, and said, "What's inside, Master Ye, you seem to have misunderstood what I meant

?" "I want to say that you two won't be defeated by any monster in the first illusion, right, so I'm embarrassed to say?"

Ye Ran

: "......" little brother: "......"

fat man.

You say half the story.

Be careful that you don't have a wife in the future!!!"


fat man was also blinded, but seeing that the two of them didn't mean to say, he was also interested, so he didn't keep asking, but said:

"Sister Bao'er has been over there, that statue may be a little weird, let's go over and have a look." "


Ye Ran nodded, raised his steps, and walked in the direction of the side door.

The little brother also followed, but when the two passed by, the two glanced at each other, and the atmosphere was a little delicate.

The miniature walkie-talkie in Ye Ran's mask emitted a burst of red light.

His walkie-talkie finally received the signal from the little brother at this time, and only heard the little brother spit out a few words in a low voice.

"Actually, there is. "

Hmm, what's

the ...... Yes.

Ye Ran reacted, he just said to the fat man, nothing happened, nothing.

The little brother was silent when he heard it, but just now, he suddenly said to him: Actually,

there is.

To say no, that is indeed self-deception.

Even in the illusion, it was ...... the whole process was completed

His heart was extremely complicated for a while, and it seemed that there was a warm flow flowing through him, and it was difficult to describe his mood at this time.

I just subconsciously raised my eyes and looked ahead.

This one looks.

His brow furrowed slightly.


Ye Ran asked

, "Have you seen the deepest part of the ancient building, that underground passage?"

The fat man said "um" and said, "The light is not very good, in fact, I can't see clearly, but I looked at it when I came over just now."

Ye Ran was silent for a moment, and then asked

, "Then when you came over, was this door open, or was it ...... Closed?"

"Master Ye, what's your problem? Of course it's closed." The

fat man said, "How many years has no one come to this ancient building, and if it is open, it will still be available?"

The door of the underground passage, which was originally tightly closed, was now completely open, revealing a strange black aura.

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