This skeleton is not the same as a normal skeleton.

To be exact, it's a little less.

The skeleton is supposed to have sunk to the bottom of the lake after death, and it has been many years.

The bones are quite well preserved, and as for the meat, it may be rotten, but the most likely thing is that it was eaten up by the fish in this lake.

That's not the point.

The point is that the skeleton is clearly intact, but only the right hand has lost two fingers.

The position of the two fingers was as if they had been slashed by some sharp knife, and they were empty, looking extremely incongruous, as if the whole skeleton had lost some balance.

It's weird.

Ye Ran muttered in his heart for a moment.

If this is what Panma said about the archaeological team, why did Panma lose two fingers for no reason? Panma

just killed people, but didn't cut off their fingers.

The position of these two fingers is exactly the same as the position of the little brother's hairy finger.

Could it be said.

This skeleton is actually the Zhang family? This is the territory of the Zhang family, which is normal, but why did the Zhang family's fingers be cut off?

What happened

Ye Ran stared at the skeleton

for a while.

The inside of this skeleton is parasitic with dense aquatic plants and slender water worms, which are extremely dense and still wriggling slightly.

It's okay not to take a closer look, but after a closer look, Ye Ran suddenly felt an urge to revolt.

With a gentle push, he pushed the skeleton away into the distance.

He landed on the steps at his feet.

The steps were made of stone, but they were not eroded by the lake, but a shallow layer of aquatic grass grew on them, which was slippery.

Ye Ran couldn't stand very steady in the water, and tried his best to maintain his balance, then he raised his head and looked towards the center of the lake in front of him.


saw the grand and spectacular scene in front of him.

Instinctively, he wanted to gasp.

But this is under the water, where does the cold air come from? Ye Ran opened his mouth, but instead flew out a few bubbles, and the slightly cool lake water flowed into his mouth.

The thought of the bones soaking in the water of this lake, and definitely more than one.

Ye Ran suddenly became a little nauseous again.

However, the scene in front of me is really shocking.

The normal bottom of the lake is generally thick with sand, silt, aquatic weeds and schools of fish and shrimp.

But what appeared at the bottom of this deep lake was far beyond Ye Ran's imagination.

Although he had foreseen what was at the bottom of the lake, he was still shocked to see it with his own eyes.

At the bottom of this lake, there is actually a large area of ancient buildings that are extremely similar to the ancient buildings on stilts in Banai!

These ancient buildings are densely packed and have long been eroded black by the lake, but they are not ugly.

On the contrary, as the lake swayes, it is like a flowing ink painting, and the black wood chips slowly flutter like a flowing ink painting, which is impressive.

At the bottom of this lake, there is a large area of ancient villages!

And looking at the layout, it is very similar to the layout of the ancient village in Banai Village, but it is more dense, and it can be vaguely seen that it must be more prosperous back then.

This scene is very similar to the CG picture in the game, and the shimmer of light cast on the surface of the lake does not reach the bottom of the lake.

Ye Ran seemed to be in the blue-black ink exotic netherworld at this time, and couldn't help but look at it for a few more seconds.

This group of stilted buildings is faintly clustered together, and it seems that there is some building in the middle.

Ye Ran swam towards the center of the stilted building, only to find that there was something abnormal under his feet.

There are many wordless stone monuments standing near these stilted buildings, all of which are buried under the mud and sand.

Densely packed, there are hundreds of them!

These stone tablets stand silently, looking extremely shocking.

In the depths of the stele and the ancient building on stilts, there is a national style building with black bricks and white tiles.

This one is very well-built, and it is much better preserved underwater, and it does not seem to have been corroded by the lake.

It's obviously completely different from the architecture of Banai.

This scene looks a little weird about disobedience.

That should be the location of the little brother's family, the Zhangjia Ancient Building.

He wanted to go in and check it out, but until now, he was close to the limit.

The little brother only stayed underwater for a moment, then moved his long legs, swam in his direction, and stretched out his hand towards Ye Ran.

It seems that they want to swim with him.

Ye Ran waved his hand at him.

In terms of physical strength, he is better than the little brother now.

What's more, in order to measure the depth of the bottom of the lake, he and the little brother had a thin rope tied around their waists before they entered the water, and the fat man was already pulling them up.

With the pull of the fat man's rope, it was not difficult to go up, but this breath was held for too long, Ye Ran only felt that his lungs were about to explode, and the vision in front of him became a little blurred and dim.

Sister Bao'er was still looking around curiously, but she didn't mean to act alone.

Seeing Ye Ran and the little brother leaving one after another, she also swam towards the top of the water.

The ancient village at the bottom of the lake was silent and long, when Ye Ran's body rose, he looked at the ancient village from a distance, and felt the light from the lake hitting his body, and there was an illusion as if he had traveled through time and space.

This illusion is only a momentary effort.

Soon he and his brother were both ashore.

"Boom ......"

There were large ripples and splashes on the surface of the lake, Ye Ran breathed hard, and by the way, he spit out the water that he had just drunk at the bottom of the lake, and coughed twice suddenly.

The air in the mountains smelled so good

! It was so fresh!

His vision went from blurry to clear, and his back seemed to be tapped.

Ye Ran raised his head and bent down in front of the little brother.

The little brother's hair was wet, dripping down the bridge of his nose and thin lips, as well as his chin.

The water droplets on his body also slid down his strong muscles.

The wheat-colored skin on his face and lips were unexpectedly bloody.

However, Ye Ran guessed that it was because of lack of oxygen. Congested blood underwater.

The little brother put his palm on his back and patted it lightly twice.

A pair of narrow eyes just looked at him and asked,

"Is there any?" Uncomfortable?"

Ye Ran shook his head.

His physique has been strengthened twice by the system, his stamina is very good, and he recovers quickly, and the discomfort is only a momentary thing, and now he is fine.

The two looked at each other, and the little brother seemed to have something to say.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly stretched out a big face, separated between the two, and asked in an eager tone:

"Master Ye

?" "Zhang Qilin?"

"It's okay, you two!" "What, I see that you have been down for too long, it's been four minutes, and if you don't

pull it up, something will happen."

"Although I didn't get any signal from you to pull up, I thought about pulling up, after five minutes, it would be dangerous. The

fat man still couldn't hold back.

glanced at him and his little brother's fat times again.

didn't dare to complain, but swallowed his saliva and said cautiously:

"...... Well, I just measured the rope around your waist, and the lake is 80 meters deep.

"Are you two okay? Rest and rest first, this is not easy to be strong, if you don't do it, you will blow up your lungs." "

80 meters!

Ye Ran scolded her mother in her heart, except for Sister Bao'er at this depth, it is difficult for them to reach the bottom of the lake, let alone enter the ancient building.

You have to have very professional diving equipment.

The fat man had apparently thought of this as well, and he was about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from all around.

It was as if countless footsteps were pouring in from all directions.

In addition, the vicinity is full of dense mountains and forests, and it is impossible to see the distance at all, and I don't know who

is coming? The fat man's face changed, he jumped up, picked up his pistol, and said,

"Nai Nai, someone is coming." Fat man, I'll fight with him!".

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