"Yes. "

I'm killing someone.

"Killed a lot, a lot of people.

"You have come to me as my retribution.

"But I can't be blamed for that.

"If you want to blame it, I was too poor at the time, I just wanted my family to have a good life, what's wrong with me!" The

green tendons on Panma's neck burst out, and cold sweat slowly flowed down his back, looking at the little brother's eyes with extreme fear.

However, he straightened his back and said loudly:

"I know that when I was a guide for your archaeological team, you gave me a considerable amount of money.

"But in those days, money couldn't buy sugar, oil, or white flour.

"My baby has just been born, and I'm starving.

"It took a lot of effort to bring you to the lake...... I want to use the money to buy half a pound of white flour for your mother-in-law to breastfeed, but you won't want to!"

"If I hadn't been forced to go to the tent to steal the flour and be caught by your people, I wouldn't have suffocated him to death in the tent."

Panma took a deep breath and swallowed hard to spat at the mouth. He seemed to have mustered up his courage, but he still didn't dare to look into the little brother's eyes, and the wrinkles on his old face twitched continuously:

"I killed someone, and the archaeological team will not let me go."

"To kill one is also to kill.

"Killing a group is also killing!"

"I and my brothers who led the way for the expedition and delivered supplies discussed it and quietly killed you all."

"That's not what I intended, either.

"I just want half a pound of flour...... After killing you all, my brothers and I quietly transported the sugar, oil, food, drink, and supplies back to our home.

"But in the middle of the night, I dreamed of you. I dreamed that you were standing at my bedside, asking for your life.

When he said this, Panman's sturdy body was already trembling.

The people of that era, especially the villagers of that era, believed in the mountain gods very much.

On the one hand, Panma was out of fear, on the other hand, guilt, and on the other hand, he wanted to seek psychological comfort, so he quietly came to the lake alone.

But this time, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

The archaeologists who were killed by his own hands and his brothers.

They were all alive again!

and they were still smiling and greeting him, as if the events of that day were completely non-existent.

"Which of them...... There is you, I will not be mistaken, it is your tattoo.

Panma swallowed in fear, pointed to the little brother's tattoo, and said

, "I can't mistake this tattoo, and I won't mistake this smell from the dead."

"You're dead

!" "Why are you coming back to life?!"

she said, and Panma recoiled in fear, "And you are exactly the same as you were back then! Why haven't you gotten old?"

"You're a monster, a monster!"

Looking at Panma's expression, Ye Ran also knew it in his heart.

When Panma saw the little brother on TV, his heart was full of horror, because he had seen the little brother in the archaeological team many years ago, and decided that the little brother was one of the people who was killed by him and then resurrected.

Originally, Panma thought that the little brother would not come to trouble him, but he didn't expect that the next forbidden place would be a hundred thousand mountains, Banai.

Therefore, before Ye Ran and the little brother arrived at the forbidden land, Panma couldn't hold back the fear in his heart and entered the mountain alone.

This is also the reason why Panma gave Ye Ran advice to keep him away from the little brother.

Because in his heart, the little brother is the monster who has tattoos and the smell of dead people, and is resurrected from the dead.

", old man, are you a little ruthless??"

The fat man was also stunned when he heard this, and his mouth was open enough to stuff two duck eggs:

"People give you money and provide you with a job." You want to use money to buy other

people's supplies, but people don't want to, so you will kill them all?" "Good fellow, you and your brothers are really evil

!" "Wait, you said that the people you killed were alive again the next day?"

The fat man frowned, he looked incredulous, and said

, "You can't be killed by dreams, right? How can there be such a mysterious thing? Anyway, I don't believe it.

Panma shook her head.

Blood-red eyes stared at the fat man and said,

"Before that, I never dreamed.

"At that time, I killed someone, and my brothers and I confirmed it in the dark in the tent, and we didn't breathe, so we threw it in...... in the lake.

"Moreover, our hands were also injured. "

Then it's even more unlikely to be a dream.

Panma was silent for a moment, as if hesitating what to say next, and at last he said,

"And since we left the lake...... And that's not all. "

The archaeological team lived, and I was scared and told me about the brothers who killed together. "

They didn't believe in evil, and they all went to the lake.

"But when they come back...... There were accidents in their homes. "

Crazy, crazy.

The dead are dead.

There are even those who hang themselves alive.

Panma had always thought that he would die in a strange way, but after all these years, he was alive and well.

Just when he thought he could become the only survivor that year, the figure of the little brother appeared.

"After they died, there were some strange changes in the village.

"I don't know how to describe these changes...... I think the people in the village have become very strange.

"They're all people I know, and they remember me, but I just feel like they're strange.

"I don't know what to say. They seem to have changed, and they seem to have not changed.

"There must be a monster in that lake! It was the monster that bewitched the villagers. It's the youkai who killed some of my brothers!"

Panma cried out in a heart-rending voice.

His face was distorted in horror!

When the fat man heard this, he said "" in a low voice, and hurriedly hugged himself with 200 pounds.

Chubby frightened.


Ran looked at Panma who was sitting silently on the ground.

After the old man said these words, he seemed to be twenty years old all of a sudden, his eyes were scattered, his hair was gray, where was the majesty that he had just been in Jude Tong's territory?

"You, what do you want to do with me?"

Panma was stunned for a while, then raised his head again, looked at Ye Ran and asked.

"You didn't kill us, what's there to do with you?"

Ye Ran said lightly: "Anyway, all this you said has been recorded in the live broadcast ball." And

he has already absorbed a lot of emotional value for him.

"Just keep going down this road, and when you get out of the forbidden land, someone will pick you up.

"When the time comes, whether to live in a single room or a multi-person room, to eat prison or to eat guns, then we don't care." "

Leave it to the program team and the police to deal with it.

After Ye Ran finished speaking, he stared at Panma and asked again:

"By the way, what is the origin of that slumped shoulders in black clothes?"

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