The slender figure sitting in Jude's passenger seat was none other than him.

It was Ah Ning who chose to quit the show in the last forbidden place!

Ah Ning is Jude Bai's person.

Ye Ran actually expected this in his heart, but what he didn't expect was that Ah Ning, who was seriously injured and withdrew from the forbidden place of the program team, would choose to come to Banai Gulou in this way again.

Don't die

?Or is everything she did actually be arranged by Jude Bai?

At the same time that Ye Ran saw Ah Ning, Ah Ning happened to look up from the car and saw him.

It was different from Ye Ran's somewhat shocked expression.

Ah Ning flicked her long hair slightly, slowly hooked the corners of her mouth towards him, and showed a cold smile with unknown meaning.

Later, Ah Ning's figure was blocked by a group of people in black, and she couldn't see clearly.

The doors closed, and the tall black SUV drove slowly.

Ye Ran stood still and didn't move, but he could feel a lot of eyes coming from the car, converging on him, Little Brother, and Sister Bao'er.

Ye Ran was expressionless, watching the off-road vehicle slowly drive away in front of them.

"Huo! This car has a feeling. "

A limited edition of the top armored off-road luxury car, Knight XV!"

"Shoot with bullets, bomb with explosives, and it won't leave a trace." This crooked old man is really rich. "

That's when it happened.

On the opposite side of the off-road vehicle, there was a sudden exclamation with a smile.

It's black glasses and pans.

There is also Luo Yuhua, who looks soft and beautiful, but always feels that something is wrong, and is smiling generously at them at this time.

"Master Ye, have you also heard the news of Panma?" Panzi

walked over without surprise and said

, "We just asked, and we wanted to come and have a look."

Ye Ran nodded and said,

"Then let's go over together."

"Don't, don't.

Panzi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Master Ye, if you come first, you will go first." After all, we are not a small team, and the bonuses and points of the forbidden land are all counted separately, so there is no need to take too much care of us. "

I can carry it clearly.

Ye Ran was not ambiguous, nodded towards the three of them, and walked into the courtyard of Panma's father's house.

It's really an old butcher, and the yard is full of all kinds of dried meat, as well as dried fish, and some medicinal herbs.

They were received by the son of Panma.

"Guest, tea.

Panma's son was very polite, invited the three of them into the house, and served three cups of rough-looking tea.

After listening to Ye Ran and the other three's intentions, he laughed unexpectedly and said,

"Everyone, I have already heard these words from that old gentleman just now.

"My dad is indeed a well-known guide in the neighborhood, but he hasn't led anyone into the 100,000 Mountains for a long time.

"It's not a question of how much money to give...... I know you're rich, and to be honest, the old man who just came here is richer than you.

"But my dad said that it doesn't matter how much you give. "

He's not going to take anyone into the mountains. "


Ye Ran's brows furrowed.

He asked, "Where's Daddy Panma?" and can we talk to him personally." "

He was sure to settle a deal with Panma.

Panma's son was silent for a while, looked at him deeply, shook his head, and said,


"Guest, let me tell you the truth. Your show, my dad watched on TV. "

My father said you had evil eyes.

"It's like going to hell...... It's the eyes from hell.

"Against you, he is not sure to maintain his principles.

"So before you went to Banai to stay, my father and he had already gone into the mountain alone.

"So even if you give me more money and more benefits...... I'm not a dad, I can't take you into the mountains. "

It's ......

Ye Ran looked confused.

and the little brother, Sister Bao'er glanced at each other.

This is just slipping away?

Wonderful, wonderful.

Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy.

Since Panma's

father has already entered the mountain, they have nothing to talk about with Panma's son.

Rest in the stilted building tonight, and go straight into the mountain tomorrow.

There is no map, but he has a sixteen-character feng shui secret technique, and it is not difficult to distinguish the direction.

Ye Ran nodded, although he was a little disappointed, he still left 300 yuan on the table, which was regarded as the tea money for the three of them.

Panma's son looked at the 300 yuan on the table, and his expression moved slightly.

When the three of them walked to the door, Panma's son suddenly grabbed Ye Ran, pulled him to the corner of the courtyard, and whispered

, "Guest, my impression of you is very good.

"Before my dad left, he left me three words. Say that if you force your deeds, it will be difficult for me...... I will tell you these three words.

"I didn't expect that you didn't embarrass me and gave me back the money.

"In that case, I will also give you those three sentences.

Panma's son seemed nervous, and he took a quick look at the door to make sure that no one was nearby, and then whispered

, "First, don't go to the lake."

"Second, the farther away from people with unicorn tattoos, the better. "

Third, go back to where you are staying early. Ye

Ran said "thank you" a little blindly, and walked out of Panma's house.

The black blind man and Panzi were waiting at the door, and when they saw Ye Ran and the others coming out, they wanted to go in, but they were stopped by Panma's son.

Ye Ran heard him behind him, Panma's son said with a smile:

"I'm sorry everyone, my father is really not at home." It's useless for you to come, he won't show you the way.

Panzi sighed and muttered, "

You said it earlier."

"Directly put up a sign at the door, and write five big characters on it: Daddy is not at home, how good!"

"Black glasses

: "......" Luo Yuhua: "......"

on the road.

Sister Bao'er asked curiously, "Ye Wazi, what did that man tell you?"

Ye Ran looked up and saw that the little brother was also looking at him silently.

No way.

The little brother is also curious?

Ye Ran immediately felt very interesting.

He laughed and said,

"It's nothing. The

son of Panma said to me

, "After entering the forbidden land, you must go to the lake, and it is best to go to the lake every day."

"Be sure to stay close to people with unicorn tattoos, the closer the better, and it's best to hook your shoulders every day." "

As for the last point......

Ye Ran touched his chin, what did he mean by the eviction order?

He didn't understand it for a while.

Sister Bao'er let out a dumbfounded "oh" and said, "

That's easy to do." "

Zhang Qilin, doesn't he have a unicorn tattoo?"

"You two, immediately hook up your sister's shoulders and put it on your back

!" "Listen to my sister, right now!"

Ye Ran

: Little brother:

Sister Bao'er really believes it!

What bad intentions can he have.

He just wanted to deceive Sister Bao'er.

Ye Ran hooked the corners of his mouth, and he didn't have time to laugh yet.

But his back sank suddenly.

The little brother actually walked to his side.

Without saying a word, he put his arm on his shoulder.

The two of them put their arms and shoulders together, and there was a little heat.

This is ......

The little brother also believed it!

Ye Ran was dumbfounded.

He slowly raised his hand and touched his chin.

suddenly felt that he had been bad to a certain extent, deceived Sister Cute Bao'er, and deceived the little brother who didn't know the world.

"He has one more

piece of advice...... "Ye Ran was a little overwhelmed in his conscience, and he was about to say the third piece of advice.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in my mind.

His face changed dramatically and he said,

"No, let's go back!"

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