The old man was dressed in an old-fashioned manner, but his face was not very old.

And it looks like it gives people an extremely calm and restrained feeling, with a few silver threads faintly flashing on the sideburns.

In the crowd of people, he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Ye Ran and the little brother, bowed his head slightly, and signaled.

"Second Master of the Wu Family?!"

and saw the old man in front of him.

The black blind man and the panzi were stunned for a moment, and then stood up with shocked faces, which was almost a subconscious action.

is enough to prove what the status of the "second master of the Wu family" in the mouths of the two is.

"Second master, please. The

person in charge of the program group bowed down respectfully and made a "please" gesture.

Ye Ran looked at the person who came, and his expression gradually became cold.

This second master Wu is the elder brother of the third uncle of the legendary Wu family.

Unlike the third uncle of the Wu family, who is bold and decisive, this second master Wu is much more low-key. But his methods are far more than ten times more than the third uncle of the Wu family, step by step, extremely calm and ruthless.

The brand-new wheelchair of "Gollum ......"

pressed against the carpet of the teahouse, and two black-clothed bodyguards behind the second master of the Wu family pushed the wheelchair and came to Ye Ran and the others.

"Let me introduce you first. The

person in charge of the program team bent down, served tea to the second master of the Wu family with his own hands, and said:

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhang...... As you can see, our program team is not as harmless as it seems on the surface.

"Behind the program team, there are also many forces to support it.

"Among them, there is no one who has supported us the most than the dark force that has not attracted attention on the surface in recent years-Jiumen.

"The power of Jiumen today can be said to be intricate, and the business is all over the world, far beyond the imagination of the world.

"Among the nine gates, the highest status is the speaker. The second master of the Wu family is responsible for the internal affairs of Jiumen, and is in charge of sending Jiumen's goods to the eleventh warehouse around the world, which is also one of the biggest help of our program team. "


, I didn't expect that in this world, Jiumen doesn't seem to be declining, but becoming stronger.

Listening to this meaning, it has a bit of a chaebol flavor.

Ye Ran's thoughts turned slightly, but he was extremely calm on the surface, and he just asked straight to the point:

"The second master came to see me and my little brother today, what is it for?"

The second master of the Wu family took the tea bowl and turned it slightly in his hand.

Looking at Ye Ran and the little brother, he spoke calmly and said

, "I am the person of the Nine Sects, the manager of the Eleventh Warehouse, and the owner of this teahouse.

"I've been paying close attention to the news of the forbidden land, and I have seen your live broadcast from beginning to end, and I know the strength of the two very well, and I also admire you very much.

"The reason why I took the liberty to meet you today is for one thing.

"I, the second master of the Wu family, as the whole of the nine gates, invite Mr. Ye and Mr. Zhang...... Take part in the next forbidden place.

After speaking, the second master of the Wu family raised his finger slightly.

The black-clothed man behind him immediately nodded knowingly, and took out a jade box with extremely delicate workmanship.

From the box, he took out two weighty, yellow copper sticks and handed them over with both hands.

"This is my sincerity.

Second Master Wu closed his eyes and said

, "I, Second Master Wu, will only issue 32 copper sticks a year on this road." And this copper sign, in principle, will only be given to the people inside the Nine Gates. "

If you get this bronze sign, you will get the power of my second master Wu. With the power of my Second Master Wu, what stands behind you is a whole Nine Gates.

"Even if you put the head of the program team leader in the head now...... As long as you take out this copper stick, I, Second Master Wu, can also settle this matter for you on the spot.

Second Master Wu's voice just fell.

The person in charge of the program group covered his head in horror and shook his head in the direction of Ye Ran.

Master Ye.

Second Master Wu just said it, you can't really open the scoop!"

"Don't worry, I'm not that interested."

Ye Ran angrily pushed the tea box in his hand forward, and said coldly:

"Your gift looks very valuable, but my little brother and I may not need it." We don't get involved in your Jiumen affairs, what do you want this stick to do?"

"Use it to pick your teeth?

He still doesn't like it carefully!"

The strength you have shown in the forbidden land has been clearly seen by the whole world, and it is not known how many forces want to win you over or attack you.

"With me in the Nine Gates, no matter what they want to do, they have to weigh it. "

Say it again. The

second master of the Wu family changed his voice and said

, "You can not care about this, but what about the Zhang Qilin next to you, Mr. Zhang?"

"I think you can ask his opinion first." "

The little brother hasn't spoken since he entered the teahouse.

Ye Ran turned his head and asked softly, "Little brother?"

There was silence in the teahouse for a while.

The little brother suddenly raised his eyes and looked coldly in the direction of the second master of the Wu family.

"What's the next forbidden place?" asked the

little brother in a cold voice.

Second Master Wu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

It seems that the little brother's reaction is all expected by him, and he is even more sure that the little brother will definitely participate in this forbidden land. He took a slow sip of tea and said,

"One hundred thousand mountains." "

Banai Ancient Building!" Second

Master Wu's voice just fell.

The little brother seemed to be stimulated by something.

His palms bulged, he pressed his temples hard, his throat intermittently spat out some indistinct words, and his face became extraordinarily pale.

Ye Ran stood up suddenly, knocked over the tea bowl with a "bang", and shouted, "Little brother!"

Little brother's soul loss attack has flared up again!

Ye Ran quickly supported him with his hands, his eyes were full of anger, and he looked coldly in the direction of the second master of the Wu family.

Don't say anything about the nine gates, what the second master of the Wu family.

Deliberately seducing the little brother to have a seizure of soul-loss is a provocation to them!

Ye Ran was very curious, after he took the bronze sign of Second Master Wu, he opened Second Master Wu's head on the spot, could he also settle this matter immediately?

"Don't get excited!" The

Second Master of the Wu Family was stunned for a moment when he saw the reaction of the little brother, as well as the surging Vermilion Bird Source Fire in Ye Ran's palm, as if the scene in front of him was something he didn't expect, he immediately raised his hands to signal for peace:

" Master Ye, although I don't know what you have experienced in the meteoric jade, I definitely have no intention of stimulating him.

"On the contrary, I am an old acquaintance with him, but he doesn't remember me anymore. Since I want you to go to the next forbidden land, how could I harm you at this time?"

"The reason why Zhang Qilin has such a reaction is not because of my words. It's because of this forbidden place, he couldn't be more familiar with it.

"That's where he grew up. "

Banai Ancient Building, which is the place where the Zhang family has lived and died for generations, is also known as Zhangjia Ancient Building!"

The little brother must have a lot of memories in the ancient building.

Eighty percent of them recalled some memory fragments to commit soul loss.

Ye Ran stared at Second Master Wu with unkind eyes and did not speak.

Seeing this, Wu Erye sighed, raised his hand and removed the blanket covering the wheelchair.

I saw the black-gray legs under the wheelchair, which were almost human-shaped.

The corners of Wu Erye's mouth were even more wry

, and he explained:

"You have also seen that I have been poisoned, and time is running out.

"Before that, I have to get the job done. "

You have to go to the forbidden land, in addition to Zhang Qilin's reason, there is one more thing.

"In addition to the program team, this time Jude also got permission to enter the forbidden land.

"In the forbidden land, you will not only meet the people of the Nine Gates, but also the people of Jude Kuo.

"Jude has been waiting for that thing for too long, too long.

"The reason why he took such a big risk to go to the Banai Ancient Building this time is that he is fully prepared, and he is bound to get it!"

Ye Ran frowned and asked,

"What exactly does Jude Yu want?"

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