In the live broadcast room, Karl was just shocked,"This Dongfang Mi is too fragile, he got hurt again!"

"Carl, watch your words. Do you know how powerful that tackle was? If you were on the field, your legs would be broken."

""Humph!" Carl snorted coldly and continued,"This game is exciting, but it still can't change Dortmund's defeat."

"The gap between the two teams is too big. If Dortmund wants to compete with Bayern for the salad bowl, they must at least solve the problem in defense."

Brown was too lazy to argue with him. What he was most worried about now was Miyuan's injury.

In the PP live broadcast room, the camera only showed Miyuan sitting on the ground, and the signal was interrupted.

The result of the game came out, and of course the advertisement had to be inserted as soon as possible.

Lu Ming still saw the rest of the shots. When he saw the team doctor rushing towards Miyuan, he was really worried.

Seeing Aubameyang carrying Miyuan off the court made him feel a little better.

No matter what netizens talk about, Miyuan is still recognized by his teammates in the team.

Time can prove everything. As long as Miyuan continues to be active in the European arena, someone will always be slapped in the face.

He sorted out the post-match summary, waiting for the director to give the final signal and complete today's work.

Back in the locker room, Tuchel was relieved after confirming that Miyuan's injury was not a problem. After clapping his hands and reminding everyone to pay attention, he said

"You showed me a wonderful game. Even after the other team scored five goals, you didn't give up. I saw your spirit of unity and hard work."

"You will have at least a week off to go on vacation and spend time with family and friends."

"We will delay our return to Dortmund for a day. Apart from the dinner tomorrow night, you can relax in Munich."

"However, I hope you won’t be photographed by reporters, especially when you are having fun, I don’t want to clean up your mess."

After Tuchel finished speaking, he straightened his clothes and walked out of the locker room. He was going to attend the post-match press conference.

As soon as Tuchel left, Aubameyang jumped up first and shouted at Mats

"Captain, are we going to have a post-match summary tonight?"

Mats shook his head,"Free time, I just want to have a good rest tonight."

Aubameyang was a little disappointed, his eyes fell on Mi Yuan and Mark.

The two shook their heads at the same time, Mi Yuan pointed to his feet,"I'm injured!"

Mark also pointed at Mi Yuan's feet,"I have to take care of him!"

Aubameyang had to change his target, after all, there were still plenty of people who could play with him.

Mi Yuan and Mark smiled at each other, this excuse was really tacit.

After taking a hot bath, Mi Yuan finally relaxed. Although walking was still a little affected, it was not a big problem.

He and the two Ma brothers returned to the hotel. As soon as they arrived at the lobby, they saw four people walking towards them with a smile.

Mi Yuan was stunned, looked at Mark and Mats beside him, and then looked at the four people who were coming, with a confused face.

Erwa greeted him with a smirk on his face,"Why, you don't recognize each other after the game?"

Miyuan scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said nothing.

The people who came were none other than Muller, Lewandowski, Gotze and Lahm. They were opponents on the field, but they were really good friends off the field.

Except for Miyuan and Lewandowski, the remaining five were teammates on the national team.

""Why are you here?"

Mats asked in confusion. They hadn't communicated much after the game. These four people came uninvited.

"Let's take a look at this little guy who ignored me. How is his injury?"

Erwa pointed directly at Mi Yuan, his tone full of resentment.

Mi Yuan laughed dryly twice,"I'm fine, thank you."

Then he looked at Mats and Mark and said,"Then I'll go back to my room first, you can have a good chat."

He was not familiar with these four big brothers, so it was better to slip away at this time.

Erwa was not polite at all and hugged him directly.

"Boy, you haven't eaten yet, it's not too late to go back after you eat."

Before Mi Yuan could figure out the situation, he was taken to a commercial vehicle. It was not until Mark and Mats got in the car that he felt relieved that he was not left behind.

"You don't like me?"

Erwa bared his teeth and looked at Mi Yuan fiercely.

"No, you misunderstood. I don't like to be distracted during the game."

"This reason is not valid. Competition is a happy thing. We should enjoy ourselves on the field, right?"

"I will be happy only if you score two fewer goals!"

Mi Yuan said unconvincedly. He thought his voice was not loud, but everyone in the car heard it. Then, the car was full of players' laughter, and the one who laughed the most exaggeratedly was Muller.

"That won't do. If we score two less, we will lose. I want to save my face!"

After laughing enough, Muller protested directly.

Lewandowski whispered to Mark,"Ma Kou, where did this little guy come from? I didn't have such a good psychological quality when I was his age."

"Haha, keep it a secret!"

Mark didn't give him any face. He was still angry at the moment. Lewandowski's two goals caught Dortmund off guard.

"Makou, we have agreed that the competition is a competition, and we are still friends in private. You can't deny it."

""Hmph!" Mark snorted coldly, still not buying it.

Lewandowski could only look at Mats for help, hoping that the old captain would help say a word.

At this time, no one would help Lewandowski, they would rather eat melons and watch the fun.

Anyway, these two guys are happy enemies. Although they are in different camps, it does not affect their friendship.

The second child in the last row began to check Mi Yuan's household registration. He was really too curious about Mi Yuan.

Lewandowski teased Mark with a smile. Under his persistence, Mark finally couldn't stand it and begged for mercy directly.

Lahm was responsible for driving, and Gotze, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had been lying on the backrest and talking to Mats.

If any fans saw this scene, they would not believe it. They were opponents just now, and they were evenly matched on the field.

Soon they arrived at the destination. Lahm parked the car and led a group of people through a special passage into a restaurant.

The restaurant is decorated very modernly. Mi Yuan also saw a dance floor and a small bar along the way.

"This is the Italian restaurant we often go to. It's very private. There is a small bar and three dance floors. If you want to relax, everything is available here."

Erwa finished speaking and raised his eyebrows.

Mi Yuan always felt that he was talking behind his words, but he had no evidence.

In addition to the free-moving Dortmund players, there was also a group of seven who were having a party. On the other side, two big guys were sitting in a high-end Japanese restaurant.

Those were Tuchel and Guardiola who had attended the post-match press conference. Tuchel made an appointment for this dinner when he shook hands with Guardiola before the game.

He would not miss any opportunity to learn from Guardiola, and he was really happy when Guardiola accepted his invitation.

The players and coaches of both sides had a private dinner and were not tracked by the paparazzi.

It's not that they are unprofessional. , but these players have long been trained to avoid them.

What's more, the media is very busy now. There are too many news points in the match between Bayern and Dortmund.

Miyuan came on as a substitute and scored nothing.

Nine goals in a single game, a rare goal battle between strong teams.

A conflict almost broke out on the field, but was finally stopped by the referee.

Tactical adjustments on the field, beautiful offensive and defensive confrontations between the two sides.

As for the final score of the game, Bayern's victory is inevitable.

There are too many news points in this game that attract fans, and they must rush to write the relevant reports overnight and write them as soon as possible.

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