"A beautiful combination, this is a perfect combination between Dortmund's midfielders and forwards."

"Mi Yuan had just been making gestures to ask his teammates to pass the ball to the right position."

"Let us see Dortmund's smooth attack and score a goal."

"Miyuan didn't touch the ball much, but he effectively linked the players in the frontcourt together and stretched Bayern's defense through his own running."

"What will Bayern do next?"

Lu Ming was very excited. When replaying the video, he quickly made a brief analysis.

The haters in the chat room certainly didn't want to see this scene and started to sneer.

: The commentator said it well, it's just that Bayern was lax.

: That's right, and he only touched the ball a few times, he didn't dare to take the ball at all.

: So what if he can play football, it's useless if he has bad character.

: Don't be sour, do you understand football? Do you understand what tactics are?

: Don't talk nonsense if you don't watch the game!

: A bunch of brainiac fans, they make money, who are you!

The endless arguments in the chat room, so what?

���If some people like something, some people will dislike it. If the people behind the scenes push it, the Internet will not be quiet.

After all, most people only think about what they think is right. The Internet is anonymous, which allows them to do whatever they want without any worries.

They are having fun, and that is their behavior.

Mi Yuan doesn't even look at the lives of the elderly. What does other people's affairs have to do with him? He only needs to do his job well.

After scoring the goal, Reus had no intention of celebrating. He rushed directly into the goal and hugged the football.

He waved his arms to his teammates, signaling everyone to start the game quickly.

When he looked at Mi Yuan, a smile finally appeared on his face and he nodded slightly.

Mi Yuan smiled back and rushed back to his position.

Looking at the players on the field, the happiest one was the little bee who regained his vitality.

Their voices became louder, cheering for the team, and the yellow and black flags in the stands were waved again.

In the live broadcast room, Brown's second celebration did not last long.

"Dortmund made some adjustments this time, and this time the attack was very beautiful. Guardiola will definitely not sit still and wait for death. What kind of adjustments will he make?

What does Karl think Guardiola will do next?"

"The situation on the field was very clear. The initiative was in Bayern's hands. Whether it was defense or offense, there would be no problem for the next game, not to mention that this was Allianz, Bayern's home court."

While the two were chatting in the live broadcast room, the players on the field returned to their positions one after another, waiting for the whistle of the referee Fritz.

Guardiola on the sidelines had already called Erwa to the sidelines and told him something.

Erwa kept nodding, then rushed back to the field.

After Reus scored, Tuchel also clenched his fists excitedly. He was very satisfied with the players' performance for being able to launch such an attack under the opponent's high pressure.

The result of this game is not important. He boldly used newcomers this time, or he was training and trying different combinations.

In the later part of the season, he didn't have any There is room for error, and every point must be fought for.

After a brief moment of distraction, the Bayern fans in the stands did not allow the Dortmund fans to be too arrogant. Before the game resumed, they also began to cheer for the home team.

The momentum of the home fans soon drowned out the sound of the little bees, and the game on the field resumed.

As the referee's whistle sounded, Lewandowski pushed the ball to Gotze, and almost at the same time, the players of both sides moved.

Gotze faced Aubameyang who rushed up, turned around and passed the ball to Xabi Alonso behind him.

Miyuan followed and pressed forward Alonso was robbed of the ball, and the latter passed it to Lahm without hesitation.

Lahm touched the ball and passed it horizontally.

After attracting Dortmund's frontcourt players to go deep, the ball was passed to Thiago's feet.

Gundogan immediately stepped up to intercept Thiago.

Reus also actively returned to defense to cooperate with Gundogan to form a double team.

Facing the approaching Gundogan, Thiago was very clear about his shortcomings and directly kicked a long pass to the front of the penalty area to find Gotze who was advancing.

Lewand used his body as a wall in the penalty area to block Humeltz and Papastathopoulos.

Costa and Muller Pinning down other defensive players on both sides just left space for Gotze. Gotze rushed to the point where the ball landed and volleyed it.

Burki was very focused and made a save when he saw Gotze hit the ball. Gotze

's shot was powerful, fast and at a tricky angle. Although Burki's fingertips touched the high-speed flying football, they failed to change the flight path of the football.

When he landed, he looked back helplessly at the still spinning football and slapped the grass in frustration.

Carl's excited voice came from the loudspeaker at the scene.

"In just eight minutes, Bayern and Dortmund staged a goal-scoring battle for us"

"Bayern's fifth goal, scored by Gotze---!"

"Dortmund faced more pressure in the next game. With only 32 minutes left, would they still have a chance to turn the game around?"

Such a passionate goal-scoring battle and offensive situation made the Bayern fans at the scene cheer and their shouts became louder.

Dortmund fans booed Gotze and shouted,"Traitor! Traitor!"

But Gotze on the field had long been accustomed to such a situation. After hugging and celebrating with his teammates, he returned to his position. Dortmund

's newly ignited hope was shattered once again. Sven Bender, who failed to block Gotze's shot, squatted on the ground, holding his head, very frustrated.

Reus did not give up. He quickly rushed to Sven Bender and pulled him up.

Then he clapped his hands and shouted,"We still have time. As long as the referee does not blow the whistle to end the game, we can't give up.""

Hummels also got rid of his depressed mood and joined in encouraging his teammates.

When the camera was given to Miyuan, he was whispering to Aubameyang.

Everyone was curious about what they were talking about, but both of them covered their mouths with their hands, and even oral experts could not see their lip shapes.

Guardiola on the sidelines gestured to the players on the field, obviously conveying signals.

Tuchel did not make any moves. He was very calm. Even if the game was over now, the result would not be the worst.

Robben and Ribery were injured this season, and Bayern's strength was undoubtedly affected.

He originally thought that this game The gap between the two sides of the game was not too big, but Muller's performance on the field surprised Tuchel.

Muller seemed to have unlocked a new skill, and his role on the field was more threatening than when he coached Mainz.

Similarly, Miyuan also made him shine. Under Miyuan's arrangement, the frontcourt successfully scored a goal and played an effective attack, which surprised him.

During the time when Miyuan was recovering from injury, his understanding of the game was stronger. Such a player is too plastic, and he is very fortunate to have such a player in the team.

Just when Tuchel was immersed in his own thinking, Dortmund on the field had already started to attack.

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