Zhang Lei sighed and began to talk about what happened after he came back.

Zhang Lei and other teammates were full of longing after returning to China. They wanted to show their talents after returning and join the National Olympic Team to win glory for the country.

This is worthy of their efforts over the years and can bring hope to the Chinese people.

The group returned to the club with joy and then went directly to the training ground.

At first, everything was fine and they all performed actively.

In the three months in The Hague, they grew very fast. The strength they showed did not attract the attention of the coach, but aroused the jealousy of other training players.

The strength gap was too obvious. The players who returned from The Hague were like bullying during training.

The most depressing thing was that the way they thought was right was disobedient to the coach's command and did not listen to the coach's instructions.

They were gradually marginalized, and the training team was divided into two factions.

One faction was the players who returned from The Hague, known as the Hague Gang.

The other faction was naturally the remaining players, known as the local gang.

Although the two sides did not fight, friction continued.

When there were still 20 days before the end of the training camp, the team leader found them, and the hints in his words were very strong.

If they want to stay in the training team and get the final selection qualification, they have to pay money, and the team leader can help them.

If they don't go out, it's very simple, they can pack up and go home.

The 14 teenagers are all young and energetic, how can they bear this. Their families have paid a large amount of money for the club to go abroad for training, and they have to pay money to enter the selection.

They were angry and packed up and left the training team angrily. They originally thought that the club would not say anything if they were not selected.

How could they know that the chain of interests is from top to bottom, and they were punished by the club when they returned to the club, and they were suspended for a month.

This was a big blow to them, but they still naively believed that as long as they did not forget their original intentions, they would definitely be able to realize their dreams.

Everyone is training hard and wants to fight for a future.

This FA Cup gave them hope, and everyone got a chance.

The person who injured Zhang Lei was the local gang that had a feud with him when he was in the training team.

This was obviously a deliberate revenge by the opponent. Zhang Lei had no time to hide and was directly hit.

What Zhang Lei couldn't understand was the attitude of the club.

This was to cut off his way back to playing football and completely deny him any chance to turn the tables.

Xiaomi roughly understood that when they were sent out, the club did not want to train them with all their strength, but was driven by interests.

If they were favored by foreign clubs, they could sell the players at a high price.

Obviously, the final price could not satisfy the club, so they found a beautiful gimmick and sent them to the training team.

This group of silly roe deer were of course very happy to have the opportunity to serve the country.

Who knew that what others valued was not strength, but the benefits that could be brought.

These guys directly cut off other people's money, and of course they would not be reused when they returned to the club.

They also offended many people invisibly and became completely targeted.

Zhang Lei's injury this time, whether accidental or intentional, gave the club a good reason.

Xiaomi patted Zhang Lei on the shoulder,"You take good care of your injury, I will go back tomorrow to contact a rehabilitation hospital for you."

"You have been in contact with other people more often, so I will remind you. As for the rest, we will talk about it after you recover."

The two brothers talked a lot that night, and Xiaomi did not reveal his transfer in the summer window.

He wanted to help these brothers, but he knew very well that he was not standing firmly on his own feet, and doing these things was not helping others, but harming them.

Take one step at a time, this is only Zhang Lei, and he probably will think about other people.

After breakfast the next day, Xiaomi left the hospital and returned to Yanjing.

After returning to Yanjing, he went to the Third Hospital of Medical University for consultation.

Xiaomi, who had not suffered from the beatings of society, thought too simply.

Consultation requires registration, the patient did not come, and the other party's introduction was just a few words.

After waiting in line for more than an hour, in less than 2 minutes, he left helplessly.

There was no way, so he could only ask for help.

He went to Captain Li's base to consult Captain Li.

Captain Li was very happy to see him coming, and invited him out for dinner.

Xiaomi was not polite, and went directly to a nearby tripe shop.

(Tripe is a local halal snack, there are beef tripe and sheep tripe, most of which are beef. A chopstick of tripe dipped in sesame paste, the taste, wow!)

Xiaomi briefly explained the situation to Captain Li, and Captain Li was so angry that he slammed the table

"If this continues, Daxia Football will never be able to leave."

This slap directly scared the diners around.

Seeing that no one was fighting, they just ate their food and left early.

"Captain Li, do you have any acquaintances at the hospital?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll take care of it. How long will it take for him to be discharged from the hospital?"

"There are still more than ten days left, time should come quickly"

"Okay, leave it to me. You are a very loyal guy."

"Captain Li, you know I don’t have many friends, and even fewer who share the same interests with me. Lei Zi took good care of me when I was in The Hague."

With the help of Captain Li, Xiaomi felt more at ease.

After purchasing ingredients in the afternoon and notifying the two young ladies to come home for dinner, he plunged into the kitchen again.

He needed to greet outsiders who were coming to his house.

There was nothing wrong with the house being his, but when he was not around, Xiaoyu and Yaoyao helped him look after the house.

After dinner, Xiaomi explained the situation again, and he was exhausted.

He felt like he had turned into a repeater that day, repeating the same thing twice.

Of course, the two had no objections, and Yaoyao asked Xiaomi a question directly, which stunned him.

"Xiaomi, will you encounter this kind of situation outside?"

Yaoyao is seldom so serious. Not only did he get stunned by the question, Xiaoyu also showed a worried look on her face.

"I have a formal contract, and professional leagues abroad pay great attention to the health of players, so don't worry."

In order to reassure them, Xiaomi took out his contract with The Hague and his contract with the agency.

The two girls ignored him and continued to study academic issues.

Xiaomi didn't get a good rest last night and went to bed early.

But he unexpectedly couldn't sleep and realized how insignificant he was. He couldn't understand it at home, let alone abroad.

For the first time, he realized that he had to have his own team and his own power.

He couldn't do these for the time being, but it's not too late, he still has time.

Now he has a higher starting point than many people, a professional agency, and recruitment from the Bundesliga team.

He must make good use of these and stabilize his feet first.

He knows very well that as long as he performs well, more people will extend olive branches to him.

In the next few days, his life returned to normal.

He was working out that day, and the phone rang tirelessly.

He quickly stopped the treadmill and picked up the phone.

Seeing that it was a video call from Karami, Xiaomi answered it with a smile.

"Hello! Little Karami!"

"Xiaomi, nice to meet you, I hope I didn't disturb you!"

"Of course not, I'm working out."

He turned the camera around to let Karami look at the surroundings.

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