When Xiaomi went downstairs, Sven and Karami were waiting for him with coffee.

He said apologetically,"Sorry for the long wait, Mr. Mislintat!"

"It wasn't long before the coffee was ready.

Sven smiled and sipped the coffee in his hand, motioning Xiaomi to sit next to him.

"I wonder what you want to talk to me about today?"

Since he knew the other party's identity, Xiaomi went straight to the point.

Sven put down the coffee in his hand, looked into his eyes, and asked with a smile

"I want to invite you to join Dortmund!"

Sven had already figured out Xiaomi's character.

This guy is very smart. If you beat around the bush with him, it will only waste time. Being simple and direct can achieve the effect faster.

Xiaomi was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look at Mislintat seriously.

This foreigner is interesting. He got straight to the point.

"Want a trial?"

Xiaomi knew that these clubs liked to have trials.

Three months of trials would waste the best time for transfers. He didn't want to waste so much time.

"No need for a trial, just sign the contract directly."

Mislintat's answer made him stunned again.

Is this a pie in the sky?

This guy is not a liar!

No, Karami knows him, and Captain Li also knows his name. He is not a liar.

Could it be?

Xiaomi couldn't help but have a bold idea in his mind. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party and thought.

"Mr. Mislintat, you should talk to my agent.

I know my current level, and there is still a long way to go to play in the professional league.

My knowledge of Dortmund is limited to what I see on TV and in newspapers."

"So if you really want me to join, please contact my agent."

Seeing Xiaomi's expression, Sven realized that he was a little anxious.

This made the guy alert and he burst into laughter.

"OK, I'll connect with Mr. Struth."

"I have a question for you now."

"Please speak!"

Xiaomi didn't care what he was laughing at, and was still thinking about why he was targeting him.

Did Struth find him and have anything to do with Mislintat?

"I want to hear your analysis of today's game."

Xiaomi frowned slightly. Is this a test for himself?

"I can't say it's an analysis, I just feel a little regretful"

"Tell me in detail, why do you regret it?"

"We were a little lax in the second half, and we didn't seize the chances well."

Xiaomi slowly expressed his thoughts, and Sven listened carefully.

Most players nowadays can only execute the coach's tactics, but rarely add their own ideas when dealing with details, and lack the idea of adjusting tactics at any time according to the situation on the field.

Of course, there are many players who have a big picture and play with their brains.

It's just that those players are all in the giants and in mainstream clubs.

Xiaomi has this kind of global awareness at a young age, which is what he likes most.

The biggest difference between players in the echelon and players in the reserve team and formal professional team is the global awareness in the game.

Players don't just play football and practice their skills.

Striker players must not only have good shooting skills, but also observe the situation on the field at any time and cooperate with teammates to run to the right position to shoot.

Especially the awareness of running without the ball and grabbing points in front of the goal, this It is also the foundation of an excellent striker.

For example, Jiu Ye, he does not have a very strong body, but he is a killer on the front line. His ability to counter offside and grab points in front of the goal makes the madman Mourinho headache.

Balotelli is the kind of player who has a strong sense of goal and strong physical fitness. Although he flashed like a meteor, how many forwards can pass the ball to their teammates after falling to the ground and reverse the result of the game.

Midfielders are generally divided into offensive midfielders and defensive midfielders.

Regardless of the type of midfielder, their field of vision must be wide and they must have surgical precision in passing.

The midfield is the core fulcrum of the front and back fields, and different midfielders play different roles in the game.

Pirlo did not retire until he was 39 years old, but he is an absolute midfield master.

He is like a performer on the field, controlling the rhythm of the game and delivering exquisite passes at critical moments. 's pass helped the team win the game.

There is also a bald midfield master, Zidane. Before he retired, he was the core and organizer of the team, but he was ruined by the first goal of the century and had to leave the green field early.

Modern football has higher requirements for defenders.

They not only need to have defensive awareness and predictive ability, but also be able to launch surprisingly difficult counterattacks at any time, especially the defensive midfielders on the left and right sides.

Paolo Maldini of the Rossoneri is the greatest left-back and a natural leader.

His personal charm on the court, fierce but not hurtful style of play, clean but not rough tackles, excellent skills, excellent physical condition, broad vision, good judgment of the game situation and just the right assists, make him a star that fans of an era cannot forget.

Xiaomi is still very young now, and Sven believes that he In the future, he can surpass many stars, even the king of football.

Sven listened quietly to Xiaomi's analysis, and would maybe interject and put forward his own views.

Seeing that the two were chatting very speculatively, Karami was not idle either, and went directly to prepare dinner.

After bringing Xiaomi into the game, there has never been a shortage of various marine fish in their home.

The nutritional value of marine fish is very rich, not only containing minerals but also rich vitamins.

Not to mention the protein content, it is very suitable for making various nutritious meals for Xiaomi.

After the meal was ready, Karami called the two who were talking excitedly to have dinner.

Shortly after the meal, Sven also left the villa.

This meeting was quite successful, at least it planted the seeds of Dortmund for Xiaomi, and the rest was the cooperation with Struss.

Xiaomi's life returned to normal again. There was only one game in April, and it was in the middle of the month, so there was plenty of time for training.

Sven came again in the middle of the game,���Xiaomi and his teammates' training.

But this time he came quietly, Xiaomi didn't know.

Xiaomi started the game in April, scored one goal and made one assist, and was replaced in the second half.

But ADO was ahead by two goals, but the opponent scored one goal.

In the end, they narrowly defeated their opponents 2:1, and there was no reversal like the last time.

Then in the last two games in mid-May, Marvin started Xiaomi in the first game. Xiaomi was replaced when they were ahead 2:0 again.

In the end, the opponent tied the score and the two sides shook hands and made peace.

Xiaomi was very depressed. He already felt that the coach just wanted him to maintain his form and would replace him as long as he scored.

The purpose was simple, he wanted to train the troops. The coach should have known that he would leave ADO next season.

As long as they didn't lose or get relegated, he would have no chance to play.

The last game was against Volandam Youth Team, the team where Xiaomi scored twice for the first time.

The victory or defeat in this game was no longer important, and Xiaomi was not included in the big list.

Xiaomi was helpless about the head coach's arrangement, but he accepted it calmly.

This was their last game of the season, and the team would go on vacation after the game.

The players should concentrate on preparing for the exam.

Xiaomi and Karami sat in the stands to watch the game that day, and Marvin directly sent out many reserve players.

Soon after the start, they lost a goal.

Volandam came to revenge in this game. In the last game, they lost 4 goals at home, which put them under a lot of pressure after the game.

But they didn't expect that ADO would not take this game seriously.

In the 28th minute of the first half, Volandam scored another goal and led 2:0.

Marvin was a little anxious and replaced Robinson to reverse the situation.

Robinson alone could not lead the entire team. Marvin used up all the substitutions later, and ultimately failed to make ADO any better.

In the end, Volandam won 4:0 and avenged the previous shame.

For this result, Marvin could only sigh helplessly.

A summary was made directly after the game, and after all the staff had a physical examination the next day, they officially started their vacation.

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