Lee Shou, who won the game, was in a good mood, and even better was Son Ye Jin’s initiative. Li Shou was actually very coaxing, and Son Ye Jin was very happy to give some sweetness.

After a pleasant evening, Li Shou got up as usual, and Samariel and Li Jiajia were already waiting downstairs. Samariel and Li Jiajia went back to talk about two endorsements. Today, taking advantage of Li Shou’s holiday, I took advantage of Li Shou’s holiday to shoot one of the endorsement ads. Shooting, so Li Shou couldn’t stay at home on the first day of the holiday to be crooked with Son Yejin.

   "Rage doesn't really accompany me" Li Shou looked at Sun Yezhen with a "sorrowful" face.

   "It's not all you yet" Son Yejin gave Li Shou a blank glance.

   "Hee hee~~~ Well, I'll finish it back sooner." Men are actually the same, especially in certain aspects.

   Although I am a little bit disappointed in not being able to accompany Sun Yezhen at home, since they have paid the money, the work must be in place, and the spirit of the contract must be observed.

   "This porridge is so fragrant." Samari was very ignorant, holding a bone in one hand, and drinking the porridge while bowing her head.

   "This seems to be called salty bone porridge. The bones of the porridge are pickled, so it has a special fragrance," Li Jiajia answered.

   "I think it would be more perfect if we had the fried dough sticks we ate in China at this time." There are more and more trips to China, and Samarial has learned more about China, and the taste has become more and more Chinese.

   "You can learn it by yourself. In the future, you will fry the fried dough sticks and I will cook the porridge" Li Shou suggested. Although fried dough sticks are not difficult, Li Shou does not.

   "I don't think you can do it without fritters" The fritters are not fragrant anymore.

It is said that Shamari can not cook, and did not think about learning. Perhaps this is why Shamari depends on Li Shou. Even if Shamari is eating now, he still comes to Li Shou to solve it. Li Jiajia can do it, but obviously there is no Li Shou. Craftsmanship.

   Li Shou actually found that his own cooking seems to be getting more and more delicious. This should be the invisible talent given by the system. Although the system is mainly football, Li Shou's improvement is all-round.

  Actually, according to Li Shou’s current conditions, he doesn’t need to act on his own. It doesn’t matter if he hires a chef, it’s okay to go out to eat every day, but Li Shou doesn’t seem to like having outsiders in his family, and he has suffered before.

After a pleasant breakfast, Li Shou followed Samarie and left. Today’s filming is an advertisement for instant noodles. This instant noodle is a household name in China. Before Li Shou bought less, now the other party pays for Li Shou. Becoming a spokesperson, and there is still a very substantial endorsement fee, it is interesting to think about it.

But soon Li Shou didn’t find it interesting anymore, because today’s shooting was a real shot, which means that if Li Shou wants to really eat instant noodles, he will have several barrels in succession this time, because convenience has many flavors. Eat it again.

   In fact, the director did not invite Li Shouquan to eat at the beginning, but just let Li Shou behave. After all, Li Shou is an athlete. It is not too late to eat instant noodles, so this is what Li Shou requested.

   Li Shou really hasn’t eaten instant noodles for a long time. When I suddenly saw it, I missed it and wanted to eat it. After all, I paid for it, and I had to do my job, so the effect of posing is definitely not as good as real eating.

   "Lee, what do you eat at noon?" After the filming came to an end, Samari asked excitedly.

   It is said that Samaritan was fed by Li Shou unknowingly and became a foodie. Western physiques are easy to get fat. Recently, Samaritan has become more plump.

   "Don't tell me to eat." Li Shou left without paying attention to Samaritan. Li Shou felt that he would never want to eat instant noodles anymore.

   But the shooting in the afternoon will continue. Fortunately, Li Shou had eaten enough in the morning. In the afternoon, the director did not let Li Shou eat. All he needs to do is to pick up instant noodles and pose for a few special actions.

   It took three hours to shoot even this way. By the end of the day, the time had come to five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to prepare dinner.

   Originally the manufacturer wanted to invite Li Shou to dinner. After all, the Chinese were used to chatting and friendship at the dinner table, but they were rejected by Li Shou. No, it should be rejected by Samarial.

   Li Shou secretly praised Samarial about this. Li Shou is really not interested in eating, and with his current income, what can not be eaten?

   Instead of wasting time on these people, it would be better to go back to live with Son Yezhen in the two-person world, after all, it has been a few days since Son Yezhen returned to Korea.

   "Aren't you going in with me?" Li Shou looked at Samali and Li Jiajia, because the car stopped outside.

   "We won't disturb the world of both of you. Besides, we have to reward ourselves for completing today's work," said Shamari.

   "Well, then you guys have fun and protect yourself." In fact, there is Samaritan, and Li Shou is still very relieved.


   "Angu isn't at home?" After entering the yard, Li Shou found that the light in the house was not on.

   "Isn't it a day of sleep?" Li Shou remembered the madness of last night~www.NovelMTL.com~ In fact, there was no light in the room, but it was very weak, so Li Shou quickened his pace.

   Candles, when Li Shou opened the door, a row of lit candles appeared in front of him, or a candle aisle.

   Along the candle aisle, Li Shou saw a familiar figure, Sun Yezhen.

   Through the light of the candle, Li Shou saw what Sun Yezhen was holding, and he finally realized what day it was today.

It was his birthday on November 11th, but Li Shou was not a birthday at all. In recent years, the only time he celebrated his birthday was when he was an adult. He invited a few friends for a drink and found that he had poured a glass. constitution.

   In the following years, Li Shou never had the concept of a birthday again. It is said that last year, Li Shou simply forgot his birthday.

   But it is different now. Li Shou is no longer alone. He has an agent, a small team, and most importantly, he has a girlfriend.

   Actually, Li Shou’s job today was negotiated by Sun Yejin and Samali, in order to mobilize Li Shou so that Sun Yezhen had time to prepare for Li Shou’s birthday.

   Soon after Li Shou left, Son Yezhen got up and immediately went to the cake shop. At this moment, Son Yezhen was holding the birthday cake himself.

   Samarial and Li Jiajia did not intend to disturb the world of Li Shou and Son Yezhen, because it was the first birthday after Li Shou and Son Yezhen were together, but the gifts Samariel and Li Jiajia had already prepared.

   "Lee Shou, happy birthday" Son Yezhen walked to Li Shou holding the cake.

   Looking at the cake Sun Yezhen is holding, and watching Sun Yezhen holding the cake, Li Shou has a feeling of "happiness" in his heart.

   "Thank you Nuna" Li Shou bowed his head and kissed Son Yejin.


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