Excellent performance by Long Fei.

It also made Blackburn team manager Johnson overjoyed!

Due to Blackburn's poor performance in the first half of the season.

Not only did it make many fans very disappointed with the club.

The league results dropped.

It also made many sponsors lose the idea of ​​continuing to renew their contracts with the club!

Losing the support of fans.

That means game ticket revenue.

Sales around official stores will fall further.

Sponsors refused to cooperate.

It will also cause the club to lose a large amount of sponsorship fees every season.

This is disastrous for the club's revenue!

Many small and medium-sized clubs have experienced a decline in revenue due to this.

As a result, the team has no transfer funds for personnel investment.

This led to a further decline in the team's performance.

Then revenue fell again.

It slowly became a vicious cycle until the club closed down and disbanded!

Blackburn had already had signs of this crisis.

But the appearance of Long Fei completely changed everything!

Due to the recent two consecutive league wins.

As an important signing during the winter break, Long Fei played an absolute core role.

Therefore, the club has also received praise from many Blackburn fans!

Die-hard fans who were previously disappointed with the club are also returning!

Not only that.

Due to two consecutive league wins, 6 points were directly obtained.

Blackburn's ranking in the league has also risen to 18th.

Completely away from the relegation zone!

Improvements in performance. and advantages on the playing field.

It also made sponsors offer olive branches to the club one after another!

They are willing to renew their sponsorship contract with Blackburn for the new season!

It can be said that after Long Fei came to the Blackburn team.

The improvement and contribution he has made to the team.

Totally all-round!

Far beyond the imagination of Blackburn manager Johnson!

For this reason, Johnson also called Long Fei several times.

Concerned about his life outside of club games.

And when training at the club.

Wilson also came to the training ground many times to express condolences to all the team players.

Special condolences to Long Fei!

Although he only played two games on behalf of the team.

But Long Fei's performance has completely impressed others!

It’s not just Johnson.

Including coach Mowbray and other teammates.

They all believed it extremely.

Manchester United loaned them this Dragon Kingdom talent.

He can definitely lead the team and achieve pretty good results this season! during normal training.

Long Fei has also become the object of special care for coach Mowbray.

Mowbray also spoke out.

If Long Fei has any needs, feel free to ask them.

In this regard, Long Fei really made a request.

That is in addition to conducting tactical training with the team.

He wants more personal training time!

That is to say.

Compared with some training programs developed by the team.

Long Fei wanted to have more freedom.

I want to train according to my own ideas!

Regarding Long Fei's request.

Coach Mowbray readily agreed.

In Mowbray's opinion.

A talented player like Long Fei.

You must have your own set of plans during training.

Just like Long Fei's long pass skill.

If Long Fei is forced to follow the team's individual training plan.

Maybe it would be better if Long Fei trained on his own!

After the coach agreed to his request.

This also made Long Fei breathe a sigh of relief!

The reason why Long Fei made such a request.

The purpose is to complete the various training goals of the training mode in the system during daily training!

After all, training is in the real world.

I have a 20% data bonus!

After the coach agreed to his request.

You can flexibly control your own training programs at the training ground.

Complete the training goals within the system as early as possible.

Thereby getting the bonus of attribute points!

【Training goal: Bump the ball with one foot 100,000 times! (completed)】

【Ding! The host's ball control attributes have been improved!】

【The current ball control attribute value is: 73!】

【Training goal: Run 30 kilometers around a conical barrel with a ball! (completed)】

【Ding! The host's dribbling attributes have been improved!】

【The current dribbling attribute value is: 71】

【Training goal: 3,000 shots! (completed)】

【Ding! The host's shooting attributes have been improved!】

【The current shooting attribute value is: 67! 】

During the recent training.

Long Fei completed many training goals in the training mode.

Part of his attribute values ​​have also increased as a result!

【Passing] Short passing: 75 Long passing: 99 Vision: 65

【Ball feeling] Ball control: 73 Dribbling: 71 Reaction: 69

【Shooting skills] Shots: 67 Long shots: 68 Headers: 71

【Body】Strength: 75 Jump: 70 Physical fitness: 69

【Penalty kick] Accuracy: 69 Arc: 65 Penalty kick: 70

【Speed] Top speed: 70 Acceleration: 70 Agility: 65

【Defense] Steals: 62 Interceptions: 65 Sliding tackles: 63

【Overall ability rating: 72]

Long Fei looked at his personal attribute panel.

Although his various attributes have been improved recently.

But due to the large variety of attributes on the panel.

I want to greatly improve my personal attribute panel.

It’s still a long way to go!

However, in the training mode, as long as you complete the training goals, you can improve your personal attributes.

Long Fei was still very satisfied!

After all, as long as you train hard.

The improvement in one's attributes and abilities is a foreseeable and certain thing!

This alone is far superior to most players in the world!

Training hard doesn't necessarily mean you will become stronger.

What it brings to you is likely to be injuries!

Here are two words of wisdom on the topic of training.

There is no shortage of hardworking people among professional players.

But sometimes there is no way to increase personal strength by just relying on diligence!

In addition, some players have different physiques.

People with a slightly weaker constitution.

If you work too hard, you overtrain.

It may also lead to insufficient rest for the body's muscles.

This can lead to injuries!

Long Fei relies on a systematic training model.

Not only will there be no worries about injuries.

It also ensures the improvement of personal attributes.

This is already quite difficult!

As long as you work hard enough, you can become stronger!

Just when Long Fei finished his training and sat down to rest.

A new task popped up on the system interface in front of me!

After reading the mission objectives and mission rewards.

Long Fei himself couldn't help but become happy!

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