[Conte and Ye Chen: A combination of football talent] [Tactical master Conte wins, Guardiola is not worthy

of the name] [A hearty reversal, incredible Inter]

[Ye Chen: Conte's tactical deployment is a guarantee for the whole team to win the game]

On the

night after the match, major Italian sports media released their news.

In these news, they blew Inter to the sky, almost to the rhythm of winning the Champions League!

And also rewrote two people, Conte and Ye Chen!

In the eyes of these football media people, Conte is the leader of Inter, and Ye Chen is the cornerstone of Inter's town team.

Conte returned from Chelsea to his familiar Italy and quickly built a mature team at Milan. The famous coach who has been trained in England will continue his career at Inter. "

Conte has been criticized for being old-school and not keeping up with the trend of world football, especially the obsession with defending first, which has gradually fallen behind the popular offensive football today."

"But tonight, Conte led Inter to a beautiful comeback at home! The balance between attack and defence was perfect, and the final 3-1 home win over Manchester City made up for the loss of the first leg.

Ye Chen also emphasized at the post-match press conference that Conte's tactics have greatly improved him, the whole team is now very united, and the players have a very good relationship with Conte. Trust, once closely established in the manager and players, this Inter, which has only a glorious history, will eventually move towards a revival! After

Conte left the next morning, after Conte left, Barrera took out his mobile phone in the locker room and read it word by word to the "in-depth" news from the media above.

After reading it, he himself couldn't help but laugh.

"These editors are so unrestrained, they think blindly, write blindly, and write them to be in the newspaper, on TV, on the news! This is also too untechnical!

Lukaku walked out around a blue bath towel, revealing his rock-like black muscles.

"Trust? Trust a fart, Conte clearly doesn't trust us, he never thinks we can take the initiative at home and beat Manchester City! "

Yes," new signing Erikson couldn't help but interject, "even if it's 0-1 away from home, back at home, you have to do anti-chicken theft, is this sick, it's just from Europe to Africa!"

Lautaro sat in a chair, wiped his head with a towel, and the water splashed down.

"You said that this Conte is really interesting, I watched the post-match press conference, Barrera, don't blame the media for writing nonsense, Conte said so to the reporters!"

"I watched it too," the young centre-back Bastoni muttered, putting on a new white T-shirt, "Conte took the bag, attributed all the credit for the win to himself, not mentioning Ye Chen's encouragement to the whole team in the locker room, I listened to it and was angry, damn it!"

Bastoni threw the sweaty jersey he had changed at Ye Chen, = unwillingly:

"Ye Chen, why don't you expose this old fox in front of the reporter?" He wants us to defend, it is you who want us to attack, and this is what we have to turn over later!

Ye Chen took off the sweaty jersey with a look of disgust, crumpled it up, and threw it back to Bastoni.

"You silly you, now there are still 7 rounds of the league, the Champions League has also reached the last 4, if there is news that Conte and us are not at odds at this time, then the follow-up will be overwhelming, at that time, let's not play football, wait every day to be surrounded by reporters squatting outside the stadium and training base!"

Handa, the old captain goalkeeper who had been silent, stood up.

"Ye Chen is right, this matter, you can only say in the dressing room, and it is not allowed to be passed on!"

"It's April now, hold on a little longer, the season will be over, there are not many games, and then you can say whatever you want, I can't care."

"But now it's time for the league and the Champions League to win the title, we still have to be safe, the same caliber, that is, Conte is still in charge of the dressing room, he still has our trust, and other than that, don't say too much!"

The words of the old captain Handa made everyone who was originally indignant calm down.

Ye Chen replied:

"The captain is right, no matter what the outside world says, no matter what Conte thinks, our players must be united, and the only goal is to unite to finish this season and win the championship, Serie A or the Champions League, or both!"

"Winning the championship, everything is easy to say, with the confidence of the champion, some things, it is much easier to solve."

Ye Chen didn't say anything more until the point arrived.


The Champions League semi-finals are over.

In other matches, there were also a lot of wonderful scenes.

Red Bull Leipzig in the Bundesliga upset eliminated La Liga powerhouse Atletico Madrid and advanced to the last four, which is the biggest upset.

In recent years, Leipzig has sprung up, making a single Bundesliga a company have a lot to see.

In another Ligue 1-La Liga matchup, Lyon unsurprisingly lost to La Liga Banba Barcelona.

There was no suspense in both legs, Barça won 2-0 and 2-0 in both legs, easily winning their opponents.

Messi and Suarez both scored twice, and the goals were also even, you score two at home, I score two away, the two are really good buddies, and the goals are also in turn.

In the last match, Bayern and Atalanta, the dark horse of Serie A did not go far, losing 2-5 in two legs.

However, reaching the quarter-finals is already Atalanta's best record in the Champions League, and they have set a team record and left good memories for Atalanta fans.

Champions League Final Four: Inter (Serie A), Bayern (Bundesliga), RB Leipzig (Bundesliga), Barcelona (La Liga).

The semi-finals are no longer drawn, but according to the latest semi-zone rules, Inter vs Bayern, Barca vs RB Leipzig.

As soon as the final four came out, the spinach company William Hill also updated the odds of winning the championship for the first time.

1. Barcelona 1 odds

2.1 2. Bayern Munich

1 to 3.15 3. Inter Milan

1 to 3.3 4. RB Leipzig 1 to 10

Barca took first place with Messi's wonderful performance.

Bayern followed, Inter and Bayern are very close to each other.

But overall, except for RB Leipzig, who won 10 in the end, whether it is Barcelona, Bayern or Inter, they are all on the plate.

Whose house did it go to?

Watch the semi-finals first!

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