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What's going on?

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand why, let alone what happened.

"Didn't Ye Nan say that the food was delicious? How could it fail to meet the standards?"

"Yeah, yeah, what happened?……"

Tanaka Hui took a step forward and was about to speak, but was stopped by Ye Nan, who signaled Tanaka Hui to calm down.

Ye Nan said,"I would like to ask Chef Shigong, why did you judge my cooking as unqualified? There must be a reason, right?"

Shigong Kojiro said coldly with a blank expression,"In terms of the taste of the dishes, your nine-treasure French vegetable stew is indeed first-class. No matter how picky I am, I cannot deny its taste, but you have a fatal problem."


Not only Ye Nan, but everyone around listened attentively. What exactly did Shigong Kojiro mean by this? What fatal problem did Ye Nan have?

"I remember I said before that you can't change my recipes without permission. When I asked you to cook, I had already sent you detailed recipes and asked you to cook according to my recipes. Is that right? But Ye Nan, you changed my recipes without permission. I will never allow such a thing to happen!"Shi Gong Xiaojiro said coldly.

"No matter what the reason, no matter what the circumstances, you cannot change my recipe! But you changed it privately. I told you this when you were fighting in the food war before, and now you have made the same mistake again!"

Shigong Kojiro said sternly with a sneer.

At this time, the students finally understood what was going on.

At the same time, Tanomo Megumi became more nervous.

"Shinomiya, Chef Shinomiya, Ye Nan-jun has tried his best, and this is his first time, please don’t mind it, Ye Nan-jun didn’t know it would be like this... With his cooking skills, it’s a pity to be judged as unqualified."Tadokoro Hui bit her lip and couldn’t help but stepped forward and said.

You know, if he is judged as unqualified this time, he will be expelled directly.

When Tadokoro Hui heard this, he was completely panicked, and at the same time he mustered up the courage to go to Ye Nan's side.

After all, Tadokoro Hui liked Ye Nan in her heart. Ye Nan was a little introverted and timid, and it was not easy for her to say these words.

As Tadokoro Hui said this, Ye Nan pulled Tadokoro Hui, and just looked at Shinomiya Kojiro indifferently.

"Senior Shinomiya." Ye Nan was not in a hurry, and debated with Shinomiya Kojiro:"Excuse me, Senior Shinomiya, is the ultimate goal of a chef's cooking to satisfy the guests?"

"Well, so what?"Shigong Kojiro looked at Ye Nan coldly:"You have modified the recipe without authorization, which is an unquestionable act."

"As a restaurant, the chef's order is the most important. If you modify the recipe without authorization, the taste of the food will be different for the customers. I absolutely disagree with this!"

Shigong Kojiro's attitude was even more resolute, which surprised Ye Nan a little. He didn't expect Shigong Kojiro to be such a difficult guy to talk to.

"In theory, it seems to be true. But I think as long as the food is more delicious, the guests will be willing to accept it. Since even Senior Shimiya agrees that my Nine Treasures French Vegetable Stew is better than others, why do we have to stick to the rules?"Ye Nan said lightly.

Ye Nan was very disdainful of Shimiya Kojiro's theory.

How can we make better dishes?

Anyway, Ye Nan believes that recipes are used to surpass. A truly excellent chef should never stick to recipes in order to make satisfactory works.

And Shimiya Kojiro seems to be limited by the recipe.

Although Shimiya Kojiro's cooking skills seem quite amazing, this is definitely his weakness.

Thinking of this, Ye Nan knew

"You actually questioned my decision? I've said before, I won't allow anyone to modify my recipes!" Shinomiya Kojiro said coldly.

"Ye Nan, your result this time is already determined, don't even think about quibbling, you are unqualified!"

Shigong Kojiro made the judgment, which made Ye Nan a little annoyed. This guy is really mean.

"Senior Shigong, please forgive me for being so stubborn and sticking to the recipe. One day, I will be eliminated. After all, recipes are not antiques. They are not more valuable as they get older."Ye Nan said indifferently.

Hearing Ye Nan say this, Shigong Kojiro felt insulted.

"What did you say?"Shigong Kojiro was immediately furious, and glared at Ye Nan, looking at him coldly.

"Ye Nan, I judge you as unqualified. From today on, you are no longer a student of Totsuki Academy!"Shigong Kojiro said loudly and coldly

"Sorry, some things may not be as you imagine."Ye Nan shrugged and said lightly:"Since you don't agree with my dishes and can't convince me, let's have a competition. Use the simplest and brightest way - food battle!"

Ye Nan proposed a food battle with Shigong Kojiro!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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