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Dojima praised Ye Nan, but Ye Nan was not happy at all. Gin Dojima, this pitfall guy! This clearly put Ye Nan on the cusp of the storm. Do you think he is not enough to attract hatred?

This pitfall guy!

Ye Nan was speechless.

Sure enough, after seeing Gin Dojima treat Ye Nan like this, the students around him took a breath of cold air, and their eyes changed several times when looking at Ye Nan.

Among these students, some students suddenly changed their expressions, and immediately looked at Ye Nan with a bit of awe.

Ye Nan, this guy...

Just thinking about it surprised the students. He could actually get the recognition of Gin Dojima, and it seemed that Gin Dojima was very optimistic about Ye Nan, which made these students full of awe for Ye Nan, and they already regarded Ye Nan as a powerful person in their hearts.

The other students, such as Soma Yukihira, Takumi, Alice, Kurokiba Ryo, etc., looked at Ye Nan with some interest.

They were more interested in Ye Nan, and even eager to fight with Ye Nan to see how strong Ye Nan was.

After all, for these students, they were not afraid of Ye Nan's excellent cooking skills. They were also arrogant and thought they were the best. So Dojima Gin's words actually aroused their interest and their desire to challenge.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that you performed very well in the resort before, and many guests missed you very much. Ye Nan, you can consider it. If you have the chance to return to the resort, I will promote you to senior chef."Gin Dojima said with a smile.

Promoted to senior chef?

That is a level higher than the chef. Among the ordinary chefs in the resort, it is already the top.

The people around were even more surprised when they heard it. These students looked at Ye Nan as if he were a monster.

So, Ye Nan was the chef of the resort before?

Thinking of this, these students couldn't help but be even more surprised.

Ye Nan, this guy, has always been hidden. He seems to be inconspicuous on weekdays, but he is actually the chef of the resort, and it seems that he is deeply appreciated by Gin Dojima. This is incredible.

So young, he was the chef of the resort before?

The students talked about it. Not only the students, but even the dozen or so graduates on the stage, the top ten looked at Ye Nan in surprise.

They knew that Gin Dojima had a high vision. So, the young man with eyes is indeed outstanding?

Shinomiya Kojiro and others subconsciously remembered Ye Nan

"Thank you for the compliment, if I can do it." Ye Nan gave an ambiguous answer. He was not so stupid as to agree to the offer from Dojima Gin. Otherwise, it would be a contract of sale.

"Well, OK." Dojima Gin didn't waste any words. After a simple chat with Ye Nan, he took charge of the meeting.

Ye Nan and Tanaka Megumi were grouped together again. The two of them were destined to be together. Ye Nan smiled slightly, while Tanaka Megumi next to him seemed very excited. Tanaka Megumi clenched her fists and said,"Ye Nan-kun, it's great to be in the same group with you again."

"Well, it's very good, I'm very happy too."Ye Nan couldn't help but smile


The two stood side by side and went to the assigned cooking room.

This cooking room was the cooking room of the Totsuki Resort. In this cooking room, there were all kinds of items, but there were no ingredients around.

At this time, the instructor in charge of Ye Nan and others came.

She was a royal sister wearing a kimono, with a delicate face and a bit of a natural look, which was very lovely.

The woman smiled and looked peaceful. She looked very approachable. Her unique gentle temperament also made Ye Nan's eyes light up.

Qian Hinata.

Qian Hinata smiled slightly, walked slowly, and walked in front of all the students.

Everyone was also discussing among themselves, but their expressions were different.

"Inui Hinatako……"Ye Nan whispered Qian Hinata's name.

Qian Hinata also stood on the stage and introduced herself:"Hello everyone, my name is Qian Hinata, I am the chef and owner of the Japanese restaurant"Mist". Today in my class, you will form teams of two. I will score you and decide the final winner." Qian Hinata smiled.

Hearing Qian Hinata say this, everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly. It's finally here. This is the first lesson of this training camp.

Ye Nan is also ready.

At this time, a female voice of the system suddenly came to his ears:"Congratulations to the host, take the initiative to trigger the task. The content of the task is: defeat everyone, become the first in the first lesson of the training camp, and get the recognition of Qian Hinata. Task reward: 500 points. Penalty for failure of the task: take back the God of Cooking Knife."

Hearing this task, Ye Nan's heart moved.

The system actually issued a task, and the reward for this task is 500 points!

This means that after Ye Nan gets the task reward, he can use the points to explore the situation of the graduates!

Thinking of this, Ye Nan is determined to get the first place this time.

At the same time, Ye Nan glanced around and found that it was not only himself, but also Takumi, Miyukihira Soma and others who were also ready to fight, and even looked at Ye Nan, ready to compete with him.

Ye Nan shrugged, he was not afraid, so he let these people see his strength first.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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