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This is Ye Nan's first food battle.

In the cooking building, under the stimulation of the lights, Ye Nan and Mito Yumei stood on both sides.

Mito Yumei was still dressed very coolly. Mito Yumei snorted and said,"Mr. Ye Nan, let me first introduce the three judges this time."

"No problem." Ye Nan looked at the three judges.

"First is the director of French cuisine, Mr. Roland Chapelle."Mito Yumei introduced, and sure enough, one of the three judges was Roland Chapelle.

Chapelle was the authority of teachers in Totsuki Academy, and his prestige was absolutely enough.

Ye Nan nodded slightly, he also respected Chapelle, he was indeed an impartial judge.

"Next is one of the Ten Outstanding Students of Totsuki Academy, ranking second in Totsuki Academy, Senior Kobayashi Ryudan!"Mito Yumei said loudly again, and at this time there were screams and exclamations from the audience.

"Oh my god, Kobayashi Ryudan is here, goddess!……"

"Even the second place among the top ten……"

"Yes, it's really scary."

Everyone was shocked and astonished. Because the arrival of Kobayashi Ryudan was really unexpected, who would have thought that Kobayashi Ryudan would become a judge this time? It can only be said that Rou Mei is really capable.

Ye Nan took a look and saw Kobayashi Ryudan herself.

She had long blood-red hair and golden eyes. She was smiling slightly, holding a bag of snacks in her hand and eating quietly. When she was eating, her small canine teeth were exposed on both sides. She had a mature and charming demeanor. She was also a stunning beauty, but she was not in the same style as girls like Tanomo Megumi and Mito Yumei. She was more of a mature and mature type of girl.

"The second place in the Ten Greatest of Totsuki? I just don't know his specific strength.……"Ye Nan thought to himself.

Kobayashi Ryudan just smiled and didn't say a word. She ate her snacks quietly, as if the snacks in her hands were the whole world, which made Ye Nan speechless.

The first two judges were also heavyweights, ensuring the fairness of this food battle.

"The third judge is Mr. Muto, the general manager of Mito Meat. He is one of the managers of Mito Meat and has been in the meat business for many years, making him an authority on meat dishes."Mito Yumei said.

The third judge's name is 'Muto'. Ye Nan took a look and saw that he was a middle-aged man of about 40 years old, with bright eyes and very energetic. He was the manager of Mito Meat.

He was also a heavyweight judge.

Mito Yumei actually invited all these top judges, especially the arrival of Kobayashi Dan, which really surprised Ye Nan.

In fact, it was not only Ye Nan who was surprised. The students at the scene had been talking about it for a long time. They did not expect that there would be several heavy judges in this food battle between Mito Yumei and Ye Nan. This shows the standard of this food battle. At this time, the host also announced the bets to both parties, and whether there were any objections to this review. Only after this did the food battle really begin.

Chaper, as the representative of the judges, announced the start of the food battle.

Chaper was still as serious as usual, and said lightly:"I declare that this food battle officially begins. Ye Nan and Mito Yumei each have only one hour to complete this dish. The one with better taste will win."

The food battle has officially begun!"

Ye Nan and Mito Yumei started to move almost at the same time!

In an instant, Ye Nan took action.

Ye Nan's movements were very fast. He walked to the ingredients that had been prepared long ago.

The ingredients Ye Nan prepared were half of a calf, which was covered with various meats from the cow. The meat Ye Nan wanted to choose was among them.

·Request flowers··········

With the bone-cutting knife from the God of Cooking in hand, Ye Nan used his master-level knife skills!

Brush, brush, brush!

As Ye Nan raised his hand, he began to dissect the beef!

Ye Nan began to dissect the beef, and dissecting a large ingredient like a cow is a test of the chef's skills. Only after Ye Nan successfully mastered the master-level knife skills could he reach perfection.

It was like a butcher cutting a cow.

Ye Nan knew every part of the cow very well. Now he could dissect beef even with his eyes closed, dissecting every part of the beef, and his movements were so fast that it was jaw-dropping..............

"This knife work is really amazing"

"It is said that the last time Ye Nan blindfolded himself and cut tofu shreds, I thought it was fake, but it turned out to be real.……"

""Amazing, so amazing."

Everyone was amazed, but Ye Nan's action did not end so quickly. He separated the beef accurately into different parts, and the beef was covered with patterns like snowflakes. Although this beef is not as good as 5A beef, the beef selected by Ye Nan is also top-grade.

After cutting the beef, Ye Nan chose one part of the beef and started to cook.

Mito Yumei over there was also unambiguous. Mito Yumei also had her own special skills. She could also dissect a whole cow leg easily. Although not as exaggerated as Ye Nan dissecting a whole cow, it was also very impressive.

Moreover, Mito Yumei's lips can feel the exact temperature and adjust her dishes accordingly.

Under such circumstances, Ye Nan also took Mito Yumei's strength into consideration.

"Not bad, but unfortunately, it's still a little worse than mine."Ye Nan and Mito Yumei showed their magical powers and quickly got into the state.

Finally, after dozens of minutes, the two dishes were almost completed at the same time! Tu~_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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