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"Oh? How do you plan to improve this Norwegian shrimp dumplings?" Erina asked with her arms folded across her chest and a smile.

Ye Nan smiled. He also heard the doubts of the crowd, but he chose to ignore their discussions. Ye Nan pondered for a while and whispered:"In Guangdong, China, there are also many famous dishes about shrimp dumplings. Among them, there is a very famous dish that has completely different requirements for the filling of shrimp dumplings.……"

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Erina frowned slightly, and the doubts around her also quieted down a little.

Ye Nan continued to smile and said,"Actually, I also have some ideas about shrimp dumplings. The shrimp dumplings you make, Erina, are basically filled with shrimp meat, and the ingredients used are just some green vegetables."

"And I will improve this dish."

Ye Nan chuckled.

After eating Erina's shrimp dumplings, Ye Nan also had the answer in his heart. He had to admit that the shrimp dumplings made by Erina were indeed extraordinary and unique in flavor.

But Ye Nan felt that he could do better.

"Then I'll see how you're going to improve it." Erina looked at Ye Nan and snorted slightly, still a little unconvinced.

Erina just looked at Ye Nan, and after Ye Nan found the ingredients, he also started to work.

In a flash, Ye Nan had prepared the ingredients.

Ye Nan chose pork!

Shrimp, pork!

""Hmm? Can we just use pork?" Erina frowned, a little confused. Is Ye Nan going to make dumplings with a mixture of pork and shrimp? Will this improve the taste of the dumpling filling?

Erina didn't believe it. She frowned and looked at Ye Nan's relaxed expression. She couldn't help but have a little doubt in her heart.

What exactly is Ye Nan going to do?

In an instant, Ye Nan repeated all the steps that Erina had done before.

All these steps were demonstrated in Ye Nan's hands, exactly the same.

"This guy can also make shrimp dumplings? No... It seems that he learned all the steps by watching me make it once? He made it exactly right.……"Erina was a little bit unbelievable.

Not only Erina, but also the three judges, plus the thousands of students in the venue, all of them were a little bit unbelievable.

Ye Nan's performance was a bit too strong.

Ye Nan was completely immersed in cooking. Don't forget, Ye Nan has the"god-level talent" given by the department! How strong is the god-level talent? For ordinary dishes, Ye Nan only needs to look at it once, and he will be able to cook it immediately. What's more, Ye Nan also has the God of Cooking Recipe, which also records the cooking method of Nozhe Shrimp Dumplings.

Ye Nan was like a fish in water, and he was at ease.


Soon, Ye Nan also finished the 'Norwegian Sting Shrimp Dumpling'.

The shrimp dumpling is golden in color, with a layer of wrapping on the top and a filling inside. It has a unique flavor and exudes a little fragrance.

The fragrance is so delicious that you can't help but want to pick up a chopstick and put it in your mouth.

Erina couldn't bear it anymore.

At the same time, there were several judges who were also looking at Ye Nan and staring at him.

"This is almost exactly the same as the shrimp dumplings that Erina-sama made."

"Yes, this Ye Nan really looks quite impressive.……"

"Humph, what's the point of having similar appearances? The dumplings need to taste even better. Do you think he can do that?"

Ye Nan also finished his Norwegian shrimp dumplings, which, at least in appearance, were almost the same as Erina Nakiri's shrimp dumplings.

"You are amazing. You learned how to cook this dish just by watching it once." Erina Nakiri stared at Ye Nan.

Ye Nan smiled and said,"Although the appearance is the same, the taste is completely different. You can try it. Use your divine tongue to taste it."

Before he finished speaking, Erina had picked up a piece of shrimp dumpling and tasted it carefully.

Erina's expression changed slightly.

She seemed to have suffered something, as if she was hit by the waves. She trembled all over and reacted.

"This, this is... Although they look the same, the filling of this shrimp dumpling is completely different. How could it be, I just saw that he added pork, but how could the filling be so special?……"Erina muttered to herself.

Hearing Erina say this, Ye Nan also smiled.

"No, it's not pork. Ye Nan not only added pork, but also another ingredient. It has such a crisp taste. When you eat it in your mouth, it blends with the flavors of shrimp and pork, making it even more perfect."Erina couldn't help but secretly said

"You, what did you put in this pit? Why does it taste so crispy?……"Erina couldn't help asking.

Ye Nan was simply amazing.

He added some ingredients to the filling, making the filling crispy and delicious, which was in perfect harmony with the fried outside. In addition, the fusion of shrimp and pork was simply amazing. This was the finishing touch!

The improvement that Ye Nan made on the basis of the shrimp dumplings made Erina feel the changes and surprises.

The other students looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't expect that things would take such a sudden turn for the worse.

"How did you improve it? What ingredients did you add to the filling?" Erina couldn't help asking again.

Ye Nan smiled mysteriously:"I have already said that it is the shrimp dumpling method of Guangdong in China. I added shrimp, pork and bamboo shoots.……"

"It is bamboo shoots. The taste of bamboo shoots makes the meat more fresh and crisp.……"Erina finally understood.

This was Ye Nan's finishing touch.

This time, the improvement of the dish was definitely better than the original!


1 more~~~~~~~~_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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