What Alice took out was Erina's swimsuit photo!

No, to be precise, it was a swimsuit photo of both Alice and Erina!

In the photo, Erina looked shy, and vaguely showed a bit of shyness and anger, which made her expression even more cute.

Next to Erina was Alice, who was wearing a white lace swimsuit!

That's right, this pair of sisters are not similar, but each has their own charm and unique features. Alice in the photo blinked her eyes, and her expression seemed to be making fun of Erina. Alice's skin was actually a bit whiter than Erina's.

Ye Nan vaguely remembered reading about Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma in his previous life, and vaguely remembered that Alice seemed to be a Nordic mixed-race, no wonder her skin was so fair, this was understandable.

Of course, Ye Nan was not polite and looked through it carefully.

He didn't even miss some details.

""Alice!" Erina screamed in shame and anger, and then tried to snatch the photo, but Alice was quick and put it away in advance.

Ye Nan was a little disappointed that Alice put away this classic swimsuit photo.

But speaking of it, Alice is really Fulidi, very good, I appreciate girls like this! Ye Nan thought secretly.

Alice stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully:"How about it, cute, you are the first boy to see this photo, hehe."

Alice on the side had already blushed, and said angrily:"Alice, didn't we agree that this photo cannot be shown to anyone, why, why……"

"Damn it, this bastard saw it again, it's so abominable……"Erina was extremely angry, muttering, very unhappy.

And Ye Nan chuckled, he didn't know where Erina got so many nicknames for her, this girl is really cute sometimes. Alice smiled and said,"It's okay, it's just a glance anyway, Erina, don't be shy." Erina puffed up her face, snorted, turned her head away and ignored Alice, with a proud expression on her face.

Don't say it, this expression is really a bit cute.

Especially Erina also secretly glanced at Ye Nan, her beautiful eyes like purple gems were a little shy, and her heart was pounding.

For Erina, it was the first time that a boy saw her in a swimsuit like this.

She is a young lady, with countless suitors and a divine tongue. Countless people have tried to please her since she was a child, and therefore she has developed this proud character.

Erina has always been very picky. Although she has many suitors, she has never been in a relationship and has never liked anyone. But at this moment, Ye Nan saw her swimsuit photos, and she suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling in her heart. This feeling always lingers in her heart, like shyness, and like there is something else.

Ye Nan noticed Erina's expression and sighed in her heart. Alice's"assist" this time was really awesome. It was the first time that Ye Nan saw Erina with such a shy expression. It was interesting.

To conquer a tsundere girl like Erina, you have to let her take off her"tsundere" armor. With Alice's help, Ye Nan immediately saw something about Erina, which made Erina's shyness spread, as if a crack had opened in her heart.

At least in Erina's heart, Ye Nan is already a special person.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Erina's favorability towards you has increased by five points, reaching 70 points, and the favorability level is [Hide Favorability】"

Hearing the message from the system, Ye Nan's heart moved.

Sure enough, Erina's favorability towards Ye Nan has increased, and it has increased to 70 points. What does it mean to not dare to have this level of 'hidden favorability'?

Does it mean that because of Erina's tsundere attribute, her favorability towards Ye Nan is also hidden because of her tsundere nature?

Ye Nan roughly understood.

It seems that it is not as easy as imagined to conquer Erina, but Ye Nan has taken a big step at this time, which is not bad.

Erina secretly glanced at Ye Nan, and when she found that Ye Nan was also looking at her teasingly, Erina's face turned red, and she raised her head and said proudly:"Let's go, Hisako, these guys here are too boring, I don't want to stay here"

""Yes, Lady Erina." The secretary glanced at Ye Nan and quickly followed Erina.

Erina left.

At this time, Alice also patted Ye Nan's shoulder with a smile:"Mr. Ye Nan, you performed very well just now, and your knife skills are great. Well, I look forward to your other competitions next time. In addition, Erina seemed shy just now, you have a chance, see you next time!"

Alice also blinked, chuckled and ran away.

Alice is really quirky and cute.

Ye Nan also gained a lot today. A smile appeared on his lips, and he left the cooking building with the girls from Polaris Dormitory.


1 more, rush to the list on Monday, please give me flowers, reward and collection

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