Hearing Ye Nan say this, Tanaka Hui became even more nervous

"Ye Nanjun has never made 'Bourgogne Red Wine Stewed Beef'. What should I do? It seems that I can only do it myself. Well, what are the steps for cooking?……"Megumi Tadokoro was preparing in a panic.

Ye Nan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Megumi Tadokoro like this. Megumi Tadokoro was very careful, but now she was too nervous, which made it impossible for her to show her true strength. Otherwise, Megumi Tadokoro would be a very talented chef.

"Xiaohui, leave it to me."Ye Nan said

""Ah? But Ye Nan-jun, you have cooked this dish before." Tansho Hui said hesitantly.

Ye Nan smiled and said,"It's okay. Although I am not good at French cuisine, I am only relatively bad at it. Besides, the steps are written on the blackboard. Just follow the steps and everything will be fine."

Ye Nan's so-called bad at French cuisine is of course just a humble statement. Compared with Chinese cuisine, he is indeed worse at French cuisine.

But Ye Nan's words made many people sneer.

"Ha, this is hilarious. All I have to do is follow the steps to make the dish? Doesn't that mean I can cook any dish to perfection as long as I have a recipe?"

"What an ignorant guy."

"Poor kid, it seems that there is not only a problem with his mouth, but also with his brain."

Several people around Ye Nan showed sarcasm on their faces. These words were a bit too much, which made Tansho Hui angry. He wanted to explain, but was held back by Ye Nan.

Ye Nan glanced coldly at these people who ridiculed him, and his eyes turned cold.

Touching Ye Nan's cold gaze, these guys who mocked Ye Nan subconsciously took a few steps back. Their momentum was slightly insufficient and they were completely inferior to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan said lightly:"Shut your mouths, cooking is not done with your mouth."

Ye Nan was also very unhappy with these guys, and he didn't like them either.

What Ye Nan hated most was these noisy guys, especially this group of people who were so gloating, which made Ye Nan's eyes even colder. He glanced at these people

"Don’t be so proud!"

""Hmph!" These people were frightened by Ye Nan's power and stopped talking for a while. They all shut their mouths, but there was anger in their eyes. They wanted to see how Ye Nan would cook this dish.

Hmph, I'll let you be arrogant for a while, but I want to see how you can cook this dish! These people thought to themselves.

Ye Nan put away his cold eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.

Yukihira Soma in the distance glanced at Ye Nan. He had seen Ye Nan's strength and believed that Ye Nan was definitely not simple.

"Forget it, forget about Ye Nan for now, I still have no idea myself, damn, what kind of red wine beef is this, how should I make it?" Yukihira Soma also didn't understand this dish, and he was roaring in his heart


Ye Nan took out the cooking knife from the 'Knife of the God of Cooking' and prepared to act.

The biggest difficulty of this 'Bourgogne Red Wine Stewed Beef' is the processing of the beef.

That's right, the processing of the beef!

How can beef taste good?

Of course, the more tender the beef is, the more delicious it tastes and the more attractive it is. The biggest difficulty of this red wine stewed beef is to make the beef tender and delicate.

Ye Nan directly picked up a large piece of steak, quickly cut it with the knife of the God of Cooking in his hand, and then selected the part he needed.

At this moment, Ye Nan's knife skills were like art, and he cut the beef.

Cutting beef is also very particular. During the cooking process, the raw materials basically need to be processed by knife skills. In the process of knife skills, it is often carried out according to the shape of the raw materials.

In Chinese cuisine,"cut cattle and sheep horizontally and cut pigs and chickens diagonally" is about this principle.

The so-called"cross-cutting" is mainly for meats with older texture and more connective tissue, such as beef and mutton.

According to the characteristics of the direction, thickness, length and connective tissue content of the muscle fiber bundles, the cross-cutting knife processing method is selected to cut off the muscle fiber bundles and connective tissue to achieve the effect of"tenderization".

Therefore, for meats such as beef and mutton, the cross-cutting method should be selected!

Ye Nan used the God of Cooking Knife to easily cut the beef cross-cutting. The speed and accuracy of the knife skills were jaw-dropping.

What a great knife skill!

Even Chapel, who was far away, was bright-eyed and noticed Ye Nan.

"This boy's knife skills are so fine, is he really only fifteen or sixteen years old?"Chapel was a little surprised.

The God of Cooking Knife is the sharpest cooking knife Ye Nan has ever seen, and Ye Nan is very skilled in using it and has complete control over it.

The combination of the God of Cooking Knife and Ye Nan's knife skills made Chapel look at it frequently, and couldn't help but be amazed!

However, it is not enough to tenderize the beef by simply cutting it horizontally, as this method is too simple. Ye Nan also incorporated the methods of Western cooking.

In Western cuisine, when processing steaks to shape them, in addition to using the method of cutting horizontally, meat hammers or chopping knives are often used to knock them to break the muscle fibers, making them tender, which is similar to the knife skills in Chinese cuisine.

So Ye Nan used the back of the knife to knock on the steak, breaking the tendons and fibers in the steak, making the beef more tender.

"The effect seems to be quite good."Ye Nan whispered to himself.

Tanaka Hui didn't stand there stupidly, and helped Ye Nan cut onions, carrots and other things, which was also a help to Ye Nan.

Although she didn't know what Ye Nan was thinking, Tanaka Hui's soft personality made her choose to trust Ye Nan and try her best to help Ye Nan.

At the same time, Ye Nan added some things that he had prepared early, which was also Ye Nan's own secret weapon. It would be very effective when used when processing meat. After finishing the beef part, the next step is to marinate the beef in pepper, cooking wine, chicken essence, salt, oyster sauce, starch, and egg white in turn.

Ye Nan's technique is skillful and orderly. Cooking is like an artist completing a work of art. He follows each step carefully and is confident!

Finally, this red wine stewed beef is completed!


Just finished writing~~~It's very hard, please support me

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