Ye Nan, Hisako, and Erina all tasted the egg rice at the same time.

A fragrance spread in their mouths. The chicken juice made the meat jelly, plus the original taste of the egg rice, made the fragrance more intense and the rice more delicious.

Ye Nan nodded secretly. This is a good dish. It is indeed outstanding.

"This egg dish is indeed very special. The taste and texture are first-rate. It is a top-notch dish."Ye Nan put down his bowl and chopsticks and praised.

Erina and Hisako also tasted this dish and nodded their heads repeatedly, praising the taste of the egg rice.

"Unexpectedly delicious……"Hisako also whispered.

Yukihira Soma was a little proud. This guy sometimes does have a rather cocky personality, otherwise he wouldn't have offended Erina so easily in the original book. At that moment, Yukihira Soma said proudly:"Right, this dish is one of the signature dishes of our Yukihira restaurant.……"

"I wonder what you think of this dish I made compared to this pudding. Which one is better?"Soma Yukihira couldn't help asking again.

In Soma Yukihira's heart, there is also a strong desire to win. And Soma Yukihira's obsession with the desire to win is not ordinary.

After seeing Ye Nan's extraordinary cooking skills, Soma Yukihira subconsciously wanted to challenge Ye Nan, so he asked this question.

Soma Yukihira is still very confident in his egg dish and feels that his dish can be better. After all, this is a dish he researched in Yukihira Restaurant.

Hearing Soma Yukihira's question, Erina and Hisako were stunned.

Hisako whispered:"Yukihira-kun, although your cooking is also very good, it is still inferior to the caramel egg custard pudding made by Ye Nan."

In fact, if it weren't for Ye Nan's pudding, Yukihira Soma's dish would definitely amaze Erina and Hisako, just like it was shocking in the original book.

But with Ye Nan's pudding, Yukihira Soma's dish suddenly became less outstanding. Although it was still good, it was far from amazing.

It's like tasting delicacies from land and sea first, and then eating other delicious dishes, the taste will be greatly discounted. This is the situation before us.

With Ye Nan's caramel custard pudding, although Yukihira Soma's dish is also very good, it can only be regarded as good in front of Erina and Hisako who have eaten Ye Nan's cooking.

The taste of the caramel custard pudding seems to still fill the mouths of Erina and the other two girls. It goes without saying how profound the taste is.

"What?"Soma Yukihira was stunned.

His proud specialty was not as good as the boy named Ye Nan in front of him? Soma Yukihira could not believe this fact.

His proud and competitive character made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

Erina commented with the simplest sentence:"Yenan cooks better.

" Ye Nan looked at Erina in surprise.

He didn't expect that this girl would say that his cooking was delicious.

Well, the tongue is still very honest.

Erina noticed Ye Nan's gaze, glared at Ye Nan fiercely, and turned her head away arrogantly, as if she didn't bother to chat with Ye Nan at all.

Soma Yukihira was silent again.

Soma Yukihira could not believe it.

He subconsciously glanced at the small piece of pudding left on the cooking table and picked it up to taste.

Soma Yukihira put the small piece of pudding in his mouth and tasted it carefully.

While chewing, he paused suddenly.

A strong taste burst out from it!

Soma Yukihira felt a burst of rich aroma, plus the sweetness of caramel, the sweetness of milk, and eggs.

The tenderness and smoothness mixed together, it blooms in the mouth like a whirlwind.

The taste buds and the tip of the tongue enjoy the ultimate.

Tasting this delicacy is simply the ultimate enjoyment.

This taste and taste, bursting in the mouth at the same time, is so comfortable!

Gradually, Yukihira Soma's face turned slightly pale.

Because he didn't need Erina and Hisako to say it, he himself had already felt the gap between him and Ye Nan.

Although it is only the simplest ingredient with eggs, Ye Nan's ability is perfectly demonstrated in this dish.

The sweetness of the caramel is just right, not to mention the sweetness of the eggs, and the time in the oven is exactly right.

This dish is simply perfect.

"me……"After eating the pudding made by Ye Nan, Yukihira Soma was completely speechless.

It was delicious, so delicious!

Yukihira Soma had to admit that the aroma and taste of the pudding kept echoing in his mouth, making him unforgettable.

Wave after wave of taste, the combination of ingredients is simply perfect.

"This recipe uses seven, no, eight... maybe nine ingredients! The sweet taste and the aroma of eggs……"Yukihira Soma looked depressed and muttered to himself, because he found that he couldn't tell how many ingredients Ye Nan used.

"The gap is so big."Soma Yukihira murmured.

He indeed lost this cooking competition.

But Soma Yukihira did not lose heart. He just looked at Ye Nan deeply, as if he wanted to remember the result of this game which was not a competition but better than a competition. Soma Yukihira felt the gap and was indeed hit.

He thought he could show his skills in Totsuki Academy, but as soon as he entered the academy, he saw such a powerful person!

Soma Yukihira was silent at the side.

"So, I passed the test, right?"Ye Nan smiled brightly and looked at Erina.

Erina frowned and gritted her teeth. She felt that Ye Nan's expression was particularly hateful and she wanted to bite him!


3 more, please give me flowers~~~~

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