Ye Nan quickly found Soma Yukihira in the crowd.

His red hair was very eye-catching. He was wearing a black top, brown pants, and a white headscarf. He looked like a typical chef.

""Soma Yukihira, this guy is here as expected." Ye Nan shrugged and thought to himself.

Facing Soma Yukihira, Ye Nan was quite interested. Putting aside his cooking skills, this guy is at least the protagonist of the original book.

At the same time, Ye Nan also heard the discussions of these transfer students.

"The inspector is here……"

"It's her, oh no!"

"Damn, it's actually the 'Tongue of God', should I give up?"

At this moment, many people also saw Erina, who was as proud as a peacock.

""Hisako, where is the notice from the entrance examination department?" Erina asked calmly, still maintaining a cold attitude.

Hisako responded, took out her notes and began to read:"First, divide everyone into groups of ten according to the application materials.……"

The entrance examination of Yuanyue Academy is still very complicated, with many steps.

"Boring." Erina interrupted Hisako and smiled slightly:"By the way, move the cooking table here"

"Yes." Hisako helped to move the cooking table, on which there were all kinds of vegetables, meat and other ingredients. Erina stepped forward and took an egg in her hand:"How about this, the main ingredient of the dish this time is eggs. Please make a dish with eggs."

"In addition, candidates, from now on, within 1 minute, you are allowed to give up this exam."

As soon as Erina finished speaking, the candidates looked unhappy and their hearts were throbbing.

"Me, I abstain!"

"Run, the opponent has the Tongue of God!"

"It's not too late to give up now……"

With everyone shouting, within a minute, most of the students ran away without caring about anything else.

Only Yukihira Soma was confused and said to himself,"You, why are you running?"……"Yukihira Soma didn't know how famous Erina was. If he was judged as incompetent by Erina's"God's Tongue", then the chef's life would be over.

So these students ran as fast as they could, wishing they had two more legs.

Among the many students, only Ye Nan and Yukihira Soma were left.

"They are all a bunch of rubbish, they don't even have this little courage."Erina commented disdainfully, and when she looked at Ye Nan again, she felt much better.

Well, although this bastard is hateful, at least he is a first-class cook.

""Yes, there is one more person." Erina also noticed Soma Yukihira, but she didn't pay much attention to him. She was completely attracted by Ye Nan's hatred, and poor Soma Yukihira couldn't attract her attention at all.

Soma Yukihira also looked at Ye Nan at this time, and felt that the boy in front of him was calmer than himself.

""Yenan, and that person over there, since you two have chosen to stay, then make an egg dish that will satisfy me." Erina said, but her eyes couldn't help but look at Yeanan.

Yeanan chuckled:"Hey, Erina, you seem to be looking forward to my cooking.……"

"You, what did you say?"Erina immediately denied loudly:"Don't be ridiculous, I don't expect it!" Erina couldn't help but think of the dishes Ye Nan had made before.

West Lake vinegar fish, rum blackcurrant ice cream... these two delicacies are the most delicious she has eaten recently.

"Tsk, so arrogant." Ye Nan complained, then turned to look at Yukihira Soma and said,"Yukihira Soma, right? I'm looking forward to your egg dishes."

Yukihira Soma was stunned:"You recognize me?"

"I guess so. I know Yukihira Restaurant." Ye Nan made up an excuse and thought: Well, I know you, but it was in the comics of my previous life.

Yukihira Soma didn't doubt him. He was taking an exam and didn't have time to greet Ye Nan. He said,"I'm going to make my specialty, the secret egg dish of Xinping Restaurant!"

As he spoke, Yukihira Soma acted quickly, ready with the cooking knife in his hand, and started cooking.

And Ye Nan finally started to prepare his own dish.

"What kind of dish should I make?"Ye Nan searched silently on his recipes for a while.

It is not easy to make a unique egg dish.

Eggs are the most common thing.

For any chef, egg dishes are a compulsory course. Egg dishes are very common and there are many kinds.

China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, France... and other countries have many egg dishes. After thinking for a while, Ye Nan chose a Western egg dish. The first impression of a dish is very important.

After choosing from the appearance and taste, Ye Nan finally chose such a dish that is quite stylish.

"That's it." Ye Nan whispered to himself.

At the same time, Ye Nan quickly prepared three eggs, found milk, and took out sugar.

Put the sugar in a hot pot, add a little water and sugar, and start to boil.

Cook on low heat until you can smell the caramel smell and the sugar liquid turns dark yellow, add a little hot water, and continue to boil.

The action was done in one go, as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times, as if it was Ye Nan's instinct.

Erina and Hisako had seen Ye Nan's cooking level, so they were not too surprised. But Soma Yukihira and Megumi Tanomo saw it for the first time, and it was a complete eye-opener.

"Amazing……"Yukihira Soma felt nervous. He always boasted that he was a good cook, but what was wrong with this boy in front of him?……


Ask for flowers-

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