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""Alice, don't cry. Now that it has happened, don't worry. This little injury won't bother me. Our goal now is to solve the problem." Ye Nan said seriously.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Alice looked at Ye Nan with a little confusion.

Ye Nan smiled lightly, then turned to look at Erina and said,"Erina, can you find some clues about the murderer?"

"I have tried my best to search, but unfortunately the murderer was wearing a helmet, and... and the incident happened suddenly, no one saw the murderer's appearance, and the motorcycle did not have a license plate.……"Erina was also very angry, but she could only explain it this way. Hearing

Erina say this, Ye Nan nodded to show that he understood.

Hearing Erina say this, it is indeed true. It is indeed difficult to find the murderer.

Tadokoro Megumi and Mito Yumei said:"We have also mobilized other people to look for it, and the people from your fan club are also helping seriously. Don't worry, we will never let the murderer go."

"Well, okay, I know. Thank you." Ye Nan looked at Tanosuke Hui and Mito Yumei, only to see that both of them blushed and lowered their heads.

Ye Nan's injury before did scare them, but fortunately, they were fine.

A cold light flashed across Ye Nan's eyes, and his expression was also very cold and indifferent. This time he would never let the murderer go!

Ye Nan narrowed his eyes. In fact, Ye Nan already had some guesses in his mind about who the murderer was.

"You guys go back first, I can take care of myself, and I'm fine." Ye Nan said seriously:"Especially you, Alice, you still have to participate in the competition tomorrow."

Ye Nan gave Alice some instructions.

But Alice's eyes were slightly red at this time, and she looked at Ye Nan with red eyes, looking pitiful and very uncomfortable.

Ye Nan also knew Alice's mood at this time, and he was afraid that she was still guilty and painful, because Ye Nan was injured so badly just to protect Alice.

Otherwise, with Ye Nan's reaction speed at that time, he might not have been injured so seriously, at least he would have no problem protecting his hands.

But now Ye Nan's right hand cannot be used, which means that Ye Nan can hardly do such a ghostly knife work, which naturally greatly reduces Ye Nan's strength, and he is about to win the finals of the autumn selection. At that time...

Thinking of this, Alice's eyes were red again, and she felt very sorry for Ye Nan. It made Alice's heart ache, because she really felt that she owed Ye Nan too much. Every time here, Alice's heart It was just a feeling of discomfort.

Although Alice has a childish temper, she is actually a very strong person. She has cried only a few times since she was a child. Even in the original work, when she lost to Soma Yukihira, she did not look discouraged or even cried, which was enough to show that she was a very strong person.

But today, Alice cried several times, and all for Ye Nan.

This is enough to show that in Alice's heart, Ye Nan has occupied a very important position at this moment.

Perhaps even Alice herself did not realize this.

But this is the fact.

When Alice heard what Ye Nan said, her eyes were red again, but Ye Nan persuaded Alice to leave. Before Alice left, Ye Nan said,"Alice, if you really want to repay me for saving you this time, you have to go to the finals, and then I will give you a surprise."

Alice paused when she heard that. Hope appeared in her eyes when she heard Ye Nan say that. Ye Nan's words rekindled Alice's fighting spirit. She wanted to put all her strength into the competition.

Alice had already left.

And Tanado Hui and Mito Yumei also went to cook for Ye Nan, so only Erina was left to accompany Ye Nan. Erina breathed a sigh of relief and whispered,"You are really good to Alice. Even I feel envious when I see it. This is the first time I realize that I envy Alice so much.""

"If you were by my side, I would not hesitate even more."Ye Nan said seriously.

Ye Nan did not lie about this. If Erina was by Ye Nan's side, then Ye Nan would definitely not hesitate even more. In Ye Nan's heart, Erina is still more important than Alice.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Erina felt sweet in her heart, but she snorted on her face:"Slippery tongue." But the blush on her face betrayed her.

The two chatted together, and Erina accompanied Ye Nan until the evening.

At the same time, Ye Nan said:"Erina, who do you think is the mastermind behind this time? Who would do this to me?"

Ye Nan began to speculate on the murderer.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Erina also began to analyze seriously.

Without waiting for Erina to continue, Ye Nan said seriously:"It is very simple to guess who the murderer is. Just look at me. I was injured and you will know who benefited more."

""Hmm?" Erina looked at Ye Nan, waiting for his analysis.


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