Erina Nakiri!

Ye Nan didn't expect to see this tsundere young lady here again. He didn't know whether it was fate or bad luck.

However, Erina Nakiri didn't seem to notice Ye Nan, which made Ye Nan feel relieved.

Not far behind Erina Nakiri was the little secretary Hisako. The little secretary trotted behind Erina Nakiri, her short pink hair dancing in the wind, and Hisako's face was flushed. She said,"Miss, wait for me for a moment."

""Hisako, you're too slow." Erina said

"There are so many foods here, I want to take a look, they all look delicious." Hisako said softly. Erina shook her head

:"Huh, these foods are too ordinary, there is no way to arouse my interest."

Erina grew up in an environment of all kinds of delicious food. Not only does she have a strong taste, but her vision is also very high. Ordinary food is really hard to catch her eye.

Hisako scratched his head and followed Erina step by step. Suddenly he remembered something and said puzzledly:"By the way, Miss, when I told you about the summer festival two days ago, didn't you say that you didn't want to see Ye Nan, so you didn't participate in the summer festival. Why did you change your mind today?"

Hisako reported to Erina two days ago and told Erina about the summer festival, but Erina said that she didn't want to see Ye Nan, that hateful guy, so she didn't participate.

And today, for some reason, she suddenly changed her mind.

"Humph, I just feel that the weather is too hot and I have no appetite, so I want to see if there is any delicious food here. I don't want to see that guy, the disgusting bastard." When Ye Nan was mentioned, Erina Nakiri gritted her teeth and looked angry.

Hisako said,"Oh," and felt that the eldest lady was very abnormal recently. She used to be indifferent to any man, but it seemed that her emotions fluctuated greatly when Ye Nan's name was mentioned. This made Hisako suspect that these days were Erina's menstrual period.


Ye Nan saw Erina and Hisako from a distance, but he didn't think of going up to say hello. Erina, that tsundere girl, was a nuisance, and Ye Nan didn't want to provoke her easily.

Ye Nan opened the shop, prepared the ingredients, and began to make the prepared food. It was a summer festival, and because there were many customers, the food Ye Nan chose to make was naturally not something like West Lake Vinegar Fish that took a long time to cook, but the best combination for summer.

Ice cream!

Yes, it was ice cream.

Ice cream can be said to be the best way to cool down in summer. The ice cream Ye Nan chose to make was certainly not ordinary ice cream. He chose to make 'rum black currant ice cream'. It was the same ice cream, but the taste was completely different.

Rum black currant ice cream.

The famous ice cream shop 'Haagen-Dazs' that Ye Nan knew in his previous life sold this kind of ice cream, and it was very popular.

Of course, Ye Nan's cooking was far better than Haagen-Dazs.

This ice cream was rich and smooth, and melted in the mouth. The taste of cream, vanilla and rum, plus black currant raisins, the burst of various tastes in the mouth was absolutely unstoppable and unforgettable.

Ye Nan had prepared all the ingredients.

Rum, vanilla, fine sugar, high-quality blackcurrant raisins, eggs... In short, Ye Nan prepared everything.

After preparing these materials, Ye Nan looked at some shops around. As Dojima Gin said, many chefs came this time.

These chefs include chefs from the resort and senior students from Totsuki Academy. Everyone showed their skills and showed their best side.

After a while, we saw bursts of fragrance wafting from the food street, which also attracted customers.

Ye Nan was also ready to be busy. There were also many customers around who came specifically for Ye Nan, waiting for the delicious food made by Ye Nan. Ye Nan wanted to hand in a satisfactory answer at the summer festival. He also set a goal for himself. This time, the sales share must reach the champion among all the shops in the summer festival!

Ye Nan was also full of confidence.

Just as Ye Nan was about to start making it, he suddenly saw two figures walking in front of him.

Erina Nakiri and Hisako!

These two girls actually came to the door on their own initiative. Erina and Hisako walked in front of Ye Nan. Erina turned her head away and said nothing, looking arrogant, while Hisako politely greeted Ye Nan.

"Hello Ye Nan, nice to see you again"

""Hello Hisako, you are still as beautiful as ever after a few days' absence." Ye Nan said with a smile. Just one sentence made Hisako blush and retreat.

When Erina heard what Ye Nan said, she felt angry for no reason and said angrily:"What an impolite guy, you only know how to tease girls!"

"Oh? Isn't this Miss Erina Nakiri? How did you find time to come to my place? I remember someone said last time that he didn't want to see me anymore.……"Ye Nan shrugged

"you……"Erina felt embarrassed and annoyed. She didn't know why, but she also spotted Ye Nan from a distance and subconsciously walked over with Hisako.

"I, I just wanted to taste the food, I didn't see you at all, if I knew you were here, I wouldn't come! I'm just looking for delicious food, just a daily routine!"Erina found an excuse and said loudly

"daily’?"Ye Nan touched his chin and pretended to be shocked:"How do you know my nickname is Chang?"



2 more~~~~Pumpkin asks for all support

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