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That's right, although in other aspects, Shigong Kojiro is already the world's top chef, but compared to Shigong Kojiro, he does not have such a heaven-defying thing as the 'tongue of the god of cooking'.

The tongue of the god of cooking!

After Ye Nan tasted his own dish carefully, the taste of this 'French stewed cabbage rolls' filled Ye Nan's mouth, and Ye Nan also reacted

"Well, the taste is not bad, with a sweet and sour aroma, plus the taste of chicken, which is pretty good. But it is definitely not easy to defeat Shinomiya Kojiro. What flavor is missing?……"Ye Nan was thinking carefully. He still had plenty of time to think about this matter.

""Yes, I know!" Ye Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, knowing what was missing from the dish.

Immediately, Ye Nan made it again. Through the power of the God of Cooking's Tongue, Ye Nan had tasted what was missing from the dish, and then began to make it carefully.

This time, Ye Nan carefully selected and reused the ingredients, making it again.

"Ye Nanjun, actually remade it? Although there is enough time, is he improving the recipe? In such a rushed environment, what exactly can he rely on to change the recipe? It is indeed difficult."Mizuhara Fuyumi shook her head:"What's more, the opponent is the chef Shigong."

"Shinomiya's cooking skills are of course impeccable, even for this kind of home-cooked food, it must be no less delicious."Dojima Gin also nodded slightly:"I just hope Ye Nan can give us a surprise."

Ye Nan was concentrating on making this dish, while Erina Nakiri and Hisako looked at each other, and Hisako murmured:"Erina-sama, the way Ye Nan-kun made this dish is like you……"

"Well, it feels like when I'm cooking in the kitchen.……"Erina also shook her head slightly. She also felt that Ye Nan's cooking was a bit similar to her usual way.

Erina had no idea that now she also had the Tongue of the God of Cooking, which allowed her to keenly taste the pros and cons of dishes and improve them.

Moreover, Ye Nan's mastery of the Tongue of the God of Cooking might even be stronger than Erina's!

Because don't forget, Ye Nan also has a god-level talent!

So Ye Nan used his god-level talent to master the Tongue of the God of Cooking through his god-level talent, and then tasted the pros and cons of dishes and improved them.

It can be said that Ye Nan has exerted his advantages to the extreme.

Shinomiya Kojiro glanced at Ye Nan. When he saw Ye Nan cooking, he had already finished the dish.

Shinomiya Kojiro finished his own dish first. After finishing the dish, Shinomiya Kojiro directly brought up the 'French Braised Cabbage Rolls', then chuckled and said lightly:"My dish is done, taste it.""


Fuyumi Mizuhara seemed very interested. She seemed to have a good impression of Shinomiya Kojiro. She smiled and took the first bite of the food.

Then, Fuyumi Mizuhara praised it highly:"This, this... the taste of this dish is the unique chicken breast, plus the crispness of asparagus.……"

Mizuhara Fuyumi exclaimed, her face flushed, her body trembled slightly, as if she had encountered something.

Dojima Gin next to him also had a completely changed expression, with a look of shock on his face, and was also amazed:"This taste, the layers of taste, plus the rich taste of the meat mixed together, is indeed an ultimate vegetable dish." Inui Hinatako also nodded slightly, and said a little silly:"Well, it's very good." After that, she muttered:"Oh, I feel sorry for Ye Nanjun, I still want Ye Nanjun to win, I really want to see the look of Shigong Senior being hit."

"You guy……"The corner of Shinomiya Kojiro's mouth twitched, and he looked at Inui Hinatako speechlessly.

Having said that, everyone was not optimistic about Ye Nan. After all, after tasting Shinomiya Kojiro's cooking, they all felt addicted and intoxicated.

At this time, Ye Nan also prepared his own cooking, and he directly served the dish to the table.

In an instant, Shinomiya Kojiro and others were slightly stunned, because the 'French cabbage rolls' served by Ye Nan exuded a strong fragrance. Unlike the tasteless ones made by Shinomiya Kojiro, this French cabbage roll actually had a fragrance.

""Is it because of the spices? This fragrance surprised me. But is it because he wants to defeat Senior Shigong with the spices?" Qian Hinata murmured.

"Judging from the aroma, it seems to be a mixture of bay leaves, fennel and other aromas."Dojima Gin whispered

""Try it first, I'm very confident." Ye Nan chuckled.

After hearing what Ye Nan said, the others stopped hesitating and cut the cabbage with knives and tasted it. As soon as they took a bite, the three of them were slightly stunned.

Then a strong taste burst out from their mouths, and this taste kept lingering in their mouths.

"This is……"Mizuhara Fuyumi couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up, which made Nakiri Erina and others stunned, and they didn't understand what was going on. Why did

Mizuhara Fuyumi react so strongly?

Not only Mizuhara Fuyumi, but also Inui Hinatako and Dojima Gin also stood up.


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