Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 99 Really...really? Then let me tell you again...

"By the way, what's your name? My name is He Yu. It's fate that we met. We can make an appointment to find Boss Lin together later.

He Yu was so happy when he saw the cute little sister eating fried chicken.

This simply goes to his aesthetic point.

They both love to eat equally.

And the young lady is still very appetizing.

I can’t imagine how happy I would be to have such a girlfriend!

"My name is Zheng Xueqing."

Zheng Xueqing was also very satisfied with He Yu. As soon as they struck up a conversation, she learned a lot of information, and she went straight to the inside without any additional inquiries.

"Do you want lemon tea? You treat me to fried chicken and share news with me. I'll treat you to water."

The Korean-style seasoned fried chicken was a bit spicy after eating too much. When she arrived, she jumped into the queue and didn't have time to buy anything to drink.

She was alone and didn't dare to leave. She was afraid that if she left the queue, her seat would be lost after waiting in line for a long time, so she waited until now.


When He Yu heard that the young lady wanted to buy him a drink, a smile appeared on his face as if she didn't want money.


He Yu watched Zheng Xueqing buy lemon tea while guarding the fried chicken, and then added a note.

Today is such a worthwhile day!

Come eat fried chicken and meet a girl you love. No one else has this kind of luck. Go buy lottery tickets tomorrow!

Zheng Xueqing came back with two cups of lemon tea after a long time, and said: "The business at the roadside stalls here is very good. We have to queue up for lemon tea. I have to wait for a long time. I must be anxious."

"No, no, not long."

He Yu quickly shook his head.

How can you wait for a girl for so long?

Zheng Xueqing smiled and handed him another cup of lemon tea.

"I didn't know it was so lively here at night. If I had known, I would have come here for late night snacks."

She would rather eat from a roadside stall than order takeout.

She is in the business of visiting stores and knows a lot of inside information.

For example, many takeaways are not freshly fried and cooked, but are cooking packages and pre-made dishes.

Let’s not talk about how it tastes.

The pre-made dishes in the cooking kits are all full of additives. What you eat today may be made last year. Can it be healthy?

It is very hard to work every day just to survive. After get off work, I want to eat some delicious food to fill my stomach and feel a little happiness.

As soon as those cooking bags entered her mouth, she seemed to feel like a cow horse. She didn't need to think about what to eat. She only needed something to satisfy her hunger and continued working until she was hungry.

It’s such a terrible feeling when, after working hard, you order a takeout to reward yourself by adding an egg, but the eggs are all pre-made in a cooking bag.

So even if she gets hungry while editing videos in the middle of the night, she won't order takeout. Instead, she will go out to eat at roadside stalls or 24-hour stores.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, roadside stalls are the most authentic. At least the ingredients are cooked to order, giving you a smoky smell when you eat them, rather than the warm texture of pre-prepared dishes.

"It wasn't so lively before. It only became lively this week when Boss Lin came to set up a stall."

He Yu came over after seeing the address among the diners a few days ago.

At that time, there were only four or five stalls here.

It almost looks like a snack street now.

"Most people here are fans of Boss Lin. If Boss Lin stops setting up a stall here, the popularity will definitely not be as high."

Zheng Xueqing really didn’t know.

"It's actually like this. Wow, you know so much! It's amazing!"

Zheng Xueqing held her face in her hands and looked at He Yu with bright eyes, listening to his words.

Who can withstand this!

He Yu's face turned red and he hesitated to speak.

"It's not that great. Everyone in these news groups knows it. You can find out if you follow Boss Lin's affairs for a long time."

"But I think it's more interesting when you tell it. It's like listening to a story, it's very visual."

"Really...really? Then I'll tell you..."


At four o'clock in the morning, Lin Zhou returned home after selling fried chicken.

The empty villa still retains its appearance before he left.

The lights in the house are all bright, so that he will not be too lonely when he comes home.

After being separated from the bustling stall environment, he actually felt that this tranquility was rare and precious.

If you sell fried chicken for another day tomorrow, you can claim the reward.

Hehe, I don’t know what the reward is this time.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't know what he was missing now, and he had nothing in particular that he wanted.

There is no shortage of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The rest are hobbies.

Hobby is the icing on the cake.

So he really didn't know what he was missing.

Fortunately, the system rewards are also random.

In this way, you will be happy when you get a surprise reward every week, so that after you achieve financial freedom, your life will not become surprises and accidents.

Lin Zhou hummed a song and took a shower before getting ready to go to bed.

Before falling asleep this time, he deliberately put his phone aside to charge to prevent him from having trouble sleeping again.

Sleep is such a big deal.

Not sleeping well means that your energy will not be much better that day.

If you don't sleep well for a long time, it will have an impact on all aspects.

Pay attention!

When he got up the next day, Lin Zhou, who was not dreaming, felt refreshed.

Then I asked Butler Sun to make an appointment for another massage.

My neck still hasn't fully recovered from yesterday's stiff neck, so I need to press it again.

So it was Butler Sun who went to buy the chickens.

Lin Zhou lay at home for a massage, and also called Zhang Jianjun to join him.

Uncle Zhang is bored at home alone after retirement.

"Uncle Zhang, what have you been busy with these two days? I haven't seen you come to see me."

"What can an old man like me do? I met my future in-laws and went to play golf."

Lin Zhou knew that golf was a hobby of rich people, and he had never seen it.

He could go and play it when he had time.

"Has Brother Mingyuan's marriage been decided?"

"Almost. Find a master to calculate the time and then hold the formal engagement ceremony."

The engagement ceremony of a rich family is more complicated than expected, and there is another meaning of cooperation between two companies.

Even sending invitations to whom to invite is a science.

"You have to come when the time comes. You are also the matchmaker between the two of them. If it weren't for your porridge, their relationship would definitely not progress so quickly."

Lin Zhou laughed when he heard this.

What does a rich family marriage have to do with him, a stall owner?

But blind dates are fast.

The only son is getting married, and Zhang Jianjun is no longer opposed to meeting those old friends.

I already have a daughter-in-law, so how long will it take for grandchildren?

"Okay, tell me in advance when the time is set."

Zhang Jianjun also knew that Lin Zhou usually had to set up a stall, so he agreed immediately.

"By the way, do you need a blind date? I'll help you arrange it."

Zhang Jianjun asked casually when he saw that Lin Zhou was single.

When I get older, I always like to matchmake for the younger generation.

I didn't understand why the elders had this hobby before, until I got old and learned it by myself.

"It's not really necessary. I'm very satisfied with my current life and don't want to change it for the time being."

How can I get married when I haven't enjoyed such a good life for a few days.

Zhang Jianjun looked at Lin Zhou's increasingly younger face, nodded, and then became a little confused.

"Xiao Lin, are you a little whiter? Your face is also much smaller."

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