Lin Zhou looked at Gao Jiazhi, who was full of emotion, and his mouth twitched.

Sure enough, the dog resembles the owner, right?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Looking down at Erha, the ground where the dog was was soaked with saliva dripping down.

It was so greedy.

"Eat slowly, it's still a little hot just out of the pot..."

Before Lin Zhou finished speaking, he saw the man and the dog grinning from being scalded.

The chickens he used for frying chicken were all freshly slaughtered chickens, tender and juicy. They were fried, the batter was fried crispy, and the juice and freshness inside were perfectly sealed. If you don't pay attention and eat too fast, you will easily get scalded.

This was his personal experience. He wanted to remind the guests, but he didn't expect that the man and the dog had been scalded.

The hot fried chicken was crispy and fragrant. After taking a bite, the rich juice flowed into the mouth through the gap, and the tongue was instantly burned.

But the rich and fresh fragrance also came out, which made people dizzy. Even if the hot chicken rolled back and forth in the mouth, they were reluctant to spit it out.

Looking at the man and the dog with such similar expressions, Lin Zhou was silent for a rare time.

Fang Jun couldn't help laughing while watching this drama.

Suddenly I found that raising a husky is also interesting, at least it won't be boring.

Look at how interesting this silly dog ​​is.

"It's delicious!"

Gao Jiazhi felt the delicious taste in his mouth and felt refreshed.

The crab roe-flavored fried chicken really has crab roe!

Bite off the shell of the fried chicken, and the mouth is full of the fresh fragrance of crab roe. It's as if you are eating chicken born from the combination of hairy crab and chicken. The sandy granularity is very obvious, which shows that a lot of crab roe is used. There is no bitterness, which means that the hairy crab is still very fresh.

The rich crab roe and crab meat combined with the chicken meat were eaten in the mouth and entered the stomach without distinction.

Only the fresh fragrance left in the mouth reminded him that this was not a dream.

There really is such delicious fried chicken!

"Woo woo woo!"

"It's so delicious!"

The fried orange-red shell of the crab roe fried chicken is very bright, very similar to the color of the steamed hairy crab shell.

The chicken inside is still tender and white, the freshness of the chicken and the freshness of the crab roe are integrated. It has just come out of the pot, the heat is enough, there is no fishy smell, and the mouth is full of freshness. It is so delicious that people can't stop.

He has never eaten such a costly delicacy before.

The stimulation brought by the fresh delicacy to the taste buds is undoubtedly huge.

The stimulated Gao Jiazhi gnawed two chicken legs in a row, and still looked at the chicken legs that the dog was gnawing with unsatisfied eyes.

Erha seemed to feel the sight of his owner, silently turned his head and hugged his own chicken legs and gnawed them, and did not forget to pull the chicken bones that the owner had eaten into his arms.

Two chicken legs, finished in a few bites.

Not satisfied at all.

Gao Jiazhi looked at the silly dog ​​with disdain, turned his head to look at the crackling chicken wings in the frying pan, and ordered two more.

Hearing his order, Erha, who was eating deliciously, suddenly raised his head, and his eyes clearly said that he wanted to eat too.

Gao Jiazhi:......

"No money, chicken bones for you to eat!"

Gao Jiazhi silently took out his mobile phone and checked the balance.

It was only the beginning of the month, so he couldn't be so extravagant, otherwise he would have to eat dirt before he got his salary.


Lin Zhou stood in front of the stove and fried chicken attentively.

He saw Fang Jun on the side, looking at him for a while, typing and chatting on the phone with a smile, and laughing from time to time.

It was hard for Lin Zhou to ignore it.


Lin Zhou wanted to ask what he was talking about, was he talking about him?

But I think he is a bit narcissistic. Maybe he thinks too much. This guy is just happy to chat. He may be checking whether the fried chicken in the pot is ready.

Yes, that's it.

It's also strange to ask if someone is talking to others about him.

Fang Jun is following Lin Zhou's status in real time. When he saw him talking to him, he immediately put away his phone and came over.

"Boss Lin, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, you look at me after typing a word, are you talking about me?"

Lin Zhou is really curious.

The main reason is that he has never met a regular customer before, and this is the first time Fang Jun has found him. He really wants to know if there is something he doesn't know.

"Yes, we diners have a private group, which is used to communicate with each other. Find you."

"I have met you for two consecutive weeks. Now everyone has to give the group owner to me. There is really no way!" Fang Jun said with a secretly happy face.

Lin Zhou:! ?

No, you are fighting so hard to eat a bun?

No wonder he was found!

Gao Jiazhi, who was standing next to him, was delighted when he heard about this good stuff.

"Brother, you guys have a group? Can I join? I'm also a loyal customer of the boss!"

Lin Zhou looked at Gao Jiazhi who was joining in the fun:......

He was busy setting up stalls all day and had left the group of young people.

How come these customers can bring him unexpected surprises every day.

"Of course, I'll pull you in. As long as you like the food made by Boss Lin, we are a family. If you meet Boss Lin setting up a stall somewhere in the future, you must keep in touch~"

"Why is it so troublesome? Just pull the boss into the group. If you want to eat, just ask him."

Gao Jiazhi successfully joined the group, but he was confused by Fang Jun's expression.

Speaking of this, Fang Jun looked at Lin Zhou with resentment.

Lin Zhou looked at the road, the sky, and the oil pan, but not at these two people.

"You have to ask the boss?"

Hearing this, Gao Jiazhi looked at Lin Zhou.

"Boss, boss, can't you tell me where to set up the stall?"

Lin Zhou:......

Young people nowadays are quite straightforward.

"What did you say the stall was for?"

Lin Zhou asked pretending to be serious.

Gao Jiazhi fell into thinking and answered with half doubt and half certainty: "Making money?"

Logically speaking, the purpose of working is to make money. If you have money, who would want to work?

Except those who love their work!

But Gao Jiazhi's intuition told him that since the boss asked this, the standard answer might not be correct.

"Yes, then I'm not short of money, so why do I set up a stall?"

Lin Zhou asked enticingly.


"Congratulations on the correct answer. Since it's a hobby, it's better to be free."

If he got into a group, he was afraid that one day he would change the place to set up a stall and the diners would not be able to find anyone and they would have to eat him.

If you can't find him, that's fine.

"It's so cool. Boss, you can also have this skill as a hobby. This should be done as a profession. What a good cook!"

Gao Jiazhi said he was very shocked.

He thought that such delicious fried chicken might be a secret recipe passed down from the boss's family, and he had been researching it for many years to achieve this taste.

Unexpectedly, it was a hobby of the boss.

What a great experience.

Lin Zhou had already seen the madness of the diners.

He covered his vest more tightly.

If this were to be exposed, wouldn't it mean that he would be urged by diners to set up a stall every day?

Thinking about such days is quite depressing.

For example, while he was still asleep in the early morning, he was woken up by a phone call from a porridge diner, urging him to sell porridge.

At noon, I was called up by primary school students to sell candied haws.

Or I was woken up in the middle of the night and asked, "Boss, why aren't you here to sell fried chicken?"

Wow! It's scary to think about it.

Lin Zhou was frightened by his brain-boosting skills.

It is impossible to give contact information!

The system is uncontrollable. If there is an even more outrageous task in the future, the diners will just think it was his idea, and he will become the scapegoat. It’s terrible!

Lin Zhou shook his head to get rid of these terrible thoughts and stared at the fried chicken in the pot.

Fang Jun shook his head helplessly when he saw another lame person who had been deceived by his boss.

I didn’t expect that the boss’s confidentiality work was really strict!


"Boss, does the fried chicken with crab roe really contain crab roe if it's so expensive?"

Passers-by and diners saw the two different prices and asked curiously.

The price difference is not even half a star, it has doubled. If you don’t ask clearly, you may not be willing to buy it.

"Yes, crab roe fried chicken is made by steaming fresh hairy crabs, taking out the crab roe and crab meat, frying them into crab roe sauce, then wrapping the chicken in batter and frying it. The cost is high, and the price is naturally high."

Lin Zhou used all real materials, and he was extremely confident in promoting them.

Look at the production cost. If it were sold elsewhere, the selling price would definitely be higher than his.

In other words, it's just a roadside stall that can't sell it at a high price.

"Then give me some crab roe fried chicken nuggets to try."

The customer was attracted by the smell of fried chicken and reluctantly bought a portion of fried chicken with crab roe for 50 yuan.

If it didn't taste good, he would vomit to death.

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